Shushan Wushen

Chapter 664 This is not my fault

Chapter 664 This is not my fault


"Young master! How to deal with these people?"

Guiguzi asked respectfully.

Tang Chen snorted coldly: "Ask me about such trivial matters? Do you want me to give any excuses?"

After all, Tang Chen resolutely disappeared in the eyes of those guys who had a lot of money in their stomachs, and even didn't even bother to look at them again.


These people are all downcast.After a lifetime of tossing and hurting Tang Chen, Tang Chen was such a precious trial, so he died in the hands of these people.They are also regretful.

Who would have thought that Tang Chen was actually a god?
Guiguzi read their minds, and said lightly: "The young master has kindness in his heart. Ask yourself. Who has never received the favor of the young master? It's not that the young master is a martial god and you missed the opportunity, but that you are doing evil to others. You have evil thoughts in your heart. Even if you are incarnated as your children, no matter how outstanding and stunning he is, you will not blink your eyes and deliberately harm! Even persecution without reason! If there is an afterlife, you should repent !"

After all, Guiguzi waved his hand, and the group of people disappeared into the ground at the foot of Shu Mountain.Turned into various totems.

Hush huh huh...

Some people shed tears of repentance, and the tears dripped out of the glazed ground, gradually converging into a small stream. The small stream surrounded Shushan Mountain, became more and more majestic, and finally became a river.The river water was slightly red, as if it was about to burn Shu Mountain.

Su Fenhe...!
Where there is water, there is the breath of life. I don't know how many lives and kalpas have passed, and another group of living beings have been bred... .

Tang Chen reunited with his old friend from this trial, sitting and talking over a cup of fragrant tea.

I don't know whether it is the magic of the tea cup or the magic of the tea, but there is always half a cup left after drinking it.

Tang Chen helped them undo the shackles and clear away the depression in their hearts.Cutting the fur and washing the marrow secretly changed their physique.This is the necessary help that a friend can do.

If you pay, you will get rewarded.Even - afterlife!
Life should be like an old dog!At the beginning, his Chen family and Tang family were in the same situation, and Tang Chen entered school, but Chen Laogou caused him serious burns because of Tang Chen.But later, his life was broken, he took the initiative to find Tang Chen, and asked to work for Tang Chen.

Tang Chen thought of his nostalgia and gave him a chance.Chen Laogou is not afraid of being dirty or tired, and earnestly completes the tasks assigned by Tang Chen.

In the end, Tang Chen was moved and gave him a practical career plan, and finally became the veteran of Tangmen Company.

Although, he, Old Dog Chen, is just a courier boy.But the family property exceeds ten million.

When Tang Chen was murdered by Tang Yuan, it was Chen Laogou who offered to give millions of cash.Tang Chen wanted to write an IOU, but Chen Laogou resolutely refused.

Later, when Tang Chen made up the IOU, Chen Laogou tore it into pieces without hesitation, and burned it on the spot.

"Tang Chen! In my life, you are the only one who treats me, Old Dog Chen, as a human being. Everything you have helped me has changed my life! I can't finish my life..."

Such a simple sentence expresses Chen Laogou's gratitude.

As a result, he got a great opportunity and great luck.The skin all over the body is as smooth as jade, and the temperament of the whole person has also become rich and handsome, and his aura has become high.

"...The great chivalrous man's home country is the world! If medicine fails to make pills, it will eventually become poison! If people cannot become gods, nothing will happen. Look! Martial arts are straight and never deviate. If you feel that martial arts has a bend, then you have taken a detour... .”

Tang Chen preached calmly.

This is the perception of God.

"Tch~! You said it clearly and logically, but didn't you fail the trial in the end?"

Qi Yu pouted, mocking ruthlessly!

After Qi Yu finished speaking, he regretted it.After all, Tang Chen's status at this time is so noble!Li Yiqi, Han Xiangyi and the others were startled, wishing they could jump up and cover Qi Yu's mouth.


Tang Chen looked up to the sky and laughed, he liked this feeling.

"This is a friend! Just don't pull my ears!"

As soon as this remark came out, Qi Yu's eyes lit up, whoosh!Jumping over, grabbed Tang Chen's ear.

"Little kid! You are raised like a dog, do you know how nervous I was just now! It scared me to death!"

She cursed fiercely in her mouth, tears were already streaming down her beautiful face.When she died, she shouted Tang Chen, but at that time Tang Chen was dealing with Jiao Dianlun.Her cries for help were not heard.When Tang Chen found out, it was already too late!

"Young master! Ahem——"

Guiguzi landed lightly between Qi Yu and Tang Chen, and Qi Yu was only at the level of Emperor Wu, so he let go of his fingers for some reason.

This is the method of the fairy family.Supremely brilliant!
Tang Chen smiled and waved his hands: "Master Xian doesn't have to be like this. She is my friend!"

"They are all my friends!"


As soon as this remark came out, everyone was shocked.This is a great honor.What kind of status is Tang Chen to treat them as friends!This is an unimaginable honor.


Guiguzi snorted coldly.

Tang Chen was taken aback, he had never seen Guiguzi so rude.This is a slap in the face in front of these friends.

"The trial of seeing the world has failed! Seeing that the trial of all beings is about to start, don't you reflect on yourself?"

Tang Chen couldn't help but frowned, and said, "It's not my fault! Tang Shui ignored the rules of the Panshi Hall and didn't leave a designated successor. He also encountered unkind people and entrusted him to someone else! The Tang Sect should be rectified! For some hidden stubs, it is necessary to send people to activate the test regularly. Otherwise, the tragedy is destined to happen again! I am here to catch up with my friends, isn’t it the best time window! If you don’t rectify it at this time, what do I do? !"

Guiguzi smiled bitterly, and bowed to the ground: "The young master taught you the right thing! This old slave has been taught. This old slave is guilty!"

Tang Chen snorted coldly, and put on a show in front of his friends.

Guiguzi's figure gradually faded, and finally disappeared.

Tang Chen regained his mood, and chatted with his friends again, and the scene gradually became lively.These friends are no longer restrained.Tang Chen took the opportunity to extract the memories and thoughts of those friends during the [See Myself] trial, and supplemented them.

really!Bursts of dense aura erupted, and everyone's cultivation and realm had reached the level of a martial god.

Practicing martial arts is a gradual process.Their realm will be raised little by little.

There are no years on the mountain.Tang Chen arranged everything for his friends, sent them down the mountain, and sealed them in the Tiandi Scroll again.

Whoosh!Guiguzi appeared behind Tang Chen.

"Young master! Are you ready?"

"En!" Tang Chen turned around and gave Guiguzi a deep salute.

"Don't blame Immortal Master! Chen'er was abrupt, and I'm apologizing to you!"

"You can't do it!" Guiguzi hurriedly supported Tang Chen.

"The young master has a strategy in his heart, and the old slave can't match it."

Tang Chen said: "Master, don't laugh at me. I'm just setting up a hidden stake. Although I don't know what the future mission is, there must be some backbone confidants in the power."


Guiguzi scolded.

(End of this chapter)

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