Shushan Wushen

Chapter 516 An Eternal Battle Song

Chapter 516 An Eternal Battle Song

The ancient phoenix was born with spiritual wisdom, and his eyes indifferently turned to the direction of Tang Chen's soul.

"You really are sane! Hundan~!"

Tang Chen's primordial soul was full of resentment, "Bah, bah, bah... spit~!" He took a mouthful of blood and soul power, mixed with the imprint of life, and spit it~.

"The imprint of life in Shushan wandering in the vastness, the heroic spirit of Tangmen who has turned into chaos, I, Tang Chen, set an eternal curse as the Patriarch of Tangmen in Shushan! The blood shield collar~~~~Ancient Phoenix~!"

Tang Chen's vicious curse filled the world with grief and indignation, latitude ocean set off a sad song, and an ominous divine sound bell rang.This is the anger from the Phoenix Saint Ruins~~.

On the deck, on a round fan, the coordinates of the Phoenix Holy Ruins, a vision was born!Suddenly released a mist.That was the true spirit of the ancient phoenix, it was stimulated!In other words, it hurts!

"You... court death! Damn ants! How could you know the magnificence and light of my primordial phoenix! Die~! Don't wake up forever!"

The ancient phoenix was a vast alien species at the time when the boundary between yin and yang was divided.How can I be so cursed?

Houhouhou, the phoenix feathers fluttered, the bird's body swayed wildly, the body contracted and released suddenly, and two phoenix claws protruded out!

This bird claw is so frightening, densely covered with scales, extremely ferocious, and looks extremely sharp.And huge.

call out…….

"Brother Tang Chen..."

Nezha, who had been evacuating in the distance, exploded in Hot Wheels, Huntian Ling, Qiankun Circle, and his divine body exploded...

Nezha rushed towards Tang Chen like crazy, and rushed towards Tang Chen with only his remnant soul...

For the sake of the human race, all Tang Chen's friends, partners, lovers... None of them backed down!This is recognition of Tang Chen, and even more respect for martial arts!

The latitude ocean is like a pot of hot oil, and the ancient phoenix is ​​like a huge piece of ice falling into the oil pot!
"My sacrifice, I will take it!"

The ancient phoenix exploded its wings, the phoenix's big beak opened and closed to the extreme, the phoenix fluttered its feathers, kicked its feet and planed, and rushed towards Tang Chen with unrivaled speed, attacking and killing even more violently!

Tang Chen was completely in despair, the last remnant of the original soul body turned into bright spots of light with a bang...Just die!
In the dark, martial arts flowers bloomed, and rain of light rained down.A wave of sacred aura that does not belong to the latitude ocean or the underworld descends one after another.The divine voice suddenly rang out, filled with endless sorrow and unwillingness~~.

This is the cry of the Tao!This is boundless sadness~!
Chi Chi Chi....

The big beak of the ancient phoenix swept across, but Tang Chen's remnant soul disappeared, devouring everything!

Its tongue protruded from the big beak of the phoenix, and it licked it, still wanting more, rumbling, and looking into the distance.Countless star thieves and a large number of looters suffered from this.Crying and howling, bursting into pieces one after another...

"Hahahaha....I will recover!...喵~!"

The ancient phoenix was so violent that it laughed wildly.

...The moment Tang Chen lost consciousness, suddenly, a majestic power emerged from Tang Chen's true spirit, so bright, so unruly, so noble and mighty!

Tang Chen roared unconsciously: "If the heart is not destroyed, you can live forever!"

Rumble rumble....

Beyond the infinitely distant dimension, flames soared into the sky from the Phoenix Holy Ruins. This was the resonance of the real fire of the Phoenix, the real spirit of the fire attribute, and the flames leapt up, red as blood.In an instant, it covered the entire Phoenix Saint Ruins, overwhelming the other seven veins!
what……!This is the power of [Nirvana]!This is the power of the legendary inheritance [Nirvana] that has never been encountered in ancient times!Liuyan Eight Phoenix exclaimed, trembling one by one, knelt down in the void, and paid homage.


A huge rune appeared shockingly, countless Fengyu Liuyan teleported, 咻~, ignoring the dimension, ignoring the latitude, and suddenly appeared at the place where Tang Chen fell.

Tang Chen's aura suddenly became concentrated.The true spirit begins to recover!
In the haze, Tang Chen's fading mind once again condensed. After the endless years of inheritance of the middle bloodline, with the power of [Nirvana], he once again communicated with the inheritance of the Phoenix Holy Ruins!

"I actually recovered!"

Tang Chen quickly recovered his sanity, and opened his eyes.However, what fell in his eyes was endless dilapidation.In the latitude ocean, the sacred land shattered countless times, the universe of the holy land collapsed one after another, meteors shot out, and the fall happened all the time.

The innumerable warships in the vicinity had already turned into dust, and the spirits of the five magic weapons gathered together to fight together, and the wind and rain were precarious.Dangerous, it will fall in an instant...


Phew~!The plum blossom tree in the Nine Palaces flew over. The body of the stick was pink and tender, and the tortoise shell on it was already damaged. "Don't look at it anymore, they are all dead..."


The ancient phoenix felt Tang Chen's aura, looked back in the air, with surprise, endlessly inconceivable.

"Resurrected?... Holy Slave!"

The ancient phoenix turned around abruptly, with its incomparably huge wings, it slanted and swooped towards Tang Chen, "End it! Accept my devouring! Jie Jie Jie..."

"I'm coming~!"

The plum blossom tree in Jiugong is very upright and responsible like never before....


Tang Chen's true spirit has not been condensed yet.The body is still in a trance, not solidified.Fortunately, the mental power recovers the fastest!Close to perfection, so clear, more solid...

buzz buzz buzz...

The Nine Palace Plum Blossom Tree released almost all of its cultivation, and all the Nine Palace Plum Blossoms came out of the body!It is full of vitality, this is the heart of death!
Tang Chen let out a roar, and cast the blessing of his thoughts, and the plum blossoms of the Nine Palaces immediately turned into a battle formation, interfering and confusing the ancient phoenix...

But since the Jiugong Plum Blossom Tree decided to give up his life to fulfill Tang Chen, why would he have so many scruples, passing through the Plum Blossom Illusion Formation!

The role of a surprise soldier~!
Kaka Kaka....

Instead of turning into a three-section stick, the ancient phoenix with its big beak swung open the Jiugong plum tree, and in an instant, the Jiugong plum tree was broken into sawdust...

The Nine Palace Plum Blossom Tree, who was afraid of death and greedy for life for endless years, just fell, and vaguely, a piece of thought imprinted on the Nine Palace Plum Blossom Tree was thrown to Tang Chen...

"Tang Chen! I'm gone, eternal death, recovery is far away! You are the hope of the human race, the pillar of the gods, and the role model of the god of war. I know you are the pride of my life! It is you who took me to appreciate the endless scenery of stars , I have no regrets! Live! Tang Chen! You are my eternal friend! When I wake up, I will still be your big black stick! Be your soldier! It’s an honor, if you don’t dislike it——”

The message stopped abruptly.

"No~!...Don't dislike it! No! Dislike it! Dislike it!"

Tang Chen couldn't move his body, and tears fell like rain.The last old friend dies.He was helpless, helpless, could there be anything more cruel than this?

"Tang Chen! My master... Weiming Lake wants to..."

Peng ~.......

(End of this chapter)

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