Shushan Wushen

Chapter 567 Overwhelmed by the guests

Chapter 567 Overwhelmed by the guests


It is said that July is hot, but in fact, September is the hottest month.The fire wind lingered and scorched the earth, and there was a buzzing sound in my ears.So annoying, so unbearable.

Warm breeze in the afternoon.Can't help but smoked so that everyone has been drowsy.The teacher lecturing on the podium is also unavoidable, sweating profusely, with loose eyelids.His eyes were dark and dull, without energy to speak of.

Li Yiqi, the big beauty at the same table, was eloquent in his sleep, and his saliva moistened the textbook.

Tang Chen had his own way to deal with the heat.Calm and naturally cool ~.

Ring ring ring....

The bell rang for the end of class, but the students were refreshed.Li Yiqi's eyes were blank, and a ruddy crease appeared on his fair and delicate pretty face.Red and white are clearly visible~.

"You're almost snoring. Hehehe~."

Tang Chen pointed, took the opportunity to take advantage of it, and laughed.Li Yiqi glared at Tang Chen angrily, "You're still laughing!" She took out a small mirror, took a picture angrily, rubbed her skin with her small hands, relaxing the tendons and activating the blood.

"Is this the last class?" Tang Chen saw that the students around him were arranging stationery, books and schoolbags.Tang Chen, who didn't understand the school rules, asked in a low voice.

"Let's go!" Li Yiqi suddenly remembered something.Putting back the small mirror, he quickly tidied up the schoolbag.Dragging Tang Chen to climb up the window sill.

Tang Chen's eyes lit up, seeing that Han Xiangyi's seat was actually empty.

Han Xiangyi has been actively connecting with each other this afternoon, and Huo Sanglin made an appointment to fight. The more people there are, the more powerful they will be.According to unwritten rules, when the number of people called by one party to help out is far less than that of the other party.The other party is likely to, or will definitely use a 'bad trick'.

... It's normal to pull the sideways, and what's even more tragic is to attack outrageously!Disregarding the morality of the rivers and lakes directly transformed into gang fights.

After all, the so-called fairness is really relative.In an asymmetric state of strength, the strong must vigorously crush the weak.Otherwise, it's either not enough brains, or a legendary fool.

Han Xiang should have made all the preparations before school was over, and rushed out of the classroom immediately after class, and went to Huosanglin.

Undoubtedly, Tang Chen acted a step slower.It's not too late, though.

The four walls of Sanjiao Town Primary School were replaced by fire mulberry forests.The fire mulberry forest in Yuejia, the traditional location is behind the school building.The fire mulberry forest there is even taller.And overgrown with bushes.It's a good place for couples to have an appointment during the day and a dark and windy night at night.

After all, where is the object, where is the black, where to go!
Chen Liugou's graduation class is a parallel class with loose management.They were a group of more than 20 teenagers, and they were seated early.

"Six, I heard that Tang Chen invited you this time, he won't flirt with you, right?" Someone questioned.

"It should be that Liu Zi was fooled. I really think you are a stupid dog! Hahaha." Bai Lang is from the key class, and he was invited by Chen Liugou's friend.At this moment, Chen Liugou was mercilessly mocked.

Chen Liugou was not stupid, he stared at Bai Lang with a complicated expression on his face: "White Wolf! Tang Chen is your uncle, right?"

Bai Lang tilted his head and said, "Why? Don't you believe me? I hit the first stick in the gang fight! Ma De~, Jiang Dong, you kid hurt me, why is Chen Liugou so aggressive? Help him, You still have to be angry with him. Next time, don't come to me so badly! How come we broke up! We're not getting along!"

He gave Jiang Dong a hard look, and pulled the leg of the chair in Chen Liugou's hand.

Bai Lang studies very well, but has a very bad temper.A disagreement was suppressed on the spot. Legend has it that he carried a kitchen knife in his schoolbag. He was a very ruthless man nicknamed White Wolf.

"White wolf! Brother wolf! Don't be angry. Chen Liugou can't speak, his family members are so aggressive. They are not bad at heart." Jiang Dong, acting as a peacemaker, comforted Bai Lang, and gave Chen Liugou a hard look. dog glance.

Chen Liugou squeezed out a smile, nodded and bowed humbly: "Brother Wolf, don't be angry~ha. I just have a bad mouth. My brain is short-circuited. Who doesn't know that White Wolf is the most particular about things. To make friends, you have to make friends like White Wolf. "

"Hmph~!" Bai Lang shook the chair leg in his hand, and arrogantly carried it on his shoulder.He ignored Chen Liugou.Instead, he raised his nostrils at Jiang Dong.

"Okay, I've worked hard this time, you have to make a bird cage for me."

Jiang Dong smiled, the birdcage is not important, the important thing is that Bai Lang gave him face.Openly want to show off a very irresistible friendship.

"Look at how anxious you are, you're really worthless. When did you not tie a bird cage for you?"

Bai Lang curled his lips, his eyes filled with shock as if 'Jiang Dong opened his eyes and talking nonsense', he glanced at each of them, pointed at Jiang Dong with his fingers, and began to overwhelm the host.

"This guy, say one thing and do another. Someone else's birdcage should be sold the day before, and I can't wait to get it out the next day. I'm so good, and I'm still a neighbor. I've been forced every year, fart Pidian is like a dog, chasing after Jiang Dong's big butt. He will never give me a cage if it doesn't snow."

"Hahaha....Jiang Dong is really...hahaha. It's rare to run the white wolf like this. Hahaha..."

The group of unscrupulous teenagers roared with laughter.They laughed at Jiang Dong one after another, but they didn't say anything deeply.Each one is like a bright mirror.This is Jiang Dong and Bai Lang showing off their friendship on the scene.

Sure enough, Jiang Dong looked sad: "Don't listen to the white wolf. It's purely blind. In those years, this guy was picky and picky. In the end, taking away the strongest cage didn't count, and I had to abduct my cage. I didn't do anything last year. No more cage rolling birds all winter!"

"Hahaha..., so the truth is like this. Hahaha...."

The teenagers cheered and laughed, booing and fighting Yangzi one after another.

Bai Lang bared his teeth and smirked, and said, "Are you blaming me? Last year your uncle Jiang Menshen made a sticky net, and you all played big games. You say you, playing with bird cages later will cost more? I don't want to play with you." Yes, it’s helping you dispose of waste materials. Ask your buddies to comment and help him... He not only doesn’t like me, but also favors people. Tch~! I don’t know good and bad, and I don’t know good people. God Hey, is there anything more sad than this? Urges people to urinate, heartbroken! Say thank you, I will die~"

"... Make me pee, hahaha, White Wolf, you are really talented! Hahahaha!"

The teenagers who helped in the battle booed one after another, applauding Bai Lang's shamelessness.Cheers for Bai Lang's tongue.

Jiang Dong rolled his small eyes, taking the opportunity to observe the reactions of all the teenagers.With a panoramic view, he slowly stretched out his thumb: "You can do it! White Wolf, you are really good at it. I am convinced... I want to ask who in the world is the most—"

"Stop messing around, they're here. Let me tell you first, I won't do anything to Tang Chen. I'm here to help." Bai Lang's face suddenly showed a stern look.

After hearing Bai Lang's words, Chen Liugou and other unscrupulous teenagers immediately gave a thumbs up: "White wolf is particular! Brother Lang is righteous. He has clear grievances and grievances. He is a sensible person."

Chen Liugou was overwhelmed with gratitude, and was just about to show his affection to Bai Lang.Bai Lang and Jiang Dong had already rushed out.


Bai Lang waved the chair leg with his arm, and hit the stick with great force, bang!Han Xiang and his group just entered the fire mulberry forest when the light dimmed.Unprepared and hit the big move.

Han Qinhu hit a chair leg on his shoulder, boom!Hit the tree.

"Hit!" Jiang Dong roared, kicked Han Qinhu down with his kick.

Chen Liugou summoned his fist to help, seeing that Bai Lang and Jiang Dong had already made a move, he did not hesitate or think about it.Whoosh whoosh!He rushed towards Han Xiangyi and his group.

Fists and feet are flying, big sticks are flying.

"Aoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!Hold your head and break the morality of the rivers and lakes.

Bai Lang was afraid that he would shout something else.Scolding: "Shut up! Call the teacher to fire you bastards first!"

"If you don't learn well, you know how to fight!" Jiang Dong said righteously, with his big feet flying, and the dozen or so people he kicked were stumbling around.

"You don't pay attention! We are all in the same class. You don't help me with punches, and you don't tell me." Han Qinhu was very unwilling. He was attacked with blood at the corner of his mouth and his face was hideous. He is Han Xiangyi's cousin.From Class Two, Grade Five.Jiang Dong's classmate.But friendship is average.

"What are you? Who is it? I don't know!" Bai Lang shook the chair legs in his hand.


Just as Han Qinhu stood up, he was knocked down again.

(End of this chapter)

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