Shushan Wushen

Chapter 522 The years when time dried up

Chapter 522 The years when time dried up

Maybe it's a moment of glimpse, maybe it's the eternal flow of the eternal river.

When there is only one bell left in the world, a dilapidated phoenix nest.Time, words, behaviors, beliefs, pursuits, ideals and ambitions all have no meaning of existence.

I don't know how long it has been.

Tang Chen only had feelings for whom he didn't know.

If it's about anger, it's about smashing the Eastern Emperor's Bell.There was no need for Tang Chen to do it himself.The Eastern Emperor Patriarch himself has cried for endless years.

It roared from time to time: "Tang Chen~~~?"

The tone is crying.The spirit of the magic weapon is also afraid of being alone.When there is nothing left in this vast expanse, it is not scary.Because nothing exists anymore, it is impossible for unimaginable things to happen.

The Phoenix Holy Ruins became more and more dilapidated, and the flames were dying and might go out at any time.The icy mist also released a hint of warmth, the lack of energy was too serious.

The thunder and lightning had long since dried up, the ancestor of the Eastern Emperor was too lonely, he threw all his might towards the phoenix nest, metal elements, wood elements, water elements, earth elements, and finally, he managed to create an electric snake.However, before it grew up, it was annihilated in the five elements.

The only one who can accompany the Patriarch Donghuang... is Tang Chen.

It's a pity that the Patriarch Donghuang was sitting on the knob of the death knell, no matter how he looked at it, he couldn't see Tang Chen.

Afterwards, for endless years, the ancestor of Donghuang exclaimed from time to time like a demon: "Tang Chen~~~. Have you died? Woohoo~."

"do not die!"

After a long time, Tang Chen responded with such a... just a slight cough, or a heavy cold snort when he thought of something.

The Patriarch Donghuang was ecstatic.

"Tang Chen, I want to fight against you... It's all you..."

This is looking for something to talk about, talking nonsense and being unreasonable.Tang Chen started arguing with it and scolding each other.I didn't bother to care about it afterward.

I don't know how long this kind of lonely life has been silent, maybe it's the distant eternity, or it's a hasty breath.

Latitude ocean, time is running dry!In a dimensionless space without time.Even latitude fragments no longer appear.Those grotesque mirror images disappeared without a trace.

If there is no skin left, how will the hair be attached?

All the past that has happened, without the cause and effect of existence, has no meaning of appearance.Faint, faint, like a distant memory.

The vastness is clarified and cleaned up.All the existence of nothingness, the untouchable past, also turned into a vastness.

The ancestor of Donghuang tried his best to help Tang Chen save his memory.

Gradually, Tang Chen realized that some things, once so unforgettable, turned out to be like black clouds and the moon. They clearly existed, but the earth was pitch black.

Not forgetting, but not daring to recall...

He, Tang Chen, was afraid of taking his subjective judgment as a memory and keeping it as a truth.After all, there is not even anyone who can confirm it... There is no one.

So, confide, the Patriarch Donghuang and Tang Chen confide in each other and help each other remember.

All experiences, all knowledge, even hearsay, street talks, beliefs, ideas, world order, civilizations controlled by humans in different eras that remain in memory...

Gradually, the two began to argue.

"Obviously you said that day, you touched Li Yiqi first, why did you say today that Li Yiqi jumped out of your window in the middle of the night? Occupied half of your bed? You are putting gold on your face~!; Heinous, very shameless !"

The Patriarch Donghuang scolded loudly with a look of ridicule.

Tang Chen fell into silence, it's been too long, he really can't remember clearly.With a long sigh, there was another endless years of silence.

The patriarch of the Eastern Emperor wanted to cry but had no tears, maybe ten thousand times, maybe hundreds of millions of times, maybe trillion times, or maybe trillions of times...

It's not that Tang Chen ignored it, nor was it because he was ashamed or embarrassed.Tang Chen was like a boy admiring the moon, persistently waiting for the clouds to clear and the mist to clear, so he turned a deaf ear to it.

The ancestor of the Eastern Emperor is finally, bang bang bang~!The town of zombies kneeling on the Great Bell of the Eastern Emperor, by the way, later Qin Qiong stationed troops and changed its name to the town of soldiers.

Howl, boom!Boom!Boom!Kowtow.Numerous mental bodies were shattered.

"Tang Chen! You don't want to die! I haven't finished talking about my master and I. We agreed to tell each other about the past, but after you finish talking, you will die alone. It's too outrageous, too dishonest! "

"Tang Chen, you often say that a great chivalrous man's family, country, and stars are all stars in the world. What about your chivalrous way? You're cheating even those around you who listen to your past! You're cheating me... woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo~!"


"There is no such irresponsible Martial God like you! You are too stupid, I am such a good partner, where else can you find it? You just have the heart to leave me?"

Later, the Patriarch Donghuang also went crazy...

"Tang Chen! When you die, if you wake up, I will change my personality and talk to you as Li Yiqi, okay?"

Many unsavory words are like a surging galaxy, with big stars fluctuating and dazzling.

Tang Chen was finally startled, and struggled to pull himself out of his memories.Listen attentively.

"...Tang Chen, if you wake up, I will rise up with you. Let you create a picturesque world... I will spread the paper and ink for you, gold and iron horses are like snow, go through fire and water, I will not hesitate! I am your little girl Dongzi, recognize you as master!"

Tang Chen also became irritable when he said this sentence for countless times.

Originally, Tang Chen still wanted to listen to some common thoughts of the ancestors of the Eastern Emperor.Unexpectedly, this guy started to get serious.So, it's boring.

"...The hero is the star of the world! Master Tang Chen, Xiaodongzi regards you as the Lord, and may your will dictate my actions. Your beliefs are rooted in my heart and become obsessions until eternity... .Run in circles!"

The ancestor of Donghuang was nervous and very pious. After praying, he stood up and walked around the zombie town for a big circle.


Running faster and faster, the body of the divine sense finally exploded with a bang.The breath of self-explosion was absorbed by the Eastern Emperor Bell again.However, before the refinement of the Eastern Emperor's Great Bell was completed, the Eastern Emperor's Patriarch's Spiritual Body appeared again.

"Master Tang Chen~! My master, I look forward to your recovery..., rise...."

Tang Chen couldn't bear to look at it anymore. "Cough, cough, cough.... Xiaodong——, Xiaodongzi! I have never died, how can I talk about recovery?"


Hearing the words, the patriarch of Donghuang pricked up his ears, and those ears suddenly became long and big, stretching across the vast expanse, straight into the sky.Indescribably majestic, towering, vast, boundless...

It was startled, thinking it was an auditory hallucination.

"Little Dongzi, you actually serve me as master?"

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!" Tang Chen's words, the ancestors of the Eastern Emperor heard clearly.Cry decisively.

(End of this chapter)

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