Shushan Wushen

Chapter 616 Reverse Engineering

Chapter 616 Reverse Engineering

"Oh, that's such a pity!" Tang Chen felt regretful.

He realized that 'Sorrowful Remind Tang Chen' didn't have the willpower to be cheating cheats.Therefore, the elimination is no surprise.

One night passed quietly amidst Qi Yu's complicated operations.

Qi Yu was very focused. During this period, Tang Chen from this world ordered takeaway online twice.Qi Yu didn't move.She simply doesn't have time.Eyes barely blinking, staring at the petri dish.

dawn.When the misty blue mist gradually thinned, and the azure blue diluted into a snow-white color, the indoor air temperature dropped sharply.

This is the most eerie scene before sunrise!However at this time.Qi Yu was very nervous, his temples were covered with sweat.The experiment has reached the most critical moment.

Items of data have been released one after another.

At last!
She raised her head excitedly, her big eyes were exhausted, even a little absent-minded, suddenly bursting with brilliance, unusually bright!The whole person brightened up.


Qi Yu grabbed the experiment records on the table, pointing to Tang Chen and Tang Chen sadly one by one.

"Look, the reverse reaction equation is like this..."

Numerous kinds of spices are matched, fused, and fermented to produce complex reactions and produce foods that stimulate the taste buds.Also must take into account, nutrition and calories.This is the realm that delicious food that can be handed down must reach!
Once good food is popular and recognized, it will generate a large number of fans.Therefore, this food is enduring and can be passed down for a long time.Those who master the formula will get a steady stream of money, this is wealth!

With her superb means, Qi Yu deciphered the recipe of the spicy strips in reverse, and made adjustments in line with nutrition.Taking into account calories, nutrition, taste, and the needs of special groups of people, she even listed hundreds of flavor combination recipes in one breath.

Tragedy urged Tang Chen to be overjoyed, but also filled with emotion. He said affectionately: "The saying that knowledge is power is wrong!"

"Then what should I say?" Tang Chen and Qi Yu asked.

Sadly urged Tang Chen to laugh unrestrainedly: "Knowledge is wealth! Wahahahaha...!" He laughed so triumphantly that he almost fell down.

"No! I'm overjoyed and dizzy. High blood pressure, or low blood pressure?"

Only then did the three realize that they had worked all night!
In the past few days, Qi Yu and Tang Chen traveled all night and did not have a good rest.Sadly reminding Tang Chen that he drank alcohol yesterday.

At this time, the sky had already brightened, and the drowsiness fell uncontrollably.

"Sleep for a while! Eat breakfast and lunch together. Ha~ow!"

Yawning is contagious, Tang Chen yawned, causing everyone's eyes to become clouded.

Qi Yu quickly wiped it clean, packed up the experimental equipment, and fell asleep.

"Hoo hoo zzzZZZ"

I was thinking of getting up to eat at noon, but who would have thought that when the three of them woke up hungry, the lights of thousands of houses were already on, and the lights had just come on.

The three looked at each other and laughed, washed up and went out to have a delicious meal.

Eat and drink enough, come back and fall asleep.It was another dark night.Finally relieved from fatigue.

In the early morning, the three of them were all in high spirits and full of energy.Sadly reminding Tang Chen of his depression, his waist was as straight as cast iron.

"A confident man is the most handsome!"

Qi Yu raised his thumb.After complimenting him, he gave Tang Chen a sad reminder and exerted his fighting spirit.

Tang Chen is sadly reminded, with a reserved smile, a calm demeanor, a handsome young man, a handsome young man!He said lightly: "What's the use of being handsome? A man! Career is the real backbone!"

"Well said! Then start your latiao business!" Tang Chen encouraged without losing the opportunity.

"Yeah! That's a must."

Sadly reminding Tang Chen, he took out his mobile phone, contacted many suppliers, and made an appointment, and the three of them went to see samples and order together.

With Qi Yu's strict quality control and specific guidance on the production process.The first batch of finished products came out that afternoon.

Of course, the number is quite small, that's because this is a sample and has not yet been mass-produced.

The three of them each held a small piece of chopped spicy strips, brought them to their mouths, and stopped.No one wants to eat first.

Sadly urging Tang Chen, Qi Yu bowed solemnly: "Qi Yu, you have worked so hard, and your achievements are great! You must eat the first bite."

"Tang Chen! Tang Chen——." Qi Yu suddenly realized that he had made a slip of the tongue.A little flustered, his eyes flicked past Tang Chen's sad reminder, and landed on Tang Chen's face, he changed his mind and said, "...Tang Chen eat...will you eat?"

It seemed that he was asking for Tang Chen's opinion.Sadly reminding Tang Chen, he ignored these details.After all, the point is not here.

"No, no, no! Qi Yu, you should eat first! Why don't you let this little brother... By the way, what's your name? I've asked you several times, but you still refuse to tell me. Why don't you make up a fake name Well, I can call you too."

Tang Chen was shocked immediately when he heard the words, what did this guy think of this trick?What else do you do?That said, what he said was too unrestrained, too direct, and too shocking.

"How about you just call me Tang Chen!" Tang Chen said with a smile.

A strange look appeared on Tang Chen's sad face, and he said dumbfoundedly: "My name has caused you to covet me? I'm so scary. Besides, what I'm most afraid of now is that others miss me. If I change my name, you It's called Tang Chen, I'm called Big Brother Tang Chen. The four words are very foreign! Hahaha..."

Tang Chen also laughed. He didn't expect this guy to have the same personality as himself. When he became humorous, he couldn't stop at all.

"Forget it, I originally called you Big Brother Tang Chen, but now I'll call you Latiao Tang Chen. Or I can call you Latiao Tang Chen!"

"Hahaha! It doesn't matter who is called Latiao Tang Chen. The little brother has this interest, so we will call you Tang Chen, I'm Latiao Tangchen! Okay? Hahaha!"

Sadly reminding Tang Chen, his smile was bright and contagious.He can be seen to be very free and easy.Don't stick to common sense.Quite open-minded.

"Okay! Latiao Tangchen, you are the boss, and we are your friends. This is taking the lead, and we don't want to do it. You come first. There is no need to be hypocritical in our friendship."

Spicy Tang Chen was no longer polite.Once again, I thanked him, raised my hand to my lips, and took a small bite carefully.

Chew slowly.

"How's it going?" Tang Chen and Qi Yu asked in unison.

"... Hiss~~~!"

Spicy Tang Chen looked intoxicated, shaking his head, indescribably lewd.It seems to be immersed in some kind of indescribable beauty, unable to extricate itself.

After a long time, Latiao Tang Chen spit out a sentence with endless aftertaste: "Delicious! Supremely delicious! Words are too pale to describe! Impossible to describe!"

Qi Yu frowned, a little regretful, she needed objective feeling, first-hand experience information.

Seeing this, Tang Chen raised his hand and stuffed the spicy strips into his mouth, chewed them slowly, and savored them carefully....

Suddenly!He suddenly opened his eyes wide.

"It really is indescribable! It's ten thousand times better than Shi Zhongyu's spicy noodles! One! Ten thousand! Times!"

Tang Chen decisively raised a finger, and gestured heavily.Shake hard.

"What the hell is it like?...You two, what are you doing? I'm so worried!" Qi Yu held the paper and pen in his hand, and couldn't even write a single punctuation mark.In a fit of anger, I stuffed the spicy strips into my little red lips...

Tang Chen's brain is also very flexible. He glanced at Tang Chen and kindly reminded him: "What should I do if my stomach is ruined? Shi Zhongyu's spicy noodles have expired for many years, and you dare to eat them—"

"It's so delicious! Ah~! It really is supremely delicious! Supreme, supreme! It's so delicious!... Hiss~~~! Wow~!"

Suddenly, Qi Yu exclaimed suddenly, the decibel was no less than Tang Chen's exclamation just now.Shui Lingling's big eyes stared like little buns.It's unbelievable.

(End of this chapter)

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