Shushan Wushen

Chapter 620 Lao Yan Divided

Chapter 620 Lao Yan Divided

Suddenly!There was a loud bang.

All the facilities in the room are gone.Among the ruins, everyone was shocked and stunned.

"The Mandela Gate!" Tang Chen and Qi Yu exclaimed in horror.

In the sky, there is a sudden storm and clouds, countless clouds of strange colors, rolling and changing, turning into an incredible heptagonal shape.Like an ancient book, but also like an open door.

They didn't know why [The Mandela Gate was opened] was triggered, Tang Chen and Qi Yu's faces showed awe.Know that this mighty force is irresistible.

Tang Chen said brightly: "Tang Chen! It's a pity that Qi Yu and I can only help you here. Don't hand over the secret recipe. It's your backbone. It's also my Tang Chen's backbone."

"Goodbye! Tang Chen!" Qi Yu said goodbye with a complicated expression on his face.

"You... who are you?" At this moment, Latiao Tang Chen perfectly matched with Tang Chen's thoughts and memories, and shared them simultaneously.

"Yes!" Tang Chen smiled very lightly.

That's too late!Tang Chen was dragged by Qi Yu, and hurried to his car.

Boom!Boom!Get into the car and just close the door.

Like a tornado, the clouds on the dome crashed down.Endless bright thunderbolts erupted.Everyone couldn't help raising their arms to cover their eyes.

Rumble rumble....

The huge, explosive decibels resounded through the universe, and even exploded in everyone's brains.

For a moment, the clouds are calm and the wind is light.The scene in front of me changed.Everyone still stands in the house, and there is no broken wall.No turmoil is seen.

Everyone didn't know why they gathered here.One by one showed inexplicable expressions.

Only Latiao Tang Chen still has the imprint of the fantasy scene just now in his mind.As well as all of Tang Chen's memories and thoughts in that world.

"I will straighten my back! It's like tempering a divine sword, it can be tempered into steel." Latiao Tang Chen tightened his back molars, tightly clenched the USB flash drive in his hand, and quietly stuffed it into his trouser pocket.

Tang Yuan forgot the scene just now, and all the memories related to Qi Yu and Tang Chen.Surprised, his eyes flickered.Finally, he yelled at Jin Chan and Li Yiqi angrily.

"You guys are gods and ghosts all day long. I was so nervous that you broke down and became mentally ill."

blah blah....

She stepped on high heels, twisted her waist, and left fiercely.With a suspicious look on his face, he was still wondering what seemed to be wrong.Suddenly, her eyes lit up.

"Go back and check the surveillance!"

It's a pity that the monitoring in her fur shop turned out to be snowflakes.The hard drive actually burned down.At the same time, all the surveillance cameras near Wanghu Building had problems with their hard drives without exception.

Spicy Tang Chen, taking advantage of Tang Yuan's short-term amnesia, the channel dealer successfully returned the money and got the first pot of gold.

He quickly ended the foundry and returned Tang Yuan's 100 million.Then head south decisively.

Finally in a boomtown of the Empire.Successfully established their own business empire.In the USB flash drive left by Tang Chen and the others, there is a book that does not belong to this era.It was "Shushan Martial God" written by a pen name Zijin Xingchen.

Taking the protagonist in the book as a model, he helped the poor and helped the poor, and took chivalry as his duty to be a philanthropist.People in the commercial arena call him the great hero of Tang Dynasty!


In the blue sky, thin clouds like fish scales filled the sky.Several pterosaurs desperately chase a vulture.

There are mammoths running on the ground.The earth shakes and the mountains shake.The saber-toothed tiger saw it from a distance, and was in a very embarrassing escape.

The bewitching flowers are swaying in the wind, and all kinds of pollen are falling.

The swishing wind blows and spreads far, far away....

here.The ancient prehistoric grassland.

Suddenly, there was a thunderbolt in the clear sky.A strange seven-sided cloud mixed with thunderbolts.It's like destroying the world, puff rustle~!

A car that definitely did not belong to this ancient era crashed down.


A mammoth raised its head to the sky and howled loudly, tragically and terribly.

This is a king!Occupy this grassland.Bringing the son... a little mammoth with golden hair, to try out the pursuit.

Misfortune fell from heaven!

"Oops! There was a car accident!" Qi Yu was shocked, but her mood was still disturbed.Staying in that world, my mind is full of the bitter look of Latiao Tang Chen.

Subconsciously, she went to unbuckle her seat belt, only to find that she was not wearing a seat belt at all.So he turned to open the door.

"You're crazy! Drive! Go as fast as you can!"

Qi Yu's reaction was also extremely fast, his big absent-minded eyes shot cold light in an instant.A series of crisis response drills, without thinking about the control of muscles and bones to complete a series of programmed movements.

With a bang, the car was ejected like a shell.

Boom! — Ga.Boom boom boom...

The car starts with ignition, a few catapults to start, emergency braking, and then catapults, playing with the car means drifting!
Qi Yu did this very beautifully.

Whistling, whistling!

Dust and broken blades of grass shot up into the sky like a tornado.

Rubbing ~!

The car ejected, the motor roared, the body hummed and trembled, and it left the dust and fog area in an instant.Far away.

"Aoohoo~! Hohohoho...!"

The mammoth king was furious at first, and then he was shocked and thought he was a god!Then losing his mind in rage, the Howler charged into the tornado.

However, the dust and mist dissipated, revealing the clarity, and the monster that fell that day disappeared.

The mammoth looker roared to the sky: "Aoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!"

The sky trembled.Thousands of miles around, the echo is rustling.Countless low-level desolate ancient war beasts trembled, some of them crawled on the ground, and there were large water stains on the wet ground.Kneeled and peed~.

Chirp, chirp, chirp~!The 鵸鵌 soaring in the sky, had no time to slow down, and forcibly changed direction, unexpectedly broke his neck, and fell to the ground with a loud crash.Poor mountain and sea mythical beast, it just died out like this.The mammoth king is terrifying.

Mammoth... king!Ruler of this world.The head of all souls.

The mammoth king has extraordinary intelligence, and when he was furious, he showed his true qualities as a dominator.Focusing on it, I suddenly found traces of grass pulp crushed by the monster.It was actually two parallel curves.


The mammoth king roared and strode forward, causing the ground to crash.Flying sand and rocks, grass leaves and dust flying.Follow up.

Qi Yu stepped on the gas pedal to the end, and the green prairie was boundless and vast as far as the eye could see.Strong wildflowers, almost as tall as a wheel.

"It's safe!... Huhu~!"

Tang Chen patted Qi Yu's shoulder.

Qi Yu stopped the accelerator, and the car slowed down slowly.She was still in shock.His chest rose and fell.Obviously terrified.

Holding the steering wheel with one hand and smoothing his chest with the other, Qi Yu panted heavily: "It's so dangerous! Did I just see that a mountain collapsed?"

"No! That's a wild elephant, a wild elephant with huge tusks. We killed the wild elephant cub." Tang Chen's thoughts were overwhelmed, and he could see clearly.

"Wild elephant... tusks? It can't be a mammoth!" Qi Yu suddenly lost his voice.

Boom boom boom...!
The ground suddenly shook.

"Not good! That wild elephant is crazy, it's coming after you! Drive! Drive!" Tang Chen patted Qi Yu on the shoulder.Loud reminder.

Qi Yu subconsciously stepped on the gas pedal with his toes, and the clutch was quickly lifted.Put down the handbrake!

The body of the car trembled, the front of the car was raised, and it was ejected with a whoosh.

Buzz buzz~~~~~.

Countless larks were flying among wildflowers in the prairie.The bird escort is average.The tires of the car volleyed and spun, and the black smoke from the exhaust pipe slid out in an arc, boom!Flying sand and rocks, the car fell to the ground.

Then he jumped out crazily.Disappeared in the distance in an instant...

(End of this chapter)

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