Shushan Wushen

Chapter 672 Those who surrender to foreign races, punish them! 【Shushan Martial God·Zijin Xingchen W

Chapter 672 Those who surrender to foreign races, punish them! 【Shushan Martial God·Zijin Xingchen Works】


In the Colorful Continent, the gods have been silent in the depths of the sea for too long, and the seaweed wrapped in the gods' bodies has been mineralized, as if they were carrying a bronze coffin.

Boom boom boom...!
Valkyries who dare not be humiliated continue to rush out of the sea and attack the Snow Clan mage army.

"Either surrender! Or die forever in the bottom of the sea!"

Haotian turned into a giant finger that spanned the sky, piercing the starry sky, and bronze coffins were thrown into the latitude ocean, "Boom!" "Boom!" How terrifying the latitude ocean is!Such a weak Valkyrie, as if encountering an invisible enemy, was smashed to pieces by the unimaginable power of heaven!
A large number of Valkyries turned into cosmic dust!
Haotian's divine body arched, and then suddenly straightened.It was like a giant finger trembling, "Boom! Boom! Boom!" At the place where the fingers were folded, there was a huge bow and back force, oppressing the gods, and blood burst into the sky. , completely perish!
The sky of the colorful continent, the blood splashing continuously in the starry sky, the magic power of the Snow Clan Legion, the quantitative change has reached the qualitative change, the gods have been injured in large numbers, coughing up blood...

The natives of the Colorful Continent thought they could take a breather, followed in the footsteps of the Valkyrie, and set foot on the big stars controlled by the power of the gods, whoosh~, whoosh~, escaped from the satellite orbit of the Colorful Continent, and shot into the depths of the vastness.

However!Haotian produced a filament from his forehead, swish!Shoot straight to the soles of the feet.This is the bowstring!
Haotian, the god king of the Snow Clan, straightened up suddenly, and shot out a blood-stained red spear, boom!It pierced through the heart of an ancestor and came out through the body.There was still a baby breastfeeding on her chest, so she was killed twice!
"Whoa, whoa, whoa!"

On the sea surface of the Colorful Continent, the gods were about to burst into tears, their eyeballs blazing.He watched helplessly as the fleeing group of warriors and awakened natives were pierced by the red spear.

Everyone, including the gods and beasts, the human race, and the warrior god from Pangu Heaven and Earth, together with the big star at their feet, are bleeding into the starry sky.

This scene is really too miserable!This is the Elegy of the Universe!

Boom boom boom...!
More Snow Tribe legions are madly attacking the portal leading to Pangu Heaven and Earth.

Finally, the portal's inscription pattern disappeared and exploded, and a strange breath rushed out of the portal.A large number of Snow Clan legions suddenly disappeared.However, the Snow Clan is so brave, the brave are fearless, and they are not afraid of death.One after another.

Stepping into the portal, the Snow Clan Legion shouted loudly.


Before the words fell, monstrous black water rushed out of the portal.This is not water vapor, this is real river water!

"Why is it Tongtian River water?" Raised his eyebrows and took a deep look at Chidi.

Chidi was dressed in rags, and grinned: "The large-scale teleportation array is too time-consuming and labor-intensive. I didn't get it straight, and the transfer is the same."

"Okay! There is no unparalleled road!" Taishang Laojun and the gods were relieved.

The vastness of Haotian is all-encompassing, and the thickness of the earth is all-encompassing. In spring, summer, autumn and winter, gasification is popular, and all rivers are inclusive!
If the Snow Clan directly conquered Pangu Heaven and Earth this time, the gods would definitely be homeless.Likely to die forever.

"We are not a fish!" The Goddess of Longevity raised her hand angrily and took a bite of the peach.

On such a day, the sky is dark, and the starry sky is bloodied at the slightest impulsiveness, it is really aggrieved!Haotian is too powerful!The power of the gods is almost desperate, and there is no way to resist.Countless amazing spirit beasts, or, the blood of the martial arts gods splashed, and the gods were smashed into powder by Haotian's clapping...

"Divide into two groups! Wait for an opportunity to break through!"

This is a beautiful goddess. With a coquettish cry, the Valkyrie responded and flew up into the sky.

Swish!A white jade purification bottle suddenly appeared in the palm of this beautiful goddess, holding a small silver tree branch and leaf on it, and the goddess kept waving the silver tree, exerting healing magic on the power of the human race, allowing the gods to join the battle again...


Countless magicians of the Snow Clan Legion initiate a magic call!boom!A big magically transformed hand condensed out of thin air, pop!A slap in the face sent the goddess flying, and the goddess's body shattered inch by inch, her precious blood turned green, and green mist rose, engulfing a large galaxy over the colorful continent!

The big magic hand swung the white jade bottle with the back of his hand, and the small silver tree withered quickly, falling into endless expanse...

The blessed healing magic is gone, and the gods have lost their power!A wave cut open his chest...

God has his own dignity, and his strength of character, this is integrity!
"Foreign race! This god sent you to reincarnation!"


There are many warrior gods who blew themselves up in their dantians!
Rows of green blood, mixed with divine power, shot rapidly into the starry sky, snowflakes swayed, and the sky was erratic.

...A Valkyrie was caught off guard, rushed up and was severely injured by his own self-destruct, but he did not die. This unlucky Valkyrie, the Valkyrie behind him, decisively broke through the void, and kicked the seriously injured him into the endless ocean of latitude. ...that is vitality.

To stay is either eternal silence or perishing!Escape, there is still a glimmer of life!
More martial gods... Taishang Laojun's strange body froze, and a strange smile bloomed on his face.And Yuanshi Tianzun and other Sanqing slowly worshiped.

"Great god of the alien race! Please accept my humble knee and golden core!"

"Bastard! Moral God! Where is your morality? Primordial God! Lingbao Heaven!" Chidi jumped and cursed angrily!
All the gods on the sea are furious!Raising eyebrows and looking back, I saw indescribable horror and trembling on the faces of Nu Wa and the Goddess of Longevity.

"Among the gods, there are always more warriors than cowards!"

There is also the god of war from Pangu Heaven and Earth, joined hands with the beasts from the Colorful Continent, and suddenly bursts out, with spears, spears, and shiny swords in his hands.Cut into the void.

puff puff~
However, heart spirit cannot represent strength!
The warriors ascended to the sky, and before they could set foot on the starry sky in the future, they turned into blood mist and exploded with a bang.

Haotian is so powerful that he can open the heads and chests of the warriors with every gesture, and the starry sky will be stained with blood!
The boundless and deep starry sky is the eternal darkness, pools of green blood of the ancestors and warriors, floating in the air, full of sorrow, full of unyielding, ... full of despair!
Some of the gods kneeled from time to time, and some warriors actually prostrated..., in the most humble posture, kneeling and licking the snow marks that Haotian's toes stepped on!


Raising eyebrows couldn't help spitting hard.The anger in the pupils burned violently in the chest, and the angry eyes vacated out of the eye sockets.

However, he only has this spiritual body.After falling, there will be no more Tang Yangmei in the world!
So he yelled!Boost morale….

"A brave and fearless warrior, with his blood and cultivation, what he got in exchange! He is a kneeler! The kneeler's eternal life!"

"Humiliation! Is there anything more humiliating to the dignity of the human race than this?"

"Where is the pride of God?! Where is the dignity of God?!"

However, Tang Yang raised his eyebrows angrily.It also revealed the powerlessness of the gods...

More martial gods chose to drag out an existence.They knelt and licked the snow marks one after another!
This kneeling licker, as a mother, for their own survival, held up the swaddling baby, boom!I fell the child in my arms to death with my own hands...

With tears in my eyes, I walked towards Haotian...

"I want to live! Please have mercy!"

As he spoke, he took off his covering robe——

This is a clean and self-sufficient girl, with amazing talent and incredible beauty!She resolutely took off the tattered robe on her body, revealing her clean body, her round buttocks pouted, her pretty face covered with snow foam, her tongue drooping, her face full of youthfulness and piety, this is Tongtian Haotian walking by. Mark of……!
Do not!
The gods on the sea are like gods who have buried themselves, extremely angry, and so powerless!


The gods were soon... shocked and stunned.

What did the mothers raise in their hands?
Why are girls going crazy!
The mothers took off their robes... and suddenly they pulled out their thin arms from inside the robes, and they also pulled out their tightly gripped... bronze spoons!
A small spoon is nothing!
Puff puff!The kneeling and licking person in front of him was not prepared for the surprise attack of these mothers, and his eyeballs were gouged out one after another!
"Those who surrender to the alien race will be punished!"

The mothers roared, at this moment, their bloated and deformed bodies, their skin is as beautiful as jade, graceful as a virgin, sucking the wind and drinking the dew, stirring their breath, and their bodies are as light as a swallow!
With a wave of Haotian's hand, the mothers suddenly turned into dust, blood red the Snow Clan Legion on the Colorful Continent!

(End of this chapter)

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