Shushan Wushen

Chapter 559 Good people shine

Chapter 559 Good people shine

"Thank you! Zhai Wei! Come on together!"

Suddenly, there was a loud roar in the classroom.

In an instant, two classmates jumped out with big arms and round waists, and rushed straight at Tang Chen.

Tang Chen is already in a fighting state.Always beware of sneak attacks.Look at Mao Xie and Zhai Wei jumping up, their bodies are short, and they slip away~!He went under the table.


The classmates burst into laughter.Everyone believes that only by fighting hard to the end and never backing down is a real man.Tang Chen's method seems to be low-handed.Can't stand on the stage!
Tang Chen drilled a few tables, saw a gap, whoosh~!He got out and went straight to the door of the classroom.

Seeing that the situation is not good, run away decisively!This is also the fighting trick taught by Lin Jingran and Lin Jingxian.

To run is not to run away, but to move rescuers.Tang Chen decided to go find Tang Shuang!That was his cousin after all.

However, a powerful force slammed on Tang Chen from the door, and Tang Chen flew upside down, knocking over countless tables and chairs.

Before Tang Chen got up, Mao Xie and Zhai Wei stretched out their hands to grab him and pinned his arm. Tang Chen struggled a few times. Mao Xie and Zhai Wei were quite strong and did not break free. Suddenly, Tang Chen raised his head, But he was stunned.

"Old Dog Chen?!"

The person blocking the door of the classroom was Chen Laogou.

Chen Laogou grinned grimly, "Tang Chen! Thanks to you, I failed a grade. It turns out that Yuanjia Road is narrow! I'm actually a classmate with you. See how I can kill you!"

Chen Laogou suffered severe burns, his face, neck, and arms were covered with ravine scars.In the corner of one eye, the skin and flesh are dislocated, which looks very terrifying.

"Call me!"

Old Dog Chen didn't wait for Tang Chen to react, he kicked Tang Chen in the face.Powerful and heavy, very mighty.

Tang Chen's arms were held tightly by Mao Xie and Zhai Wei, unable to move.If this kick landed on Tang Chen's body, Tang Chen's arms would not be able to bear it at all.Fractures are a must.


Tang Chen's head was bleeding, and the sole of that old dog's shoe in his sight was getting bigger and bigger.

In a panic, Tang Chen tried his best to lower his head.


Chen Laogou kicked Tang Chen's head, "Oh~!" Tang Chen felt his eyes darken, and his arms felt a bone-piercing pain.It was like losing my intuition.

Is it dislocated?
Plop!Tang Chen fell limply.Lean forward.Mao Xie and Zhai Wei couldn't hold back their momentum, they were passively dragged down, and fell on Tang Chen.

In the past few semesters, Chen Laogou has suffered endless blank stares.The classmates who had made good friends broke up in disgust.He is very depressed.

At this moment, full of anger was vented on Tang Chen, he raised his big feet, bang!boom!boom!His eyes were red, and he kicked Tang Chen viciously.

"Oh, oh, oh...!"

"Why did you kick me?"

Mao Xie and Zhai Wei were clumsy, and their minds were not bright.Otherwise, he wouldn't have gotten along with Chen Laogou.

Old Dog Chen has the same temperament as Dana Chen.He is very vicious, and treats Mao Xie and Zhai Wei as human beings at all.Changed position, kicked with big feet.

Tang Chen stared at gold stars, but quickly recovered.Use both hands and feet, rub rub rub ~.Get up.

He, Tang Chen, has a unique skill, which even Lin Jingran and Lin Jingxian didn't know about.Tang Chen had tried it secretly, and it was extremely powerful.One punch can leave a crater in the wall.

"Heaven and earth..., heaven and earth, rain and wind. Continent and sky. Mountains, flowers and trees, red sun sky. Thunder faint, foggy. Sun sets in the sky. The wind is high, the moon is white in autumn, and the sunset glow is red after the rain. Around Niu Nv Xinghe, see business Two days fight west and east. On the frontier of October, the rustling and frost frighten the garrison brigade;

Galaxy, green and red.Lord Yu Bolei.Yanlou Snow Cave, Moon Palace and Heavenly Palace.The clouds are cloudy, and the sun is dim.Lazha fishing canopy.The stars are like arrows, and the moon is like a bow.Passengers in the station meet the plum rain, and people in the pool pavilion dance in the wind of lotus flowers.In front of Maodian Village, the bright moon falls into the forest and the rooster sings the rhyme; on the Banqiao Road, Qingshuang locks the whereabouts of the horse.

Mountains and Seas, Hua Song.The four mountains and the three men.The palace flower forbids the willow, and the dragon in the Yanjiang River.Qingshu Palace, Guanghan Palace.Pick up green and inscribe red.Zhuang Zhou's dream turns into a butterfly, and Lu Wang's dream turns into a flying bear.When the wind stops in the north, the summer fan stops, and the south curtain exposes the sun to save the winter heat.The crane dances at the head of the building, and the jade flute beats the disabled fairy moon; on the Fengxiang stage, the purple flute blows off the beauty. "

Tang Chen didn't know where this power came from, but he knew that every time he silently recited "Li Weng Dui Yun" with the word "pair" removed, his right fist was filled with infinite power.After casting it, I was so hungry that even my perspective skills were affected.


Tang Chen ran towards the door of the classroom, and Old Dog Chen strode after him.Suddenly, Tang Chen turned around abruptly, aimed at Old Dog Chen's head, and hit him hard.

Weng humming~~~.

At this moment, the air seemed to shake.The fist speed is not fast, but it has a breathtaking hum.The castration was slow, but the momentum made one's liver tremble.For no reason, in this September season, the temperature in the classroom suddenly became freezing cold.


With a loud roar, Sun Shangxiang appeared at the door of the classroom.


It's a pity it's too late!Chen Laogou flew out backwards, covered his chest with his hands, and vomited blood.His appearance was not as miserable as Chen Ye's.But it was much more serious than Chen Ye's injury.The ribs... collapsed into a large piece.

Taking advantage of your illness killing you, Tang Chen put all his strength on his toes, and rushed towards Old Dog Chen again.


Sun Shangxiang crossed Tang Chen's armpits with both hands, exerting strength with both arms.Tang Chen soared into the air, "Bang~!"

Sun Shangxiang was used to being on the podium.A box of chalk cracked inch by inch under Tang Chen's buttocks.

"Go and call the school doctor!" Sun Shangxiang also saw the seriousness of the matter.She dragged Chen Laogou and Chen Ye up and put them on the chairs, and at the same time gave orders to other students loudly.

The squad leader Shi Fingjian was already petrified.Teacher Sun's sharp voice woke him up.

In a panic, he ran out of the classroom and directly to the school doctor's office.

In fact, Sun Shangxiang asked Tang Feng for credit, but was ridiculed...I was not in a beautiful mood.Didn't expect such a thing to happen.The protagonist happened to be Tang Chen.How could Sun Shangxiang not feel annoyed?

"Hey~! This matter has nothing to do with me. You have a good relationship with the principal, so you want to improve, don't you?"

With a hot face and a cold butt, Tang Feng's indifferent eyes deeply hurt Sun Shangxiang.She is quite restless now.I realized that the rumors that the brothers of the Tang family were at odds... were true!

"Tang Chen! You are too naughty. You are so ruthless. These are all your classmates!"

Sun Shangxiang roared angrily.

Tang Chen rubbed the collapsed skull at the forehead, feeling extremely painful.It wasn't because of him.Sun Shangxiang's indiscriminate behavior made him startled and shocked.Teacher Sun just now is so kind?So kind, so kind, why did she suddenly become an unreasonable bitch now?
"It's not my fault!"

Tang Chen defended himself confidently.


Since Teacher Sun started teaching, no student has ever dared to talk back to her.She received a cold reception from Tang Feng just now!While furious, her hair was disheveled, her eyes were on fire, and with a single slap, she could slap Tang Chen in the face!

(End of this chapter)

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