Shushan Wushen

Chapter 652 Spring Visit

Chapter 652 Visiting during the Spring Festival

"Ah! The old mayor has fainted...!"

"Come, come, step back, give the old mayor some fresh air. Don't watch...!"

"Traveling, the old mayor is tired..."

"I'm so homesick! The old mayor has always cared about his hometown...!"

Everyone kindly helped Zhao Yifang cover it up, but in fact, everyone knew Zhao Yifang's virtues.But no one can afford him.Offended Zhao Yifang, Zhao Yifang has ten thousand ways to get!Ten thousand!kind!

Therefore, he had no choice but to let Zhao Yifang be ravaged.After all, nothing can be done.

"Tang Chen, what should we do? Send him to the hospital." Qi Yu looked at the neighbors around him.At this time, Tang Dahai and Jin Chan had already entered the house.Only Tang can always make up his mind.Because this is the Tang family's family business after all.

With a smile on the corner of Mr. Tang's mouth, he shook his head naughtily.Whisper.

"Uncle doesn't like injections and medicines the most. Unless it's a patient, or a nurse~"

Before he finished speaking, Zhao Yifang lying on the ground moved his eyeballs under his tightly closed eyelids, and his exaggerated Adam's apple also moved up and down.The old man licked his lips.However, he still didn't open his eyes.

Tang Chen picked up a bundle of 10 yuan, weighed it, and shouted loudly: "Uncle Zhao Yifang, if you get up now, the 10 yuan in my hand is yours too!"

The old neighbors and old houses around covered their mouths and laughed. "Shua!" Zhao Yifang's eyelids shrank, and his eyes shone brightly.

Zhao Yifang acted like a corpse, rub!After doing it, he struggled to lean on the ground with one hand, and grabbed the tender brick of money in Mr. Tang's hand with the other.

Instantly!It's all right.

"Come here! Help uncle into the room to keep warm, and open a bottle of our most expensive wine to warm uncle's stomach!"

After Zhao Yifang took the money, she hugged one hand and heard the word "the most expensive wine" and immediately became refreshed again.

"Tang Chen, I'm not used to drinking foreign wine, is there any old wine?"

Mr. Tang smiled and said nothing. The bodyguard beside him supported Zhao Yifang and reminded: "There are 80 years of aging wine in the cellar. Mr. Tang said that he drank it on New Year's Eve."

"That's it!" Zhao Yifang straightened her waist and solemnly gave instructions.Walk like flying, go to the main room.

"...I don't like changing wine... I used to drink before I retired...."

Tang Shuang grinned.Tang Shuang's girlfriend bit her lip fiercely, and whispered, "Your uncle is really funny..."

Time flies, one morning has passed.There is not much left of a truckload of pink money bricks distributed, and a truckload of soybean oil is nothing left.Two large trucks drove out of Tang's small courtyard, and the drivers were going home for the New Year.

Something happened here, the Martial God Tang Chen was hidden in the void, Mr. Tang walked alone, carrying two boxes of aged wine in the cellar to the front yard, and visited Lin Xifeng again.

In this world, Lin Xifeng and Tang Chen are not so close.There is no mentorship.That is to say, the old neighbors who live in a better place.

However, when Mr. Tang stepped into the yard, he saw Lin Xifeng with an angry expression on his face.

"Tang Chen! You've been back for three days!"

Mr. Tang responded with a friendly smile: "Yes, Mr. Lin, I just finished my work, and I just came to see you. My father is also back, and we are busy cleaning up the house. No one lives in it for half a year, and the house is very dirty. .It's really troublesome to clean up..."


Lin Xifeng's complexion was not good, and a stern light flashed in his eyes: "I think it's because the rich man Tang got rich, and he forgot about me, a poor master."


Mr. Tang was taken aback.He didn't understand Lin Xifeng's words.After all, the relationship between the two has not reached that level.Besides, they all came to the door with their things.How do you make it seem like you have to come, and you have to be the first time?
Martial God Tang Chen immediately realized that this fusion of heaven and earth had caused this effect.

That is to say, Lin Xifeng in this world's thinking and memory is far inferior to that of Lin Xifeng in the other world. This caused Lin Xifeng in this world to lose the dominance of his memory, and was dominated by the memory of Lin Xifeng, who was a giant. leading.

"Oh! Tang Chen is here! Come in! Come on, why are you carrying things? You! Don't be as knowledgeable as you, Lin Da. He has been insane these days, and keeps saying that you once worshiped him as a teacher. He also said that you were taught by him, a series of skipping grades. Your academic performance is always good. He... this! There is a problem!"

Aunt Lin turned her temples with her fingers, winked at Mr. Tang, and reached out to pick up two boxes of aged wine in the cellar.

"Oh! It's so heavy!"

Mr. Tang hurriedly took a step forward and helped to pick up the wine box: "The key is that the porcelain bottle is too heavy, let me do it, mistress!"

"Master?" Mrs. Lin was taken aback, then smiled and blinked at Mr. Tang again.

At this time, Mr. Tang has already obtained several memories from the preaching of the Martial God Tang Chen.This is the personal relationship between Tang Chen and Lin Xifeng from all over the world.

Mr. Tang recalled for a while, retrieved those clips, and immediately sighed.

If, back then, he could have received the help from Lin Xifeng from this world.At this moment, Tang Chen should at least be able to... go to middle school.

That's right!

Tang Chen in this world is not very good at studying.After graduating from elementary school and attending middle school for a few days,...then dropped out of school to venture into the rivers and lakes.

In the end, he made his fortune selling spicy strips in a small business, and later got help from college graduates such as Qi Yu, Li Yiqi, and Han Xiangyi.Established a website, recruited professional managers, and finally made a fortune, the richest one.

Today's Mr. Tang has long been reborn. He uses the website as an e-commerce platform and has ruined many similar companies.Now, it is one of the leading companies in the e-commerce platform in this world.And, no second!

He has reached the realm of monopoly.

The conversation started at noon and continued until nightfall.Mr. Tang was still at Lin Xifeng's house, drinking a bowl of wonton.

Mr. Tang asked Lin Xifeng to open a bottle of wine, but Lin Xifeng refused very frankly: "That wine is too expensive. Save it as a gift for your older brother and younger brother."

"I still have some more. You drink it up, and I'll pack a few more boxes for you." Mr. Tang said generously.Afterwards, he asked about the situation of Lin Jingran and Lin Jingxian.

As a result, Martial God Tang Chen opened his mouth in astonishment.

Lin Jingran became a skilled worker, while Lin Jingxian failed in business and became a monk.

"Do monks drink too?" Mr. Tang asked in shock.

Lin Xifeng sighed angrily, "I can't believe it! How did Jing Xian become a monk? I feel like I'm dreaming! Everything changed overnight. And some aspects changed It’s very thorough! In the beginning of winter, I carried a bag of big yellow rice with great effort, and went to Jiang’s mill to grind rice and make noodles. It turned out that there was a small temple there, and some unknown gods were enshrined there. Oh! My God~. It really made me feel a little bit at a loss. It caused people to collapse! All beliefs collapsed! I suspect that what I see in front of me is a fake Sanjiao town!"

Mr. Tang thought about it, and said tentatively: "This may be the [Mandela Effect]...!"

He didn't dare to say [Mandela's Gate], because it was too shocking.Lin Xifeng couldn't accept it either.He had no choice but to popularize science in a way that his knowledge could accept.

In a sense, Lin Xifeng has also truly time-traveled.It's just that his kind of time travel is somewhat similar to a big egg scrambled with a small egg, the taste is the same!
In fact, it is not easy to tell the difference.

(End of this chapter)

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