Shushan Wushen

Chapter 618 Unscrew the faucet

Chapter 618 Unscrew the faucet


Tang Men Spicy Strips!I can't stop at all~!

"Wonderful! Wonderful! Wonderful!"

"Hehehe, it's still Tang Chen who has a good brain!"

"Where! Where! Qi Yu told the truth in one word, and his eyes know real gold. Otherwise, I will give up on this..."

Tang Chen and Qi Yu, facing a new advertisement that they raised, raised their hands and praised each other.

"Let's go, let Latiao Tangchen print it into a poster and send it to the distributor..."

The door was suddenly pushed open, and Latiao Tang Chen and Tang Yuan walked in.

"Tang Yuan, tell me, you said that all my money has been invested in [Tang Men Spicy Tiao], where can I pay you back? Stop making trouble. Tang Yuan, allow me a few days, and I can get back part of the money next week. I'll give you [-] first..."

Tang Yuan looked cold: "Twenty thousand? I don't care, I can't wait to get the goods right now. Besides, I took the money for you and Qi Yu's marriage. Who would have thought that you would start a business. Silence Don't make any noise, I'm afraid I'll get involved and pay for it!"

Tang Chen casually said, "Can you look down on this small business?"

"Are you afraid that I will share your money?" Tang Yuan pouted angrily.

Tang Chen didn't know what the trick was, so he casually said, "Then you buy shares!"

"Okay! Then I'll buy a share! Calculate my 100 million, how much of it can you get!" Tang Yuan's eyes sparkled instantly.Bright and strong.

"What?!" Latiao Tang Chen immediately understood everything, trembling with anger.

"It's bitter!" Qi Yu and Tang Chen looked at each other with sadness on their faces.A few days ago, the two had communicated.And reminded Tang Chen of Latiao.

Unexpectedly, some things still cannot escape the fateful arrangement somewhere.

Taking advantage of the critical moment, attack the palace.Get the most benefit.Tang Yuan tried this trick repeatedly.It's an extremely familiar unique move!
Tang Chen smiled proudly, patted Qi Yu on the shoulder, and said, "Fortunately, we still have a protection plan. Qi Yu, it's up to you, go!"

Qi Yu walked calmly, with a confident expression on his face, and took out a check from his pocket.

"Tang Yuan, this is a semi-annual check. 120 million. Six months later, your principal will be 100 million and the interest will be 20. You can withdraw it as you like. Now, you can also use it as a mortgage. Of course, the mortgage can get back 60 40, then we still owe you 40. What, [-] should not be difficult for you to borrow!"

Tang Yuan glanced at Qi Yu with her dark eyes, but instead of accepting the check, she raised her hand to open it.

"What do you mean? Pay a postdated check. Am I asking you for debt? It's boring!"

As she said that, Tang Yuan found a chair by herself, sat down angrily, and poured out her bitterness.

"Brother! You've hurt me this time. I'm also living at home. Your brother-in-law heard that I lent 100 million yuan to get married. He didn't say anything, but you guys quietly came up with a project, obviously Just play me like a monkey. Your brother-in-law is arguing with me every day, and we are going to divorce. The store is in the off-season now, and there is not much money coming in. After this feeding, I realized that there is no money... "

Spicy Tang Chen was extremely annoyed, and said angrily: "Then the two of us will use the 100 million to get married, so aren't you in a hurry to ask for money? Hmph~!"

Tang Yuan looked bitter, and said in a pleading tone: "Brother, if you really want to marry Sister Qi Yu, don't I have an explanation for your brother-in-law, an excuse. I really have nothing to do with the 100 million now. I and Your brother-in-law... the family is breaking up~!"

"Don't you just want an excuse? All right! Then you say you are a shareholder! Okay!" Latiao Tang Chen couldn't stand Tang Yuan's crying and pleading.

"Okay!" Tang Yuan's complexion changed rapidly.Resolutely agree to come down.

"No way! It's a trick!" Tang Chen and Qi Yu glared at Latiao Tang Chen with indignant faces.

Tang Yuan took the opportunity and said: "Then brothers will settle the accounts, let's delineate the equity."

As he said that, he took out his mobile phone and dialed. Four or five people came in, including lawyers, accountants, and director Li of the foundry.Obviously prepared.

Tang Chen sighed and shook his head.

Spicy Tang Chen looked at the situation and became furious, "Tang Yuan! You're planning on me, right? You've already found these people early in the morning!"

Tang Yuan didn't answer, but stretched out a hand: "Brother, take out the recipe first, I'll have a look. It's a co-founder. I have the right to know the contents of the recipe."

The lawyer came over and handed Latiao Tang Chen a document, and said solemnly: "Mr. Tang Chen, according to the confirmation of capital contribution, you did not invest any funds, and all the funds you invested came from Ms. Tang Yuan. Therefore, your shareholding ratio It is zero. I hereby tell you!"

The property personnel came over to negotiate with Tang Chen: "Mr. Tang Chen, as one of the founders of Tangmen Latiao, your salary structure is a commission salary. After deducting various expenses from the total profit, 20% of your salary is your salary. Please confirm Sign it."

Spicy Tang Chen was silent.His face was gray and sallow, and he seemed to be more than ten years old in an instant. His back was like a bow made of steel and iron.Looking up for a long time, his eyes were blank, and a strand of hair on his forehead suddenly became white!

"Get out! Get out of here, everyone! ALL...!"

Qi Yu's eyeballs were as red as blood, and he scolded loudly.Tang Chen pushed and shoved these guys away.

"What are you doing! What are you doing? Stop! Are the demons dancing and rebelling?" Tang Yuan screamed sharply, suppressing the direction of the situation.

Qi Yu looked at Tang Yuan coldly: "Tang Yuan! Let me ask you, have the grass-roots team you recruited ever calculated the discounted equity of our formula?"

"It's all just monosodium glutamate, chili, and some sugar. How can the recipe be so expensive? Tch!" Tang Yuan curled her mouth and wanted to say more.

Qi Yu said again.

"You want to make spicy noodles...Okay! Then how much marketing expenses do you plan to invest in the future? 1000 million? 2000 million? Or [-] million?"

Tang Yuan chuckled: "Sister Qi Yu, you still treat me like a child. What you said is really scary. If you pay [-] million, it means that if I can't afford [-] million, it's nothing to me? Or, you guys If you don't want to pay back the money, help my brother cover up and form a group to renege on the debt!"


Tang Yuan's momentum changed suddenly, and her tone became sharp.

"...Look! Look at you guys! You're just a studio, and you're making plans, and you borrowed 100 million from me for the initial capital. I think you're just fooling around. Those who sell fur make spicy strips, and those who are familiar with the business don't do it raw. I don’t take profit every other line, don’t you know? And you guys do business like this?! I, Tang Yuan, lead you on the right path! Let you make money. Let you see what business is and how it’s done!...doing business It's definitely not a hot head, tossing around!"

What Tang Yuan said was righteous and awe-inspiring.condescending.

She almost believed it herself.

Qi Yu smiled slightly, walked to the pool, rubbed the faucet, neither humble nor overbearing: "That's good! It's rare for you to be full of confidence. Hehe, don't you just want Tangmen spicy noodles? The brand is for you, and this foundry is for you. The channel is also given to you..."

"Really?" Tang Yuan shot Qi Yu's sharp eyes, and the ghosts believed that Qi Yu and the others just gave in and gave in.

"Anyway, our equity is zero, and what we get is a commission performance salary. Let's resign!"

As he said that, Qi Yu turned his finger on the faucet above the sink, buzzing!The running water flows continuously.

Everyone was puzzled and looked at each this moment.

Tang Chen raised his hand and poured a large paper bag at the foot of the table into the sink...

"Stop! Mr. Tang, that's concentrated ingredients...!" Director Li of the processing factory rushed over to snatch the remaining concentrated ingredients from Tang Chen's hands.

"Go away!"

Boom!Spicy Tang Chen raised his big foot and kicked Director Li's waist fiercely.

"Tang Yuan! I saw you clearly today. Qi Yu and Tang Chen analyzed it for me, and I chose not to believe it! But what you did today made me feel chilled!"

(End of this chapter)

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