Shushan Wushen

Chapter 564 Molested Pretending to Be Succulent

Chapter 564 Molested Pretending to Be Succulent

Bai Mao found Tang Feng, and eagerly told Tang Feng about Tang Chen.

Tang Feng was giving a lecture, thinking that something big had happened.It turned out to be Tang Chen's business.Suddenly the mood is not beautiful.

"It's useless to find Sun Shangxiang. Unless our father comes forward."

Bai Mao was stunned: "Why? Don't you two get along very well? Hardcore girlfriends. Smelly? Women's friendship boats, how can you turn them over?"

"Where?" Tang Feng glared at Bai Mao, smiled wryly and shrugged.

"After the first class this year, Sun Shangxiang came over to ask me for credit, saying that Tang Chen was placed in the first row of Fengshui treasures. I don't recognize this kind of favor. My fourth uncle sent Tang Chen to school. Saying hello to our father, and actually looking for Lin Xifeng. What an embarrassing thing to slap in the face. Fourth Uncle doesn’t know that Lin Xifeng refuses to accept our father, is there two factions?”

Bai Mao pointed at Tang Feng, walked back and forth a few steps, pointed at Tang Chen again, angrily and funny: "Fourth Uncle, how can you care about this, you! He is a neighbor."

Tang Feng's temperament has always been aloof.Even more stubborn.Very outrageous.She flicked her hair: "I don't care! Anyway, I didn't give Sun Shangxiang a good face. I also told her that I don't care if I find a chance to fire Tang Chen. Hmph~!"

"Ah, ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai

Bai Mao finally understood why Sun Shangxiang didn't give him face.Dare to love is Tang Feng who is obstructing...

inside the classroom.

Teacher Zhang didn't know Tang Chen's details.But he kept watching Tang Chen answer the paper.There was intense interest on his face.Taking advantage of the time of patrolling back and forth, he looked at Tang Chen's answer, nodded incessantly, and expressed endless appreciation.

"This kid has a solid foundation and good study habits. It's not inferior to Wu Haotian!"

Teacher Zhang admired inwardly.Soft eyes.However, then he was shocked and his glasses almost fell off.

"What did I see? How could this child be like this?"

I saw that Tang Chen ticked off the two test questions that he had answered correctly, and wrote the wrong answers...

In fact, Tang Chen was playing smart. He didn't blindly believe in Wu Haotian. After reading all the test papers, he decisively changed the answers to some math questions into the patterns of most of his classmates.

"Where did the thinking go wrong? This question shouldn't be!"

Teacher Zhang slipped back to the podium, his eyes were shining behind the lens, thinking desperately.After a long time, "Huh? Why doesn't Tang Chen use toilet paper? It's all based on mental calculations...?"

Ring ring ring....

The get out of class bell rang suddenly.

"Hand in the paper!" Teacher Zhang gave an order.The math team leaders got up one after another, ran to the back row of the class, and quickly collected the papers.Tang Chen was dumbfounded immediately, because there were two questions, the answers of these four team leaders were the same as Wu Haotian's answer...

"Ah? These four are actually the legendary group leaders!"

Tang Chen didn't say a word, he worked hard, the pencil moved like flying, rustling, intending to change back to the original answer.

"Stop!" Qi Yu, the leader of the mathematics team, shouted.He stepped over and tore off the paper.

Tang Chen was startled, trembled, and subconsciously covered the paper with his palm. "Chi~~~~!"

The paper was torn to shreds!

"What's going on?" Teacher Zhang hurried over from the podium.

At this time Tang Chen had already stood up, glaring at him.But although the other party is a girl, she is three years older than him.He is extremely tall, fully taller than Tang Chen by a head.Looking down at him, she looked contemptuously.Full of disdain for being in a high position.

How could Tang Chen bear this kind of idleness.Chen Laogou is stronger than the math team leader.Still not the same?Punch and vomit blood?


Tang Chen jumped onto the chair resolutely, and this was a counterattack.Instead, look down at the bow of the math team leader.

"What are you doing, Tang Chen! Come down." Teacher Zhang saw that Tang Chen's little face was flushed, and his eyeballs were spitting fire, like a raging little rooster.Really funny.He reached out and pulled him off the chair.Fearing that he would fall, he grabbed his arm and pulled him to stand still.

"Qi Yu! Why are you bullying boys again? You, can't you let the new classmates finish writing first? Tang Chen has a good foundation, and looks younger than you. You must unite your classmates!"

Teacher Zhang speaks earnestly and sincerely, teaching from the bottom of his heart.And winked his eyes, signaling Qi Yu to apologize.

In school, only by studying well can you get real respect.

Qi Yu is also a smart girl.She was very clever, and after getting a hint from Teacher Zhang, she smiled sweetly and solemnly nodded to Tang Chen to apologize: "I'm sorry. I thought you copied someone else's paper when it was chaotic. Please forgive me."

Tang Chen's original reaction was also due to Qi Yu's tall figure, which posed a threat to him in battle.Seeing that the beautiful woman actually apologized at this moment, she decisively smiled.In the past, there was a small white tooth, but there was a gap in the middle.Smiling happily, eyes bright.He waved his hands very generously.

"It's nothing. I was just shocked. I thought you were going to beat me up. It's okay! It's okay! You are so beautiful. Let's go play together later?"

This guy actually took the opportunity to send out an invitation.


The students watching the excitement, including Teacher Zhang, roared with laughter.

Schools are no better than neighbors.The relationship between classmates is delicate.Especially accepting the nourishment of new knowledge every day, it can be said that it is growing all the time.The same is 'play', this word has many interpretations.Some...very ambiguous~.

It can be said that what to say on any occasion.

In the classroom, especially when the teacher is present, the discussion should be related to learning.Such a casual invitation….It was as if a street ruffian came towards him, frivolously shaking his head, hooking his fingers, and jokingly said, "Big beautiful girl, let's play with brother...?"

This can't help but remind people of this.

Qi Yu's pretty face flushed, she spat hard, and stomped her feet violently. "rogue!"

With a red face, he turned and ran away.

"Cough cough cough... Tang Chen, you're a bit dissolute..." Teacher Zhang couldn't scold Tang Chen because of Bai Mao's face.Don't be salty or light, leave a sentence.However, it was actually ignored by Tang Chen.

So at this time....

The bright autumn sun outside the window shoots into the classroom through the half-closed window.The corner of the desk was mottled, and the girl's face was also mottled.

Especially that angry look of Qi Yu and his beautiful wide eyes made Tang Chen fascinated by it.


Li Yiqi pinched Tang Chen's arm with a smile.

Tang Chen was in pain and let out an exclamation before he came back to his senses.Recalling Teacher Zhang's words just now, he subconsciously asked, "Slutty? What do you mean?"

Tang Chen's face was eager, full of thirst for knowledge.

The conscience of heaven and earth!He really doesn't understand the meaning of this idiom.Definitely not pretending to be garlic.

(End of this chapter)

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