Shushan Wushen

Chapter 623 I Declare I Own the Whole World

Chapter 623 I Declare I Own the Whole World

When Tang Chen heard this, he turned his head decisively.

"Don't make trouble! You can't stop repairing flying saucers, or the simplest mechanical flying saucers. You can't do this."

It was like a pot of cold water poured down on the head, mercilessly extinguishing the flame in Qi Yu's chest.

Tang Chen put down a large piece of meat in his hand, grabbed Qi Yu's tender hand, caressed it earnestly, and said, "You, don't think too much about it. Just be patient and wait for me to grow up quietly. At that time, our relationship will grow up." It's in place too. I married you, we have a lot of sons, girls or something..."

"You, you, you...!" Qi Yu looked at Tang Chen's shameless face, and was stuck in anger.

Tang Chen didn't take it seriously, and his face was full of reverie, "Qi Yu, look at our Tang family compound, there are mountains, waters, and rivers. There are eagles and falcons, and there are wild animals. The treasures of heaven and earth, rare and exotic fruits can't be seen at a glance. Son. Raise children, a treasure land for the whole family to establish a career."

"...Hoohoo." Qi Yu's tender hands turned red from Tang Chen's excited rubbing.She wants to get out.But he grabbed her wrist.She was too annoyed to speak.Breathing heavily was the only thing she could do.

The more Tang Chen talked, the more excited he became, and the more he talked, the more slippery he was, and he freed up one hand, put his arm around Qi Yu's slender waist, stood up, and shouted loudly: "I declare! I declare that I, Tang Chen, own the whole world! Whatever I am Walking with both feet, everything I touch with my hands, everything I see and think in my mind belongs to me, Tang Chen!"

However, this guy is not greedy, so he raised his face and glanced at Qi Yu.

"...It belongs to my wife Qi Yu too!"

"Get out!" Qi Yu finally concocted a vocabulary of one syllable, and successfully added punctuation marks.

Tang Chen gritted his teeth and burst out laughing, interrupting his sweet dreams and reveries.Seeing that his hands were oily, he grabbed some grass and rubbed it, then walked to the river to wash his hands.

Qi Yu burst out laughing.Inwardly speaking, she knew that Tang Chen was joking.In the ancient world, there are only two of them. If they are lifeless and serious, wouldn't it be quite boring?

After a long time, that depressive feeling will drive people crazy.

Qi Yu also walked towards the river, looking at the full moon that seemed to be brighter in the water, picked up the water splash, and carefully washed his white and delicate hands and wrists.


Tang Chen stood up suddenly in a slant, stepped over, hugged Qi Yu, and rolled on the spot.

"You!" Qi Yu was ashamed and annoyed. Is this guy impatient?
However, before Qi Yu had an attack, the facts had refuted all doubts about Tang Chen's character.


There was a hawk in the air, with two claws and a beak, in the shape of a letter character, attacking ferociously.

Under the night, the red feathers all over his body absorbed the moonlight, glowing with light, as if he was invisible, but it turned out to be a sneak attack.

The speed is too fast, and Tang Chen's reaction is accurate enough. Otherwise, when Qi Yu finds out, it is absolutely impossible to dodge in time. Even the flying beasts known for their speed will not have time to react at all.

He was caught off guard, and his blow missed, and he actually broke into the ground.

Tang Chen dragged Qi Yu back and forth, seeing this, he was resolutely delighted.Let go of Qi Yu, took out the paratrooper knife, aimed at the huge buttocks, and stabbed it indiscriminately!
Puff puff puff!

He struggled, and the earth shook.Grass foam mixed with sand, soaring into the sky.However, what's more, is the precious blood that spurts from the blood vessels.

It was shining brightly, and the blood beads were shining brightly, like red beans.Shhhhhhhhh....

The river was rippling and rolling, and the scene was very similar, with heavy rain dripping on the water.

At some point, Qi Yu also swung the paratrooper knife, puff puff puff!Even the tie poked.

I don't know how much time has passed, anyway, he also lost the throb of life.Tang Chen and Qi Yu were drenched, definitely soaked in sweat.Because the flight cloak and flight suit are waterproof.

The drenched two were completely exhausted, and they also hated this owl very much.This stuff is too dangerous.Qi Yu almost died.

"Huhuhu~~." Qi Yu gasped heavily, his eyes flickering with fear, the rest of his life after the catastrophe.

"Tang Chen, how can I repay your life-saving grace?"

Tang Chen was exhausted into a dead dog, and the beach turned into a pile of mud, but at this moment he regained his energy, bared his teeth and smiled, his eyes were bright, full of the splendor of life.

"Isn't it easy to do? Let me promise you with your body!"

Qi Yu pursed his lips, with a firm expression on his face, "Okay! Then yes!"

"Ah? Seriously!" Tang Chen suddenly lost his voice.Then he fell to the ground as if he had been stabbed to death.Wave your hands.

"Forget it! I really can't play, I'm still a child!"

"Puchi!" Qi Yu laughed, and glared at Tang Chen fiercely with her beautiful eyes: "Perhaps you are a big-headed ghost! You still know that you are a child. You roared loudly, and the whole world was turned into the Tang family by you!" Big courtyard. If you don’t have a shadow next time, don’t talk about it, you know? Remember~.”

Tang Chen felt a little uncomfortable.

Qi Yu smiled, crawled over, approached Tang Chen's ear, and said softly, "I have a way to make a biological flying saucer. We..."

"Tch~. I'm too lazy to talk to you, you're the one who doesn't have a shadow." Tang Chen took no time to hit Qi Yu.

Qi Yu didn't take it seriously, and said solemnly: "Do you remember the sophomore materials I gave you? There are the structure and principle of the flying saucer there. It's all on the car. Those are rare drawings."

Tang Chen thought deeply, he also flipped through the information roughly on the way to Sanjiao Town.Then, his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Is it really possible? Isn't the Ministry of War keeping the details secret?"

Qi Yu said with a smile: "Of course the information is incomplete, relying on the teaching materials will definitely not work. Yours is just the beginning of the principle and structure. But don't forget that one of my professional courses is the 'Summary of Troubleshooting Maintenance' of biological flying saucers!" "

"Ah?" Tang Chen opened his mouth wide.It can't be closed for a long time.Honestly, he longed to get out of here.But I don't want to leave here.Here he won't frown deeply, and his mood will no longer be depressed.

However, he also thought that it would be okay to stay here for a short time.Enjoy the peace and scenery.Can survive in this environment for a long time.away from human civilization.Then you can't adapt.

"What should we do?"

Qi Yu smiled and said, "It should be what you should do!"

"Me? Okay! Then what do you think we should do?" Tang Chen asked straightforwardly.

Qi Yu stroked his body and took out five small stones.

"Look at whatever you pick up, emerald, sapphire, amber, beeswax, and this is agate. They are all precious and indescribable treasures of nature and earth. And what we need to depict the inscriptions of biological flying saucers ah!"

"Oh? After what you said, I am really enlightened! Isn't it true that this world is my Tang family compound, so I can find it however I want. Say it! With my unparalleled power of thought , come and search for it all!"

Tang Chen agreed without hesitation.

"Mind power? What is mind power?" Qi Yu stared at Tang Chen with beautiful eyes.

Tang Chen was startled, "That's right! I did I come up with such a vocabulary?"

As if dark clouds were floating in the sky, revealing the bright moon behind the clouds, Tang Chen inadvertently loosened the seal of memory and thinking.

In fact, the mammoth king is full of treasures, and every piece of flesh and blood contains endless energy.Very majestic.

It's just that Tang Chen's current line of Ren and Du has almost dried up.Meridian occlusion.Therefore, it has been unable to recover memory and original thinking.All the gold fingers he relied on for his reincarnation trials have been broken, and now this power of thought is the biggest trump card.

(End of this chapter)

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