Shushan Wushen

Chapter 561 Burning wheat

Chapter 561 Burning wheat

The classmates under the seat roared with laughter.

"Li Yiqi! She slipped away again!"

"Yeah, with wide-eyed eyes, it looks like you're all concentrating on it."

"Isn't it! It's really bluffing."

There are a few handsome and fair-skinned female classmates, not without gloating conclusions.Add insult to injury, full of ridicule.

Li Yiqi left his seat, lowered his head disheveledly, walked out of the classroom, and stood at the door in a dignified manner.

Tang Chen was overjoyed.Didn't expect it to work like this?

He bent down to avoid the sight of the window and approached Li Yiqi.Li Yiqi looked around boredly, and was taken aback when he saw Tang Chen suddenly.And with anger.


"Stay away from the classroom!" Bai Mao's furious voice came from the classroom.

Li Yiqi looked unwilling, pouted, and hooked his fingers at Tang Chen.Lower your voice: "Why are you? You shouted just now?"

Tang Chen stretched out his hand and made a silencing motion, "Shh...", pulling Li Yiqi to a trot, and ran out of the campus.

Sanjiao Town Primary School has no courtyard walls, and is surrounded by school forests.The tall and straight fire mulberry tree, Panqiu Wolong.

Under the gray sky, on the crown of the fire mulberry tree, green and red are shaded, and the fallen leaves are as red as blood.Tang Chen was very doggy, he put his schoolbag on the root of the tree, and sat down with Li Yiqi.

"Why do you think of coming to school to play with me? No, you are also going to school? How can you skip class?"

Li Yiqi, the little lolita, seemed a little apprehensive, and didn't have many surprises about reuniting old friends.

Tang Chen didn't feel disappointed either, his nostrils fluttered, and Li Yiqi smelled a pleasant fragrance.He closed his eyes for it.Deeply intoxicated.After all, the smell of urine on Tang Yuan's body, the guy who was tormented, was about to collapse.

"What are you doing? Why don't you speak?" Li Yiqi was not without embarrassment.

"Hee hee. Hee hee." Tang Chen smiled bitterly.Smiling and laughing, tears rolled down his eyes.

"What's the matter, Tang Chen? Did I say something wrong? Is it... because I won't play with you? I..."

Tang Chen burst into tears, but Li Yiqi panicked, at a loss, speaking incoherently, and finally took out a handkerchief for Tang Chen to wipe away his tears.

Tang Chen also thought carefully, and grabbed Li Yiqi's hand: "Li Yiqi, you sneaked out of class, you will be expelled."

"No! This is not expulsion. I can go back to class in the next class." Li Yiqi fluttered his eyelashes and said seriously with wide eyes.

Tang Chen shook his head and denied: "Then you are also a bad student? As long as you are kicked out once, you are a bad student. It is similar to expulsion."

"No way~, it's not that serious." Li Yiqi smiled and shook his head, the little loli who is already a third grader already knows a lot.Tang Chen's deception failed.

Tang Chen smiled and asked, "You don't like going to school, do you?"

"I like it, why don't you like it?" Li Yiqi stared wide-eyed, fluttering with long and dense eyelashes.The eyes are quite surprised.

"Then you haven't listened to the class seriously? How can you say you like it? You're lying to me, aren't you!" After speaking, Tang Chen smiled, his eyes curled into slits.

"Hmph~!" Li Yiqi stomped his feet angrily, "Why do you know everything? You really guessed it. Did my mother go to your house? Listen to what she said?"

Tang Chen's small face lit up, and his eyebrows danced with joy.Blinking, "You don't like going to school, and I don't like going home either. Let's elope!"

"Elope? What elope? Are we still going to elope? Didn't my mother call you uncle?" Li Yiqi was just a ten-year-old girl, and at this age, she was still innocent.Very ignorant.

Tang Chen felt relieved, as if he saw the high sky in the distance, a light wind blowing, blowing away Tang Yuan's stench and Lin Xifeng's heavy expectations for him, all of which disappeared without a trace.

In a good mood, I laughed.About to say something—.

Ring ring ring....

The get out of class bell rang.The classroom suddenly buzzed like a hornet's nest, and there were black figures rushing out.

The shape of the team is constantly changing, sometimes in the shape of "[-]", sometimes in the shape of "C", and scattered...

Li Yiqi reached out and grabbed Tang Chen, "Let's go! Let's not let the classmates see. He will gossip."

Tang Chen was very happy, baring his pretty little white teeth: "Let's go! Elope with the beautiful girl!"

The two hold hands and will skip class.

"What are you talking about?" Li Yiqi scolded Tang Chen viciously in a low voice, with his small hand, he picked Tang Chen with his nails.

"Schoolbag! Schoolbag!" Tang Chen suddenly remembered his schoolbag.Li Yiqi also remembered, and hastily let go.

Tang Chen ran back and grabbed his schoolbag.

Unexpectedly, at this time, it was no longer as good as before.Many students after class ran to the fire mulberry forest, not for anything else, just to pick the fire mulberry leaves with thick veins.

There is a game in Sanjiao Town, which is to use one's own fire mulberry leaf stems and other people's fire mulberry leaf stems to intertwine and pull each other back.Whoever's is broken, loses.

At this time, September is the season to play this game.A large number of students ran into the fire mulberry forest, some with sharp eyes.

"Isn't that Tang Chen? He also came to school?"

Tang Chen ignored these children who didn't interact so much.Of course, the more important thing is that Li Yiqi is waiting for him.

Tang Chen grabbed his schoolbag and ran, on the road outside the fire mulberry forest, Li Yiqi thought he was taller than Tang Chen, took the schoolbag, pulled Tang Chen and ran away.

She is from the heart, unwilling to go to school.The small universe that was suppressed in his heart was lighted casually by Tang Chen.

The burning was incomparably fierce, even better than Tang Chen.

Holding hands, Li Yiqi and Tang Chen ran towards the northern suburb of Sanjiao Town.The endless wheat fields there are very vast, and the autumn wind is blowing, which is very spectacular.But the beauty is not important, what is important is a beautiful thing called 'Shaomai'!
Of course, this siu mai is not the thin-skinned buns sold in halal restaurants, but real siu mai.Barbecue wheat.

Sanjiao Town Primary School is not that far from the northern suburbs, and the two ran to the northern suburbs panting, lying in the wheat field, gasping for breath.flushed.

Especially Li Yiqi, his restrained nature was released immediately.

"My mother's son-in-law, hurry up and pull the wheat for me!" She ordered Tang Chen loudly.

Tang Chen winked, deliberately weeping, and repented: "Li Yiqi, I ran here too, I'm exhausted. Wait a minute, okay?"

"Not good! Go quickly. If you don't go, I won't let you eat after cooking." Li Yiqi stared at the big watery eyes and threatened viciously.

It was as if the mastermind of skipping class was not Tang Chen, but she hooked Tang Chen up to skip class.

Tang Chen walked closely with Lin Jingran and Lin Jingxian, learned a lot, and understood a lot.Knowing that girls need coaxing, you must never confront them... Tang Chen is also considered a scheming little guy.With a smile, he turned around and went to pluck the wheat.

Tang Chen was in charge of pulling the wheat, and Li Yiqi was in charge of burning the wheat.

After being busy for a while, green smoke curls up and the aroma of wheat overflows...


Tang Chen and Li Yiqi looked at each other and smiled.Two pairs of small hands reach out to the ashes...


"Li Yiqi!"

"Tang Chen!"

Bai Mao, Sun Shangxiang, and Shi Dafen jumped off the three bicycles, all angry.furious.

(End of this chapter)

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