Shushan Wushen

Chapter 667 Brocade robe

Chapter 667 Brocade robe


The gods wandered all the way with the newly joined Tathagata, and finally returned to the vastness.

"Back to the chaos, I feel refreshed!"

The gods went on a trip, seemingly suffering a little bit, and decisively felt a happy life.Hurriedly rushing back to Pangu Heaven and Earth.

However, some warriors are still interested.For example, Taishang Laojun, he is addicted to alchemy.When I came out this time, I transplanted many exotic herbs that were not found in Pangu Heaven and Earth.

Moreover, Taishang Laojun picked many extremely precious medicinal materials.

For example, the nine-turn dragon pattern rattan.This thing is hard to find in the world!It is a must for refining the Nine Rank Great Golden Elixir.Otherwise, it is the Nine-Turn Golden Elixir.The sky and the earth with poor efficacy.

The three Qings are one, and the Yuanshi Tianzun and Daode Tianzun supported the Taishang Laojun, not to mention, they raised their eyebrows and were unwilling to go back, so the gods began their linear journey again.

Snakes coiling mountains and eagles worrying about streams!

Taishang Laojun discovered [Snake Shadow Eagle Flower] here, but unfortunately, the flowering period has not yet come.Not mature.

The Red Emperor volunteered to refine a portal in Yingchou Stream of Snake Pan Mountain, nourishing the spirit flower with the aura of Pangu Heaven and Earth.Try to ripen.

"It takes a long time to ripen these wonderful flowers. Why don't we keep going, and when we return, the flowers must be ripe and the stalks will fall. Even if we are in a hurry, some flower seeds will be very useful!"

When Taishang Laojun said this, he raised his eyebrows and agreed.In this way, they took the initiative to make friends, and Sanqing and Yangmei also moved forward and retreated together.

"Tathagata! You are a powerful Buddhist. How can you be dressed in strange clothes?"

Raising eyebrows and hooking up to pass away.Yuan Ji lowered his head and looked at himself, he was wearing a black windbreaker.This is the uniform, Liu Jinduo and Tang Chen gave him this black windbreaker and disappeared.He couldn't help feeling a little sad.

You raised your eyebrows but misunderstood, "Tathagata! Don't be like this! Not long ago, the world changed suddenly, and you must have lost many believers. However, appearance is very important when walking in the rivers and lakes. Just now I took a look in that direction, and it was a There are a lot of minerals in the stars, why don't you let the Red Emperor help you knock out a battle robe! Oh no! Cassock! Cassock!"

Chidi has been flattering and raising his eyebrows.At this moment, he decisively patted his chest.

"Tathagata! Don't worry, you've seen my handicraft before. It's superb, and the price is fair!"

"Money! I'll pay." She raised her eyebrows and nodded, smiling gently.

"Then..., I haven't finished talking! Free! Free! It's just an apology to the Tathagata!" Chi Di is a rough guy who can't chew his ass.Not much chat.

Yang Mei squeezed his eyes at the Tathagata. During this time, Yang Mei had figured out the Tathagata thoroughly.He felt that this guy was very dark.The listless one doesn't like to talk, so he should always stare and observe.If you talk to him and ask him what he thinks deep in his heart, this guy talks a lot, quotes from many sources, and a lot of nonsense.It doesn't sound annoying, though.Thinking about it, it makes sense.

"Uh! Don't bother Chidi. I'm a little embarrassed."

Yuanji rubbed his hands, looked straight at Yangmei, and ignored Chidi at all.

Chidi made a fool of himself, that is, borrowing the donkey from the slope, instead of refining weapons.There is no chance of rejection either.

"No trouble! No trouble! They are good friends. Give him a chance, he would be happy. Right? Red Emperor!"

Chidi grinned: "Yes, yes! Yes! In fact——"

Chidi wanted to take the opportunity to say a few words to ask for favors, but in the end, Taishang Laojun waved the snow-white whisk in his hand, opening a path of divine light.

"Let's go! What are the ink marks? Immeasurable Heavenly Venerable! Tathagata... please!"

With that said, the gods set foot on the Shenguang Avenue and hurried on their way.

This is actually very luxurious.Shenguang is nothing more than aura, which is compressed into a jade plate with aura, which is smooth and luxurious.The visual effects are superb.More importantly, walking on the Shenguang Avenue is like practicing.

There is no need to run the meridians, the spiritual energy penetrates everywhere, like frying ribs in a frying pan, the whole person is liquefied, solidified, and stuck by the spiritual energy.

This is unimaginable in any world or era in the past.

However, no one thanked Pangu!
After all, no one wants to enjoy the benefits left by Pan Gu in guilt.That would undoubtedly be uncomfortable.Therefore, during this period of time, the gods intentionally or unintentionally avoided the topic of Pan Gu.Pangu's status was gradually selectively forgotten.The gods agreed more with raising their eyebrows.

This is a huge meteorite mountain composed of broken stars.

It is the accumulation of minerals in different worlds that causes the various visions here.Countless elements, in the form of thick fingers, float around the meteorite mountain, turning into a big cover.Brilliant and radiant.

The gods help to purify the elements, otherwise Chidi himself will need to do it for a long time.

Soon, [-]% of the elements of the Broken Star Meteorite Mountain were extracted. At this moment, the flames of the Red Emperor's refining furnace are elegant and fragrant, which can be described as a perfect fire.

Countless pure elements were thrown into the furnace one after another, melted and intertwined together to become an alloy.Chidi picked up the refining hammer and smashed it wildly.

Under intensive and even knocking, all the elements turned into a lump of crimson.


Chidi's wrist, with a wonderful rhythm, pulled out a hairspring from the red alloy!
Gossamer rushed into the vastness of nothingness with a "swoosh".

Chidi ignored it, his wrists and fingers were still trembling.Chidi was also exhausted, his arms and waist gradually trembled.

Yuan Ji couldn't help but laugh, this scene was like being electrocuted in the previous life.

Finally, Chidi roared.When the last drop of crimson was slightly black, the drawing was successfully completed.

"Tathagata! Stand up!"

The Red Emperor roared, and then, the red gossamer in his hand, huh!Shoot towards death.

Yuan Ji was startled.But his cultivation is far inferior to Chidi.Before he escaped, the gossamer had already encircled him.

"Oh!" Yuan Ji was startled and almost lost his voice.

However, the time has come to witness the handiwork of God.

The gossamer that roamed the vastness returned one after another, wrapping the dead body like a snake coil.

Om ~ ~!
The sledgehammer in Chidi's hand, with the flames in the refining furnace, whizzed and smashed towards Yuan Ji.

Yuan Ji was so shocked that he couldn't help closing his eyes, it was so frightening!

Bang bang bang~~~~!
The sledgehammer carried a pure green flame, and the fragrance was tangy, and the intensive hammer sound was intertwined.It sounds like nature.

The melodious Buddha's voice sounded sonorous yet soft...

"There are a lot of Greece...¥%...&×()——)) Armani horse roars back...."

The moment of passing away is like being in the lecture hall of Shaolin Temple.Some trance ~ ~.


I don't know how long it has passed, but Yuan Ji is still immersed in emotions for a long time and cannot extricate himself!
"It's done!"

Chidi roared again.Only then did Yuan Ji open his eyes.In an instant, he was stunned by the passing away.The eyes of the gods were all sharp.looking at him—

Oh no!It depends on his death.

Yuanji bowed his head, the cassock on his body was dazzling, and the glare flowed.Holy.

"Ah... so beautiful!"

Yuan Ji was amazed.From the heart.The Chidi people are not very good, the skill of refining weapons is really nothing to choose!It is speechless.

"Come! Tathagata, take two steps!"

The Red Emperor smiled and waved his arm to wipe the sweat of God.A look of exhaustion.

Yuan Ji took a step forward, "Whoosh!" The cassock fell off.

"Damn it! Why is it so heavy?" Yuan Ji was shocked, and even uttered obscenities: "Almi dragged a Buddha's place!"

Can it not be heavy?This is the essence of a star!

He raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "Blood to recognize the master! Without refining, of course it is heavy! Hahaha, Tathagata is overly surprised! The Red Emperor did a great job!"

Chidi was very excited to be praised.Raising eyebrows is to save Yuan Ji's face.

Yuan Ji was a little ashamed, he didn't know how to recognize the Lord with a drop of blood, so he could only recall the bits and pieces of the Supreme Tang Chen in his previous life.


Yuanji raised his eyebrows in response, bit the tip of his tongue, "Poof!" A bloody arrow shot at the cassock behind him.


The incomparably cool cassock became soft and thin at a speed visible to the naked eye, and flew towards death as if it had become spiritually intelligent, and disappeared.

Yuan Ji sensed the existence of the cassock in the dark, and the feeling of connection was very mysterious.

With a movement of his mind, the cassock floated out of his body...

"Don't be too wonderful! Algemi dragged a Buddha!"

The stillness gracefully circles around in place, like dancing lightly, extremely sacred.

(End of this chapter)

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