Shushan Wushen

Chapter 570 Was Exposed

Chapter 570 Was Exposed

The flowing clouds spread and reveal the golden scales, and Fangfei sprinkles fire and burns clouds all over the place.In the afterglow of the setting sun, the curling smoke is also ecstasy.

The afterglow of the setting sun, shining brightly, scorchingly and gorgeously, coated the young man's face, radiant and incomparably sacred.The fire mulberry forest on the campus seems to be brightened and shines brilliantly.Golden light shoots out of the sky.

The gray sky is therefore quiet, indifferent and beautiful.

"...Han Xiangyi, if you really want to challenge me one-on-one, then I, Tang Chen, will not back down...."

Tang Chen tried his best to delay the time.Larry chattering, searching my stomach, and then I ran out of words.

Han Qinhu was angry and funny: "Tang Chen, don't delay. Even a fool can see that you are waiting for the white wolf! I have a lot of homework today, so I don't have time to chat with you. It's the same sentence, kowtow Brother. Otherwise, you will fight with Han Xiangyi. Don’t worry, I will never intervene.”

Tang Chen smiled, embarrassedly.He had run out of prevarications.But I really dare not beat Han Xiangyi anymore.After all, the number of people injured today has reached two.Injure Han Xiangyi again, he really has no face to learn from.

Tang Dahai and Jin Chan probably wouldn't let him step into the school.He will have to bear the baptism of diapers again, suffer from the stench all day, and Tang Yuan's crying sonata...

He, Tang Chen, really hates that kind of nightmare.Lin Jingxian once said to Tang Chen with a smile, you don't have the urge to strangle Tang Yuan to death.Tang Chen shook his head, not daring to speak his mind.

He Tang Chen is a kind child.

However, a kind child has a limit to his patience.

He finally became furious: "Han Xiangyi! If you really want to fight me one-on-one, you can tell your adults to tell me. I don't need anything else, just one punch! Just one punch! I guarantee you will lie at home for half a year."

What a ridiculous and ridiculous joke.Even Li Yiqi was speechless.

"Your brother-in-law is really good at bragging. Tsk tsk! I'm convinced. White wolf, follow your grandma's family." Jiang Dong teased unabashedly.

Bai Lang covered his face with black lines all over his head.How embarrassing.

Han Qinhu bent over laughing, almost gasped, clutching his stomach, out of breath: "Tang Chen, you are really good. Then you take action. I am his brother, I told my third uncle. Just say I can fight, okay?"

Tang Chen's eyes suddenly lit up, extremely bright.Like Yu Yang in the sky.Dazzling Shengli.He waved his fist excitedly.

"Are you sure? Who can testify? Find a witness, or else I'm still worried! Huhuhuhu......."

He was breathing fast, eager to try, impatient.This day's experience was really rich, and he was a little tired from the torment.Most importantly, he is hungry!

Bai Lang saw that Tang Chen was going to be embarrassed, he couldn't really embarrass Tang Chen.That way, there will be more troublesome things for him to settle with Bai Lang in the future.

"Let's go, you nasty little brat." Pulling Jiang Dong, the two stepped out of Huo Sang Forest.

"Why? Slow down? Why don't we brothers practice with you?"

Bai Lang reached into the schoolbag, clutching a wooden handle.It looks like a kitchen knife.

Han Qinhu immediately exploded.He took a few strides back in fright.Originally, it was very unscrupulous to make an appointment to find a later account.Tell it to make people laugh.

This time, Bai Lang went mad in person. If he got to the level of a fight, Han Qinhu believed that no matter his personal strength, means or connections, he would not be able to compete with Bai Lang.Losing must be complete.

"No, no, no! Han Xiangyi and Tang Chen are classmates, they're just kidding. Hahaha."

Later, Han Xiang also said that this is just funny.

Han Qinhu said: "It's all over now. We lost the fight. You are very particular and didn't ask for our schoolbags. How can we deal with Tang Chen who is on the order? That's too dishonest. If you want to say it, Han Xiang also originally I'm at the same table with Li Yiqi, and we have a pretty good relationship. Tang Chen and Li Yiqi are young again, so there's no such relationship, they're even teasing, let's build up our relationship. After all, they're both in your father's teacher Bai's class. After friendship You don’t have to worry about playing together, do you! Hehehe.”

Bai Lang snorted coldly, took his hand out of the schoolbag, and tied the belt of the schoolbag with the other hand.Only then did Han Qinhu realize that he was covered in cold sweat.

"So the truth is like this? Is it true!" Jiang Dong roared sharply.

"Yes! I didn't see so many of us. For such a long time, I just heard Tang Chen talking nonsense. No one touched his finger." A classmate happened to look at Jiang Dong with dark eyes, trembling in fright, and decisively explained .

Han Xiang also spread his palms, and said openly: "If you want to hit Tang Chen, you've already done it. And let him be a brat? No..."

Before he finished speaking, Bai Lang rushed over, boom!Boom!Kick Han Xiangyi down with both feet.

"What are you talking about? Do you know who he is?" Bai Lang confidently flaunted his prestige, pointing at Tang Chen: "This is my mother's younger brother!"

Jiang Dong went over and grabbed Han Xiangyi's chest: "You have to thank the white wolf, don't you know? You called Tang Chen a brat, let Mr. Tang hear this, it's no wonder if you don't fire you. White wolf is teaching you Be a human, you know?"

After speaking, he let go and pushed Han Xiangyi out.

"You have to say thank you!"

Han Xiang was also terrified. The two demon kings joined forces to fight powerfully and fiercely.Subconsciously: "Thank you! Thank you White Wolf, thank you Brother Wolf! Thank you Brother Dong!"

"Give him..., he, he, he apologize!" Bai Lang scratched his ears, some words were really hard for him to name.

"Tang Chen, I'm sorry. Actually, I'm also a brat! You won't mind, hahaha." Han Xiang also sincerely apologized.

Some things are like this. Only when the background crushes the other party can one gain real respect.

Tang Chen swept over with his thoughts, and discovered what insincere words meant.He realized that the scene in front of him did not really resolve the crisis.Whether it is Han Qinhu or Han Xiang, there are also classmates who came to help, especially classmates.More eyes were cast on Bai Lang and Jiang Dong.

That gaze was full of awe, fear, and envy.

Tang Chen's eyes flickered, and he walked towards the middle of Bai Lang and Han Qinhu in a grand manner.

"It's a disappointment! Since I don't have a chance to fight one-on-one, I'll show off for you to see."

Bai Lang's head grew big for a while, and he pulled Tang Chen away: "Go to the side! Go home and do your homework——."

At this moment, a strange sarcasm suddenly sounded: "White wolf is so treacherous! He really deserves to be a white wolf! And Jiang Dong...! Are you working together?"

Sa Sa Sa ~.

Stepping on the fallen leaves of the fire mulberry tree, more than ten people behind Chen Liugou slowly stepped out of the fire mulberry forest.All of them looked solemn.Very unfriendly.

"What's wrong with you Chen Liugou being treated like a monkey? Just do it if you don't accept it!"

Bai Lang raised his schoolbag, holding a wooden handle in his hand.He had a ferocious face, his eyes widened.

Du He burst out laughing, shook his head and tail, and wrote the word '啦Se' all over his face.

"White wolf! Is it interesting to use this kind of trick to deceive children? A crap knife! It's just a big awl for stapling books. Sixth brother, I touched the white wolf schoolbag."

(End of this chapter)

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