Shushan Wushen

Chapter 520 The Death Knell Tolls

Chapter 520 The Death Knell Tolls


The fearless cry of the Zipeng phoenix responded to the furious shouts of the Donghuang patriarch.

The boundless holy flame rose from Zipeng Phoenix's body, controlling the fire to shape his body.Chi Chi Chi....The real fire that has not been refined, burns vigorously into nothingness.

Crazy people are the scariest.A bird with a nervous breakdown is even more terrifying.The speed of Zipeng's refining is so fast, so chilling.

That majestic aura is very powerful and overwhelming.With just that one trace, he shot at Tang Chen unintentionally, and with a bang, Tang Chen's divine body condensed to the final stage exploded decisively!

"Ah...!" Tang Chen's annoyance was indescribable, and his thoughts and memories seemed to explode.A force that has never been felt before, from small to large, arises spontaneously.Like wildfire.In a blink of an eye, Tang Chen's consciousness like the sky was filled.

Boom boom boom...

Tang Chen felt that his divine body had collapsed. At this moment, this sense of filling and bursting seemed to be...

Faced with a crazy Zipeng Phoenix, the ancestor of Donghuang was helpless.The bird is not afraid of death, and Zipeng's mind was originally a mess, but this time the holy fire burned, it turned into a ball of colored glaze.It made the ancestor of Donghuang even more desperate.

Because, the [Beast Controlling Dalu] imposed by the ancestor of the Eastern Emperor was turned into glass.If the Zipeng Phoenix completes its evolution.Backhand misuse, and then in turn enslave it Donghuang Patriarch...  

Wo rely on ~!This is terribly thoughtful wow!
Be the first to attack!This point, the patriarch of the Eastern Emperor has traveled the rivers and lakes for so many years.It is definitely a subconscious risk-fighting method.

"Enslave my Eastern Emperor? Dreaming! Damn you! Moldy orange! Stupid groundhog! Damn stupid bird...!"

The Patriarch Donghuang cursed viciously, gritted his teeth, and with a bang, the divine sense exploded.

"Ah... not good!"

Zijin Xingchen could see clearly, clearly!Suddenly shocked.

However, at this time, some things are already doomed and cannot be changed...

The Patriarch Donghuang blew himself up, not suicide.Instead, return to your true self!
The latitude ocean is barren and dilapidated at the moment, a crazy phoenix, a vast and huge comet, like a prickly pear, looks horrible and hideous.

With a bang, the Patriarch Donghuang blew himself up, and then, the comet's nucleus, red and blue flames rose wantonly, and the purgatory millstone formed by crazily spinning and winding exploded.

Mo Qi betrayed the Purgatory Mopan, soared into the sky, devastated all the way, and escaped from the Great Comet of Purgatory.

Moqi is the Great Bell of the Eastern Emperor.The Eastern Emperor's Bell unexpectedly appeared independently in the ocean of latitude.It was shocking.

This is just the beginning!
Buzz buzz~~~~~!

The big bell roared, and the sound of the urn was full of the breath of bronze. The sacred voice of the ancestor of the Eastern Emperor, with a metallic tremolo: "Since, this vast expanse cannot even give a small bronze bell a safe life. Then I will follow my Master's will, ring the death knell~~~~! Let's go to death together!"


"Who is your master?" Zijin Xingchen snapped.

However, Zijin Xingchen was about to finish his sentence, and was submerged in the sound of "Qing Qiang Qiang..."!
"The Great Bell of the Eastern Emperor has already sounded. For whom does the bell toll?... Alas! What can I do?"

Zijin Xingchen looked up to the sky and sighed, the expression on his face gradually blurred before showing, and he stepped on the star whip.Disappeared in the ocean of latitude together with Baxu.

Clang, clang..., the toll of the Eastern Emperor's death knell sent out ripples visible to the naked eye, destroying everything!Shocking, it is too majestic, the nearby comet was swept away by it, and the spikes of the prickly pear collapsed into nothingness...

"Zhi~!" Zipeng's phoenix went crazy, and the body of the bird spontaneously raised flames, but it was useless.

Blink blows out.It looks like a charred barbecue.

Afterwards, Zipeng Phoenix tenaciously activates his phoenix talent, and [Nirvana] is reborn...Blink, and annihilate again....

The death knell of the Eastern Emperor is the knell of destruction.The bell rang, regardless of the underworld, the latitude ocean, and the dark barrier, all were destroyed.

The voice of the patriarch Donghuang sounded in despair: "Destroy in perfection, rise in nothingness, there is a period of extinction, and there is no time for recovery. The vastness is so magnificent, and the song ends. Repeatedly, this is Fate...fate!"

The Patriarch Donghuang is the spirit of a magic weapon.In other words to describe him, in fact it is a piece of code with established procedures.When the reality triggers the restriction set by its master, it also starts the curse of destroying the world!
The death knell rang, resounding in every corner of the boundless...

The universe of the underworld collapsed, the big star shattered, and the starry sky was reset to zero...

The sacred mountain in the latitude ocean collapsed, the sacred land collapsed, the holy land was annihilated, and the chaotic atmosphere evaporated...

The shattered stars turned into meteorites, their trajectories were scattered, and they collided with each other, exploding large mushroom clouds.Countless surviving lives can no longer escape...the fate of destruction....

In a certain remote ashram, the Queen Mother of the West looked stern, and all the ghosts under her command were resonated, and the ghost cores were resonated, rattling~~!They burst into pieces one after another...

"Hohohoho~~~! Children..., come with me!"

Phew~!The Queen Mother of the West spewed out a wave of five residual evil spirits, but the five residual evil spirits could not cover the sound waves of the death knell...

Puff puff…….

The ghosts of the Yang world gave birth to hope, but they were already in despair.The ghost core split open and turned into a mist, kneeling in the mist, getting fainter and fainter, and disappeared without a trace.

The death knell, accompanied by endless explosions, row upon row of mushroom clouds, the old ones have not yet dissipated, and the new ones have been born, surging and rolling, and finally, the sound waves of the death knell are shattering, and the big flowers disappear without a trace. ....

"Ho ho ho ho..."

The Queen Mother of the West looked up to the sky and neighed. Suddenly, her eyes lit up, and she lost the isolation and shielding of many Great Universes, Great Divine Lands, and Great Sacred Mountains, and it actually felt Tang Chen's breath.

Somehow, it was such a familiar breath.That was the endless ages ago, its owner.

"Master~~~~, Ho Ho Ho...!"

The Queen Mother of the West roared up to the sky, and her water-blue long hair headband burst, and it was called a yellow jade hairpin, and it shattered.After communicating with Tang Chen, he felt that something was wrong with Tang Chen. His water-blue eyelashes were full of dense and dense tears.

The small waist, which is not enough for a grasp, is shaking desperately, the plump, huge buttocks are extremely upright, and a leopard tail is attached, swinging it angrily...

The sonic boom of the death knell sounded around it, and the five remnants of the evil spirit that protected it turned into a mushroom cloud, becoming thinner and thinner...

Ka Ka Ka ~!

The speed of the Queen Mother of the West finally reached a critical point, and there was nothingness around it, and a spider web of cracks opened.Phew~!Queen Mother Xi dodged and hid in the dark barrier.

It tried to get close to Tang Chen's location, passing through the dark barrier...


(End of this chapter)

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