Shushan Wushen

Chapter 645 Helping me is helping yourself

Chapter 645 Helping me is helping yourself

Fansu Tang Chen reacted very sharply, and he said: "In this way, it means that you are the 'God I', and I am the 'Technology I'! Technology is the future of civilization development, so the current I am the world of all parties. The most advanced 'I'! Infinitely close to perfection. The purpose of the 'God I' is to help me. Let me achieve perfection! Right!"

After finishing speaking, he looked solemn.As if shouldering the responsibility of saving the future, the heavy responsibility is undeniable.

Martial God Tang Chen and Martial Emperor Qi Yu both found it quite funny.

"With your escort, I will live up to everyone's expectations and be an amazing 'I'! I will never disappoint the 'God I' across the ages, and come to the [Mandela Gate] to help. Thank you!"

Saying that, Tang Chen's eyes lit up, and with full enthusiasm, he tightly grasped Emperor Wu Qi Yu's hands: "Thank you! Thank you."

Emperor Wu Qi Yu was extremely embarrassed and was about to break free.Fansu Tang Chen had already let go, and grabbed Emperor Wu Tang Chen's hand again.

Fansu Tang Chen was serious about the matter, with a serious expression on his face.Solemnly said: "The division of labor given to us by civilization is different. Since I have been chosen by civilization, I will definitely fulfill my mission. I will resolutely complete it. I will not disappoint civilization, let alone all the expectations of "I" in the heavens. Please Don't worry! Please also supervise me every day and every moment, and watch my actual actions. Please don't refuse! This is also the responsibility and obligation that civilization bestows on you! It is even more power!"

"You are so thick and dark!" Martial God Tang Chen grinned happily.Feng Yu Liuyan frowned narrowly.


Emperor Wu Qi Yu and Fan Su Qi Yu couldn't stop laughing, and laughed decisively.

Fansu Tang Chen blushed.He also felt that Martial God Tang Chen was not easy to deal with.Not a thug who can be coaxed with a few big words.So I changed my strategy, moving it with emotion and understanding with reason.

"'God I', your understanding of me seems to be a little off. Why don't you use your godly ability to read my memory and thoughts. My words are like a stick in my throat, and I can't utter them quickly. They are indeed from the bottom of my heart. This kind of heart can be learned from heaven and earth!"

Martial God Tang Chen said with a smile: "You are testing whether I have the ability to read your and other people's thoughts and memories. Sorry! I can! But I can't show it."

"Why?" Tang Chen was a little disappointed.

"Because once it resonates with your memory and thinking, it will trigger the [Mandela Gate], just like Jiao Laodao just now, didn't they all disappear passively?"

"Destroyed?" Fansu Tang Chen was filled with unbelievable panic.

Martial God Tang Chen shook his head: "It's not destruction, it was randomly teleported by [Mandela's Gate], and I don't know where it was thrown."

"Oh~~!" Fanya Tang Chen agreed, nodded slowly, and fought hard: "You know a lot! If this is the case, I don't think you should run around anymore, just stay in this world, Let us create a legend together. Believe in the long river of history, we will leave behind our rich and brilliant strokes!"

Martial God Tang Chen and Martial Emperor Qi Yu smiled at each other.It was quite funny.

It is obvious that Tang Chen likes to pull people's heads and work hard for him.

Sure enough, Tang Chen puffed up his chest, his eyes glowed, and his tone was sonorous and forceful: "Looking at this world, civilization is highly developed, and technological innovation is changing with each passing day. Thinking back to the time when Pangu opened up the world to the Three Emperors and Five Emperors, and then to the present, this is the glorious little pinnacle of human development. As the saying goes, heroes are made from facts. Today’s business model is just two words [reform]. All traditional marketing methods have undergone earth-shaking changes. The department stores and supermarkets that were blooming everywhere and making money every day have fallen. In the near future, there will be will disappear. It will be replaced by several major e-commerce platforms on the Internet.”

Fanya Qi Yu's eyes lit up, he slapped Emperor Wu Qi Yu's arm, and raised his fist, "Tang Chen is the best, we students all support him!"

"Pfft!" Qi Yu smiled without saying a word.Xindao, this also helps to build momentum.When I don't know this trick?
Ordinary Tang Chen, with shining eyes, looked directly at Martial God Tang Chen: "My plan is to use spicy strips as a selling point, and single product to break through. Spread the popularity and reputation of our website! Finally, we will spread the popularity and reputation of our Tangmen! Internet, build a super e-commerce platform! This is an important part of all human behavior in the future! Shopping on... Tangmen!"

Martial God Tang Chen was a little distracted, he could feel the urgency of Tang Chen's ambition.However, he also understood that Tang Chen was afraid of being plotted against again, so he actively kept Martial God Tang Chen and Martial Emperor Qi Yu... trying to protect himself.

"Would you like to help this guy?"

Martial God Tang Chen cast his eyes on Martial Emperor Qi Yu, his gaze was full of inquiries.

As a result, all this fell into the eyes of Fanyan Tang Chen, and he resolutely bewitched, with a loud voice: "Remember! Helping me is helping yourself! There is only one name left in history! That is Tang Chen! This name is you! It's me too! In the final analysis, it's Tang Chen! That's enough! Right?"

"Yes!" Fanya Qi Yu echoed loudly.

This sentence is undoubtedly very provocative.If Martial God Tang Chen and Martial Emperor Qi Yu are not strong enough, they both have the urge to agree!
"How about it? Can you allow me to contribute my meager strength to Tang Chen of Zhufang Tiandi?"

Ordinary Tang Chen continued to lobby against Martial God Tang Chen.Extending the scorching heat, put your hands together: "Please! Give me a chance."

Martial God Tang Chen nodded slightly, and he also thought; if he and Emperor Wu Qi Yu leave, then once the Supreme Tang Chen comes, then waiting for this ordinary Tang Chen will be another catastrophe!
Not to mention anything else, it is that the little true spirit of life origin in Tang Chen's body now is the end of being deprived.

At that time, all the achievements of Tang Chen will be doomed to come to naught.The Flower in the Mirror and the Moon in the Water have been busy for nothing.

"Okay! I'll help you for a while. Remember! I only protect your safety, and I don't specifically participate in your business. As for the means to help you read other people's thoughts and memories, and influence other people's consciousness, I will not do it."

"Hee hee! Enough! Enough! This is already very good. Very good!" Fanya Tang Chen grinned, his face bright.

"Don't worry! I will work hard. As long as my luck is still there, I will be able to show my ingenuity and wisdom, and I will not insult the name of Tang Chen in the world. I will also give you the glory of God! Although you may not be able to see it Son. But, after all, it is a little bit of my heart."

Martial God Tang Chen, Martial Emperor Qi Yu, and ordinary Qi Yu were all full of admiration.This ordinary Tang Chen's success is justified. Every sentence is extremely humble without losing the integrity of a man.

The ambition to make contributions and become famous is clearly revealed.Ordinary Tang Chen is worthy of a man's character!It can be called open and aboveboard!

(End of this chapter)

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