Shushan Wushen

Chapter 525 What about the heaven and earth Hong furnace body? 【Shushan Martial God·Zijin Xingchen W

Chapter 525 What about the heaven and earth Hong furnace body? 【Shushan Martial God·Zijin Xingchen Works】

The stars hang down and the plains are wide, and the moon springs from the river.

Sanjiao Town, Tang Family Courtyard.It was still boiling at midnight, and the midwife was busy inside and outside the house.The fourth child of the Tang family, Tang Dahai's mother-in-law, is giving birth on the kang in the house.Howling in pain.The window lattice was shaken and rustled.

Decades ago, under the same starry sky, Mr. Tang lost his mother and a leg.What is lost is lost forever, but lives are kept.

He also sincerely repented, and conscientiously abided by Shushan's mission.I thought it was because of Mrs. Tang's influence, but who would have thought that today, there would be a legendary omen...

Mrs. Tang, her two sister-in-laws, and her sister-in-law were sitting around a stove in the courtyard to boil water.I turned my head.

"Fourth, let's go to work the night shift. The most important thing is the work unit. It's not a big deal to have a baby. Which woman can't pass this level! Don't let people look down on our old Tang family men."

"Tsk tsk, I can't tell that the fourth child really knows how to hurt people. It's not like your elder brother, who slaps me every now and then!"

"His sister-in-law, don't provoke trouble! Stop it." Mrs. Tang exposed the truth with one word.

"Where do I have it?" The sister-in-law muttered and laughed.

Tang Dahai smiled candidly: "Mom, you are giving birth again, sister-in-law is asking you to persuade elder brother! You, please don't talk about me."

Old Madam Tang shook her head, as if sighing indistinctly, picked up the water ladle, poured a ladle of water into the iron pot on the stove.Raise the soup to stop the boiling.

"Boom boom boom..."

Suddenly, thunder suddenly roared, very low.Phew~!Thunderbolt flashed across the night sky, spreading like a spider web.In an instant, the entire night sky was like day.Bright and dazzling.

Sa~!A white rainbow shot straight from the sky to the roof.The window lattice suddenly brightened.The whiteness is extremely dazzling.

In the blink of an eye, a beautiful young man suddenly appeared in the white rainbow. He was magnificent but extremely majestic and huge, like a god.Red lips and white teeth, plump and handsome, yushu facing the wind, graceful and luxurious, amazing bearing, breathtaking....

Gone in a flash ~.

"Ah!" Mrs. Tang staggered, dropped the water ladle by mistake, kicked the stove down, and fell to the ground.

Boom~!The furnace shattered and turned into flames that filled the entire starry sky!
"Never mind~!" Tang Chen was caught off guard...

"Mom!" Tang Dahai and the others were disturbed by the old lady, and immediately neglected to observe the vision.He helped the old lady up with all his might.

"I'm fine, I'm fine..." The old lady was busy by everyone, and quickly responded to the concerned looks.On the contrary, the vision just now was interrupted and forgotten.It wasn't until she was dying that she remembered it again.

Just now.


A loud cry of a baby resounded throughout the small courtyard of the Tang Family and the dark and deep night sky of Sanjiao Town.

This is not crying, but the roar of the universal language.The voice has a strong resistance, an indomitable will, and endless...aggrieved.Extremely angry and unwilling.

"Hundan! Hundan! Wobu~, what's the situation? What the hell? How could this happen? That Tang Sect Honglu is weird! Seeing heaven and earth like a ghost! What the hell...this is reincarnation!"

Tang Chen tried to open his eyes, but he couldn't do it. He tried to plan with his hands and feet, but he was firmly imprisoned in an inexplicable place.

It's very warm here, comfortable and dry, and this is..., it's actually a baby's body!

"No! This way I will get lost. I feel the memory and thinking are constantly being erased! This is not seeing the world, destroying the world!"

Tang Chen's tenacious will to survive broke out completely, mobilizing the true energy in his body, swimming through the meridians of the whole body, dantian...

What about Dantian?What about meridians?
Tang Chen was startled suddenly, there was a golden elixir in his dantian, which was spinning endlessly.Provides surging qi to the body.But where is my dantian?Dantian disappeared.The meridian, the meridian is also gone!This body is so new!nothing!

"It's not that I haven't reincarnated before, but even the soul is melted in the body... and it fits well...! What about the heaven and earth Honglu body that was agreed? Why is it a mortal body?...It's unreliable. ...!"

Mood fluctuates, and true energy becomes disordered, but by accident, Tang Chen unexpectedly, wow!opened his eyes.

"I think Tang Chen, the majestic Martial God, has just condensed the true fruit of martial arts, walked out of Shushan Mountain to see the world, and actually cast a real fetus?! Wow wow wow..."

Tang Chen roared angrily, how difficult it is to confer the gods, years of cultivation were suddenly ruined.Can't help but heartbroken grief came from it, tears rained down and wailed loudly.

"Baby, you've lost the golden peas again.... She loves to cry so much. Boys don't flick their tears lightly. Those who belong to the dragon are demons, and they will make waves if they stir up trouble."

The kind-hearted woman is Tang Dahai's mother-in-law.Her face was full of exhaustion, sweat wet her temples, strands of which were scattered on her forehead.

"Then let's call him Tang Chen!" Mr. Tang didn't say much, and gave his grandson a name at this moment.Turn around and walk out of the hall.

"Tang Chen! The real dragon son of the Tang family! Thank you, grandpa." The old lady Tang stretched out her arms to hug Tang Chen, and patted Tang Chen's baby tremblingly.

Tang Dahai looked happy: "I have a son too! I have a son too! Hahahaha."

"Go to work! What are you talking about." The two sisters-in-law decisively pushed him out of the main room.and closed the door.

The birth of a new baby is always a great joy for a family.The whole family is beaming.Cheers and laughter filled the entire Tang family courtyard.

How can Tang Chen be willing to become a mortal, he is an existence who has practiced martial arts and become a god!After struggling for endless years, his Taoism was completely lost.This grievance, this grievance, is tantamount to the shattering of stars and the collapse of the universe.The road ahead is ruined!

"No! I want to go back to Mount Shu! I want to practice and return to the peak! I want to question Guiguzi!"

With obsession in Tang Chen's heart, he held his breath, mobilized the remaining true energy in his body, decisively hit the meridians, and reshaped his dantian.

Chi Chi Chi....

A meridian is as powerful as a broken bamboo, and the governor meridian is forcibly torn apart. "Ah~~~~." The pain was so heart-piercing.

"The baby keeps crying, it's because he's hungry! Hurry up and breastfeed him!" the sister-in-law hurriedly urged, with the warm-hearted appearance of someone who had come here.

Afterwards, Tang Chen's eyes darkened.The nose was also blocked with warmth and softness.

"My Governor Vessel—."

Tang Chen was so sad, the true qi that gushed out hadn't turned back yet...All wasted.


Tang Chen became ruthless, and once again gathered his remaining true energy, "Chi Chi Chi Chi...".

The opening of the Du Meridian is even more painful.But in the face of strength, what is the severe pain?Tang Chen gritted his teeth and insisted.


Tang Dahai's mother-in-law let out a shrill scream.

Raising his hand, he threw Tang Chen out of his arms.


Fortunately, there were so many people in the room, Tang Chen's baby fell into the arms of the third sister-in-law.

Tang Chen was thrown to pieces.The chaos in front of my eyes is gushing out, and the whole world is gray. If it weren't for Venus rushing around, it would be difficult to feel myself, and I was thrown into a daze.

The zhenqi that opened up the Governor Meridian... unexpectedly failed to recover.

Tang Chen looked inwardly at the whole body with his thoughts, and couldn't help sighing.Ren Du's two veins were successfully opened up, one horizontal and one vertical, sealing part of his true energy.As for reshaping the meridians and opening up the dantian, these orders of magnitude of true energy are far from enough.

"Throw away my old grandson? You can do it!"

The old lady Tang was furious, and snatched Tang Chen's baby from the third sister-in-law's arms, trembling with anger.

"He bit me..." Tang Chen's mother had a sad face and was very wronged.At the age of Ji, she was also a little girl~.

(End of this chapter)

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