Shushan Wushen

Chapter 533 A thorn

Chapter 533 A thorn

Jiang Laojiao also smiled, and was really happy for Tang Dahai.Seeing Tang Dahai go to pick up the straw again, he hastily snatched it away.Rough and loud exhortations:

"Ocean! Go take a look at the house. See how the house is being vacated? Has it been vacated? Besides, the house is hygienic, so you have to clean it up! Let me take a look with you!"

"But your big stall now grinds rice and noodles in autumn..." Tang Dahai looked apologetic.Rubbing hands.

Jiang Baogen went to wash his hands, came over and put his arms around Tang Dahai's neck affectionately, "Let's go! Fourth Brother, I'm going too. Let's see what I can do for you."

Tang Dahai looked apologetic, and said, "Okay!"

Tang Chen looked at the side room with terrified eyes, a little flustered, and shouted: "No, no, no! We're just leaving. Your kang will also be burned. There may not be enough firewood!"

"Puchi~!" Jiang Baogen smiled slyly. "Boom!" Came over and flicked Tang Chen's head in no depth.

"Hiss~~!" Tang Chen grinned in pain.

Jiang Baogen was neither serious nor serious, and his words were very reckless: "Tang Chen, a ghostly ghost, such a small child, knows how to save face! It's uncertain when he grows up, what kind of skill will he be?"

Tang Dahai glanced at Jiang Baogen, but he didn't protect the calf, and said indifferently: "It's good if you don't learn to be bad! People, when the time comes, don't cheat anyone, don't cheat anyone, and live a decent life. What do you want for the rest of your life? Huh? It’s good to be safe and secure!”

This sentence has a hint of life philosophy.

At this situation, Jiang Laozhen was filled with emotion.He said earnestly: "That's right! Did Baogen hear that? You should learn more from your fourth brother in normal times! They are both 20 years old. Look at you, you are not sure. Your fourth brother started a family early, it's true. He knows much more than you. Too much. I have this in my heart, but I can't even say it. This is your fourth brother's ability!"

"Yeah, remember Dad. I..."

Jiang Baogen responded to Jiang Laojiao's teachings.But with a look of disapproval.

Everyone walked out of the courtyard, ignoring Tang Chen's reminder.Tang Chen originally wanted to remind a few more words, but his head was still aching with a dull pain.Shutting up is the wisest thing he can do at this time.

"Alas~! You will regret it eventually. And pay for it!"

Tang Chen muttered to himself, his voice was not loud, and it fell into Jiang Baogen's ears.That guy didn't know that disaster was imminent, so he even looked back at Tang Chen.Curl the middle finger around the second joint of the thumb, and put it in the mouth, "Ha~!" A white steam seemed to disappear.

Full of narrowness, and threats!At the same time, it was also aimed at Tang Chen, with a slightly malicious provocation.Adults always like to bully children.And enjoy it.This is an absolute vice.

Tang Chen's mother hugged Tang Chen, calmly, and lightly tightened Tang Chen's body.The meaning of warning and warning is obvious.No one wants their children to be bombarded with a 'brain bang'.

This public house is located on the West Street of the town.Eighteen large rooms are all main rooms.It was originally a courtyard.Later, every three rooms were separated into two houses.It means that every family has a room and half a kitchen.

This is a relatively common architectural pattern in Sanjiao Town.The old house in the small courtyard of the Tang family also had the same architectural pattern.

However, in addition to the left and right halls of the main house, the small courtyard of the Tang family also has a suite with the same architectural layout as the hall.In addition, there are two guest rooms without stoves.

Eighteen public houses lived in twelve families.Thirty cents needs to be deducted from salary every month.Equivalent to a penny a day.Really not too cheap.

Tang Dahai found his room according to the small wooden sign tied to the key.Enter the house through the stove, turn right and you will see the door.The door is locked.There is also the seal of the housing management office.

This is for fear that others will pry it open for temporary use.

Jiang Baogen came in the name of helping, so he took the initiative to help tear off the seal.Tang Dahai held the key and took a few steps back.

"Chi la~! Chi la~!"

The seal is very wide, and the paste is thick enough, so when it is torn, there is a lot of movement.And there is dust rising.

"Cough cough cough..."

In an instant, the dust filled the entire kitchen.Smoky.


"Yo ho? I said at the time, those who can move into my east room are not ordinary people! It turns out that the fourth son of the Tang family. Your name is Dahai~! What's wrong? Your father died, and your brother kicked you out? Tsk tsk , Mrs. Tang is also quite a naughty character. Why don't you care about it?"

Three rooms and two households, divided into East House and West House.Dana Chen lives in Westinghouse.He was a peddler of cooked food in Cross Street.

Chen Dana said this with contempt, ridicule, and endless ridicule.Absolutely full of malice.

Through the dust that filled the entire space, Tang Chen saw the stove in the east room, which was very hot at the moment.


Through the gap between the two wooden pot lids, white steam rushed out.The smell of meat is overflowing.

The boiling water in the big iron pot was tumbling, obviously it was used to cook meat!

This is the stove of Tang Chen's house!It was used without authorization!
Jiang Laojiao regards peace as the most important thing, and since he is old and an old householder in Sanjiao Town, he acts as a peacemaker carelessly.

Smiling to smooth things over, he dragged the conversation back: "He, Uncle Chen, is choking on ashes! Hahaha, this time the fourth child is your neighbor, it will be much easier for you as an uncle. What's the job? Overwhelmed by the busy schedule, call out the fourth child! To live, you have to help each other. Having a good neighbor is better than living alone in your own household!"


Chen Dana rolled his eyes and gritted his teeth maliciously, like a watchdog with a leash around his neck, staring at Tang Dahai with flickering eyes, and said: "Your family is just these two and a half people. Don't start a fire and cook Lah. Uncle Chen will help you cook the stove. Keep your kang hot every day!"

Tang Dahai was taken aback for a moment.

Then he reacted, and said lightly: "Uncle Chen? In fact, if you talk about it from my sister-in-law, we should be of the same generation!"

Tang Dahai's words were neither salty nor light, and they made sense.

Residents living together in a small town for countless generations, there is always a relationship between the old households.In fact, Jiang Laojiao also felt that Chen Dana was older and Tang Dahai was a little lower, so he was easy to talk and do things.

In addition, according to the rules of life, Chen Dana must take the initiative to clarify and clarify the relationship between himself and the Tang family.The elders are the elders, and the peers are the peers.The younger generation of the same generation fills the older generation.It's impolite and even less polite.If it gets out, both parties will inevitably be ridiculed.

However, Chen Dana is not up to the mark at all, and is domineering.Push your nose up your face.

"Old Jiangtou and your father are naked dolls, so you don't count on him?"

What Chen Dana said was not exit.Jiang Laoju felt awkward.This is absolutely not playing the cards according to the routine.Mess around.

(End of this chapter)

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