Shushan Wushen

Chapter 499 Going to the battle to attack the heart

Chapter 499 Going to the battle to attack the heart

[Today's Wednesday, there will be five more outbreaks!Surprise!Right Angle Update!Book friends who have guaranteed monthly tickets may wish to vote for a few.Results appear to be better.If you don’t have a monthly pass, forget it.Of course rewards are also possible!Thank you anyway!Say thank you friends.

"Shushan Martial God" has also received strong support from Z University, Mo University, and Xingchen Dawuxia, and it will be held this week [strongly recommended by the big cover].In order to repay this touch, I will express my gratitude with practical actions!

Thank you book friends!Such an enthusiastic subscription!Subscriptions hit new highs!Thank you book friends for being grateful!This is a strong support for Zijin Xingchen.Zijin Xingchen was silently grateful, and could only try her best to write well.Give back to my friends this touch in my heart. 】


The starry sky is vast and boundless, but at this moment only the stars in the distance are faintly discernible.The nearby universe has already collapsed, and the stars are gone.Against the dark background, the red and blue flames are even more dazzling and dazzling.

Brilliant, scorching and gorgeous, burning blazingly, it turned into a purgatory millstone, and it seemed to be spinning rapidly amidst the lingering flames.Dazzling.

The Zipeng under the crotch of the Patriarch Donghuang looked extremely insignificant on this purgatory millstone.

However, Tang Chen, who flew over, was like a drop in the ocean in front of the Zipeng's wings, which were as huge as a mountain.

If you have to make a concrete comparison, it's like an ant confronting a goshawk!

However, Tang Chen would not be as full of violent aesthetics as Tang Yangmei, who swung the hibiscus stone stick and struck hard.

Tang Chen stood still with restrained momentum, his back straight, and he raised his hand gracefully and calmly to stroke his eyebrows.

Dragon Blood and Phoenix Eyebrow~!

With his arms stretched out, a tube of brushes suddenly appeared between his fingers.

Tang Chen wrote in the air: "You can't go if you ask for a return...."

In an instant, the artistic conception of this starry sky was born, and the figure of Tang Chen, who was extremely tall, filled the entire void.Even the millstone in purgatory became the background for Tang Chen's feet.

"What the hell? This is the artistic conception! What is he doing with the artistic conception?"

The Patriarch Donghuang was puzzled and said to himself, now that it is alone, Zipeng doesn't know how to communicate, and even disdains to communicate.Even though it was enslaved by the ancestors of the Eastern Emperor, it has its own character.Therefore, the ancestor of Donghuang could only communicate with himself in such a lonely way.

Tang raised his eyebrows in the distance, standing 100 billion light-years away, he could see the most clearly.He couldn't help but widen his eyes, looking at the artistic conception, it was like looking at Tang Chen's inner world.

Indeed, this poem expresses the deepest part of Tang Chen's heart, full of endless emotions...

Tang Chen in the artistic conception had blank melancholy in his eyes.Like a young boy.He stepped out of the dark barrier and looked back instantly, with reluctance, determination, and brilliance of longing in his eyes.

Then, there was the Great Buddha Pagoda and the Great Bell of the Eastern Emperor. He stared melancholy at a certain place of nothingness, his soul wandering into the sky.There is yearning, pain, loss, and infinite struggle on the face~!
"What unspeakable difficulties does Tang Chen have?" Tang Yang raised his eyebrows in deep thought.

"Why is Tang Chen so lost? Such a sense of loss..." The members of Tang Chen's team realized that Tang Chen also had something on his mind, and there was so much sadness in his heart~!What kind of past did you experience?

Han Xiangyi, Chen Ye, Qi Yu, Jiang Xueting, Gao Ziyin, Ding Yin, Yao Chi, Qin Qiong...Everyone deeply condensed the majestic Tang Chen's mirror image in the starry sky, stared at that magnificent face, and analyzed his suffering...

"Tang Chen is a man with a story!" Ancestor Donghuang's eyes revealed depth.Thoughtful, recall every bit of working with Tang Chen.

Tang Chen took the lead in his writing, and wrote: "True Cheng suffers from Guchun...."

Suddenly, Tang Chen's movements became capable, his eyes were sharp and wise, and afterimages were continuously released from his body in the artistic conception, and these afterimages jumped out of the Eastern Emperor's Bell all the time...Like curling smoke.

This is very dynamic, no one knows what Tang Chen is doing.The only way is that Tang Chen matched the previous sentence, 'I can't return to what I want', a concrete expression of wanting to leave the Eastern Emperor's Great Bell and feel restless.

The Donghuang Patriarch's eyes shot out sharply: "I am in Cao Ying and my heart is in Han! It turns out that Tang Chen has the intention of leaving for a long time. No wonder he refuses to accept slavery! Be my noble slave~. Hmph~!"

The partners of Tang Chen's team lowered their heads one by one in shame. They instinctively believed that Tang Chen had no choice but to stay because of their low force and insufficient realm...


Han Xiangyi, Chen Ye, Qi Yu, Jiang Xueting, Gao Ziyin, Ding Yin, Yao Chi, Qin Qiong, Chai Shao, Cheng Yaojin... all burst into tears.

"It turned out that Tang Chen was restless at the Eastern Emperor's Bell, and he actually wanted to leave. It seems that he didn't get along well." Tang Yang narrowed his eyes, raised his hand and picked his nostrils...

However, the style of the painting soon changed, the nebula turbulent, the beacon smoke billowed, and a stellar-level space battleship suddenly appeared.The battle flags are flying, the Valkyrie and the peerless power are looking down at the starry sky, with a look of arrogance...

At this time, Tang Chen in the artistic conception waved his hands. Many of his subordinates, disciples of the Tang Sect, and Tang Chen's team members who went out of the country more frequently, put out the star map, brainstormed and brainstormed... .

Then, the various forces in the Eastern Emperor's Bell were deduced against the enemy, and they were all defeated. The ending was very miserable. In the end, Tang Chen looked bitter, and finally shook his head, leaped into the sky, stepped into the clouds, and met Dong Huang Patriarch.

The Patriarch Donghuang's face changed instantly, his face was horrified, and the way he looked at Tang Chen changed greatly.Full of disbelief.What made him wake up at this moment was that all Tang Chen's hard work during this period ended in him choosing to turn the tide!

Save the Eastern Emperor's Great Bell with your own efforts!

"You idiot! Don't you know that my Donghuang Patriarch still has countless hole cards that haven't been revealed yet?"

The patriarch Donghuang's face was filled with indignation, he shifted his gaze, and his eyes fell on Tang Chen himself.Not very embarrassing, very emotional.

"I misunderstood you. No wonder you, Tang Chen, have been depressed for endless years and deliberately avoided me. It turns out that I broke your heart. I'm sorry, but your character, Tang Chen, is so valuable that I admire it. Can you give me a chance to get your forgiveness?"

A sound transmission fell into Tang Chen's ears and rang in his heart.

Tang Chen flicked his fingers and paused for a while. He slowly closed his eyes. After a long time, he opened them again. He picked up his pen and wrote again: "Birds fight to persuade people to drink, plum blossoms laugh at people~!"

This time it was done in one go.

The picture is somewhat freehand, not completely consistent with the facts.It was the ancestor Yangmei who smiled and gave the poisoned wine with his own hands after the war. Dean Xixue, the top ten principals, and the high-level executives of the Ecstasy Envoys all persuaded Tang Chen to drink the poisoned wine!

Tang Chen was filled with grief and indignation, his eyes were about to burst, and the corners of his eyes flowed out with dark red blood, his face was ferocious.

Suddenly, a Zipeng descended suddenly, knocking the wine glass into the air very abruptly~.

The wine glass shattered and turned into a shining flying knife...Countless people were torn apart, dripping with blood, yelling and howling, their limbs and arms were broken, and their flesh and blood flew everywhere.It's so miserable, it's like being in a defense.Tortured by evil spirits, full of a sense of ravages, at first glance, it is shocking.It is heartbreaking.

Afterwards, the sky was filled with blood, dripping the entire screen, and finally, the screen freezes, turning into an incomparably huge Nine Palaces... Plum Blossoms!
"It turns out that I have complained directly! I have lost a good general!"

The Patriarch Donghuang felt deeply, reflected on himself, and shook his head. At this moment, he felt that he was really wrong, and he was wrong quite outrageously.It was me who stripped Tang Chen's heart out with my own hands.Even forcing Tang Chen to move away from him...

(End of this chapter)

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