Shushan Wushen

Chapter 632 Green Grass Devil's Blood

Chapter 632 Green Grass Devil's Blood


Tang Chen nodded with a smile: "Yes! If you don't work hard, no matter how amazing your talent is, it will be lost in the end."

Qi Yu's eyes sparkled suddenly, and he asked seriously, "Tang Chen! How do you explain the division of labor between innate talents?"

After asking this question, Tang Chen remained silent for a long time. When Qi Yu asked for the third time, Tang Chen shook his head and said.

"This innate talent division of labor cannot be understood by the civilization you come into contact with. It doesn't matter if you don't talk about it."

Qi Yu was a little sad, and even a little annoyed. He raised his hand and grabbed Tang Chen's ear, "Say it! If you don't say it, screw it!"

Tang Chen smiled lightly, "Okay! Alright! I said, I said, I said that's it, forgive me, heroine!"

Qi Yu shook his head triumphantly, his hair rippling.

But I saw Tang Chen' Whoosh! 'Turned into a five-clawed golden dragon, swung through the void, and escaped.

The five-clawed golden dragon has a talent for space, and this is the only supernatural power that Tang Chen can obtain without resorting to divine power.

Qi Yu was furious at first, stomping his feet and cursing.After calming down and thinking about it, he seemed to have caught something somewhere.But she has never been instructed, she is always uncertain.

Later, when Tang Chen returned as if nothing had happened.Qi Yu grabbed Tang Chen's unswollen ear again.

After extorting a confession through torture, Tang Chen wept and made a metaphor.

"Qi Yu, it's like saying that a bird is born with feathers, and when it grows up, it soars into the blue sky. And we humans, although we can't fly as we please, we don't need to be envious or jealous, so boring. It's the same."

Qi Yujun's face turned frosty, and he asked sharply, "You mean women and men, right?"

Tang Chen smiled wryly: "You can't hide anything from you. There are some things you can't be envious of. You must be down-to-earth and do a good job of your own talent division. Even if there are all kinds of unbearable things, that is the division of labor that civilization bestows on you. It must be completed .”

Qi Yu was finally relieved. Under the premise of civilization, some people have different customs and customs.Even very different.These are indeed incomprehensible in modern society.

"In the face of responsibilities and obligations, we no longer use public opinion as the first means to cover up our greed and filth. It is also the protection of the weak by the release of civilization. Right!"

Tang Chen said solemnly: "But the weak are overconfident, and under the instigation of public opinion, they vigorously tore off the coat of protection. This is a sad mouth!"

Qi Yu thought for a long time, and then sighed faintly: "Yes! Under the protective robe, there are not only those who have been bewitched to rely on."

Tang Chen said seriously: "You can't live by doing your own crimes. This is the reward for selling the talent division of labor bestowed by civilization."

"The price is too great!" Qi Yu said bitterly.

Tang Chen also nodded. "Forget about men and women. This method of selling talent and division of labor protective clothing, selling collective interests in exchange for the prosperity of individual families. Once followed by those who want to, then it is fashionable to sell other people's interests. Gradually form a social atmosphere. A kind of doomsday The end of civilization is coming."

"It's terrifying to think about it carefully!" Qi Yu spit out this sentence.Sadness appeared on his face.

Tang Chen stroked Qi Yu's beautiful hair with his hands, and smoothed it behind his ears with his own hands.

He said softly: "With me here, you don't have to have any fear. Even if the right to speak has been taken away by the beasts..."

"What? What did you say?" Qi Yu turned his head vigilantly, his pupils stared round in his long and dense eyelashes.Sparkling.

Tang Chen's expression was calm and calm, and his tone was also calm, "Whatever he does so much. Our goal is to witness the world, and the flying saucer shell is finished, and we will set off immediately. Let me take you to see the Sea of ​​Stars, okay?"

Thinking of Tang Chen as the existence of the God of War.Qi Yu couldn't help feeling emotional.Nod decisively.

"It's okay! I just hope that Master Shushan Martial God, don't sell me to Xingchenhai. Hehe~."

This is a joke.

The shell of the flying saucer is intensively tempered.Tang Chen and Qi Yu corrected their identities as travelers.Based on the principle of respect and peaceful coexistence, we get along very well with the ancient mythical beasts.

Gradually, both Tang Chen and Qi Yu lost their due vigilance.

After dinner, the holy Lolita brought Qi Yu and Tang Chen each a glass of grass juice.

This is a grass juice extracted from a unique plant in the ancient times.Take a sip, a lot of bubbles are born in your mouth.Very sweet and refreshing.The entrance is soft,
Drinking a lot has the effect of paralyzing the nerves.Tang Chen was greedy for the taste of this thing.This drink has become a leisure drink after dinner.

The gods and beasts came very neatly today, and they transformed into the appearance of beautiful human women one by one.Tingting curled up and waited respectfully.

To Tang Chen, this kind of scene was too crude.However, for Qi Yu, it was beyond imagination.She looked at Tang Chen with a flushed face, talking freely, talking about the ethics of the human race, talking about the moral order and customs of the human race, talking about the aesthetics of the human race, and talking about the nobility of the human race.

The sacred loli dragon was very excited to see Tang Chen, she blinked her big eyes, and touched the horns of the dragon that couldn't be hidden on her head, with a swipe of her nails, a drop of golden dragon blood, bang bang!It fell into Tang Chen's cup.

"Ah!" The holy Lolita, pretending to be panicked, shouted coquettishly.

The hermit phoenix, starry sky beauty wolf, bird phoenix, Tianxiang toad, red-sleeved lion, goddess female tortoise, red police flower tiger, stunning mermaid, and fragrant red luan cursed at each other one after another.

"Dirty lord's green tea, the holy lolita dragon, kill yourself!" Yinxiu Phoenix said viciously.

The starry sky beauty wolf, with an awow, showed its sharp fangs, and its nails swished and swelled, like the sharp blade of a magic weapon, emitting a cold light.

"Holy Lolita Dragon, I'll help you!"

Hundred Bird Phoenix, Tianxiang Toad, Red-sleeved Lion, Goddess Female Turtle, Red Police Flower Tiger, Beautiful Mermaid, and Fragrant Red Luan moved one after another, forming an encircling circle.

The holy loli dragon, who had already calculated, fell to his knees with a puff.

"Master Tang Chen, invite the Holy Tribunal!"

After finishing speaking, tears were dancing in my eyes, so pitiful.

Tang Chen laughed loudly, "Hahaha! Dragon's blood is a great medicine, thank you Lori Longha, hahaha~."

After speaking, he took up the green grass juice and drank it all in one gulp.

The hidden phoenix, starry sky beauty wolf, bird phoenix, Tianxiang toad, red-sleeved lion, goddess female turtle, red police flower tiger, stunning mermaid, and fragrant red luan all put on another face, scrambling to support the sacred loli dragon .

Because, anyone can see that what Tang Chen needs is a situation of unity.The beasts are not stupid, who would disobey Tang Chen's face.Wouldn't that be courting death!
The holy lolita dragon walked straight towards Tang Chen with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Tang Chen roared this cup of green grass juice, and it went straight to the heart.It's like gulping down a glass of the strongest wine!
"Hey!" Tang Chen spat out a mouthful of heat, but unexpectedly, his vision blurred.Shadowy and Chuochuo saw in front of her, a stunning beauty walking gracefully in front of Tingting.

"Not good! I've been tricked!" Tang Chen consciously said something bad.Then, there is no more!

There was a bang.Ten thousand feet of golden light rose from Tang Chen's body, whoosh!Two ferocious dragon horns rose above his head.

"Tang Chen!" Qi Yu called out.

Tang Chen turned a deaf ear. "Oh~~!" Tang Chen opened his mouth and let out a dragon's long roar.


Tang Chen's body suddenly swelled up, becoming soft and slender. At this moment, he only had the sacred loli dragon in his eyes, and he couldn't see anything else.

At this moment, Tang Chen's consciousness has been lost, and everything is done by instinct.In other words, it was all the five-clawed golden dragon doing and manipulating it!

Ripples like water ripples appeared in the space of the ancient world, Tang Chen embraced the sacred loli dragon, whoosh!Fly away.

"Tang Chen!" Qi Yu shouted again.This cry was urgent and quite loud.

"This is the blood of the green grass! The marriage contract of the dragon clan. Lord Tang Chen was designed by the sacred loli dragon. \"

(End of this chapter)

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