Shushan Wushen

Chapter 677 1 Battle Broken Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 677 The World War One Broken Mountains and Rivers


Where did this rainbow come from, so magnificent and beautifully blooming?

The Rose Immortal Sword, with its sword energy soaring into the sky, is dazzling and dazzling, with billions of feet of light, and the entire colorful continent is amazed by it.

A little girl carved in powder and made of jade, with sharp eyes and a cold light that catches one's heart, Phew!
The poignant and glamorous sword light pierced into Ziyang's throat.

Zhantian thorn is a big needle, sha!Like an iron rod, it swept across.Boom!The big needle cut off one of Ziyang Zhenren's left legs.


Immortal Ziyang let out a scream, tilted his body, and escaped the deadly lock of the Guixian Sword by a clever trick!

"Xiao Zhan! You are really delaying things! Go away!" Guixianjian scolded Zhan Tianci.

call out!The Zhantian thorn rebounded with force, and after the rebound, the attack direction changed with a "swoosh"!In the way of acupuncture, "Ding!" pierced into the lower abdomen of Bachang Martial God.

The original star of Bashang Martial God exploded, his cultivation lost control, and he exploded!

The explosive power was astonishing, and when the coercion was released, all the gods under the Jade Emperor, who were a little closer to Bachang Martial God, were all blown away on the spot.And cough up blood.

Taking advantage of the situation, the God-Scaring Halberd exploded, roar!Roar!Roar!The gust of wind roared like a monster, and a strong wind swept across. A large number of Martial Gods had their limbs and arms broken, and their souls were separated from their bodies, and they died decisively.

Whoosh!Daoist Taiyi and Yuanshi Tianzun burst into flames at the same time, their hands glowing, boom boom!Suppress Zhantian thorn, whoosh!The divine body is like a fish jumping out of the water, grabbing at the giant golden tower in the air!
Peng ~!

The Qiankun ruler was powerful and heavy, and the dark heavy ruler sent Yuanshi Tianzun flying.

In the blink of an eye, Daoist Taiyi's divine body actually slowed down in the air, huh!Tianluo Umbrella slid across Daoist Taiyi's pen, and a few hairs drifted away in the wind.

Tom ~!

The dust whisk in the hands of Daoist Taiyi is a magic weapon, and he smashed a big hole in the Tianluo Umbrella...


The spirit of Tianluosan's magic weapon let out a scream, and Tianluosan was instantly dimmed.

"Taiyi Daoist's soul fades!"

Jingshi Tongzi stomped his feet, and the giant golden tower flew high, smashing the surrounding gods such as Ziyang Zhenren and other gods, and enveloping Taiyi Zhenren like a mountain pressing down on the top.


Master Taiyi smiled sinisterly, he opened his palm, and in his palm was a small cloth bag with inscription pattern.This is Qiankun bag!It can hold a star, and the giant golden tower falls into it, so it doesn't look cramped!

Realizing that something was wrong, Jingshi Tongzi moved his fingers, and the whisks under his feet also moved, whoosh!The body of the three-legged Golden Crow flew out from the tower gate. He put his hand under his armpit, and grabbed the Tianluo umbrella with the other hand, and at the same time shouted: "Follow me! Don't love to fight!"

The Jingshi Tongzi's feet are full of divine power, and the whiskers are crystal clear and beautiful, entangled and borrowed from each other with mysterious and incomparable trajectories.Choo Choo Choo!In an instant, it was like a huge egg-shaped nest.


Worshiping to the God of War, the God of War, the God of Martial Arts, the God of Valkyrie, the God of Kaoji, the God of Shielding Arrows, the God of Kuai, the God of Carrick, and other gods, the gods are instantly torn apart and shattered.

The blood of the gods soaked this huge cloud of whiskers, turning white into scarlet, crystal clear into dark black, and clear into bloody.

"Damn it!"

Haotian was furious, and the probing hand released ruthless divine power, cold and awe-inspiring, this was a signal.

Immediately, there was a fluctuation in the space, and the evolved body of the Snow Clan warrior, carrying infinite coldness, roared towards the Jingshi Whisk.Fist and strike!
Rose Immortal Sword, Shocking God Halberd, Qiankun Ruler, Tianluo Umbrella, and Zhantian Thorn are hidden in the blood nest, caught off guard——


The blood nest deformed, and the spirits of the six magic weapons all vomited blood...!

The boy Jingshi was straightforward, he glanced at the giant golden pagoda lost in the hands of Daoist Taiyi, and was endlessly reluctant to part with it.

"God raise your eyebrows and take care!"

After the lingering sound, Jingshi Fuchen led the Guixian Sword, Shocking Halberd, Qiankun Ruler, Tianluo Umbrella, and Zhantian Thorn to split the void and disappeared suddenly.

"Don't chase the poor! Keep him!"

The Jade Emperor Haotian roared loudly, and the space rumbled. In an instant, the evolutionary warrior of the Snow Clan, who couldn't be seen by the naked eye and couldn't be found by the spiritual sense, surrounded Yang Mei with endless coldness.

"Hmph! The green hills don't change, the green waters flow forever, there will be a period later!"

Raising his eyebrows and seeing that the situation is not good, he dropped a harsh word and kicked the void.

Whoosh!Into the void.

"Hahaha... what a pity! Ridiculous!"

Jade Emperor Haotian glanced at the void near Yangmei, where there were a large number of broken limbs of the Martial God, and there was a smell of precious blood.

"Hundan! What did you do!"

Ka Ka Ka...!The void actually shattered, as if walking out of a broken ice sculpture.Raising eyebrows and staggering, he appeared in embarrassment, "Pfft!" He opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of black blood.

There are crystals of ice in the black blood!
"It's bone-chilling cold! It can also freeze the soul! It's rare for your cultivation to survive serious injuries!"

The Taishang Laojun appeared out of thin air with pity.

"Shameful traitor! What face do you have to talk to me!"

Raising his eyebrows and being furious, he took advantage of the situation to vomit blood, and the blood was shot at the Taishang Laojun with icicles - "咻".

"Stop talking nonsense! Where did you beat my Tushita Palace?"

The Taishang Laojun was really angry, he took off the vajra peck on his wrist, soared against the wind, and the golden light, as bright as the scorching sun, slammed towards Yangmei.

"You actually... lied to me!"

Raising eyebrows finally saw the appearance of the King Kong pecking, and he felt extremely regretful.

Missed it!

Taishang Laojun is the chief steward of the evolutionary fighters of the Snow Clan, this is the promise Jade Emperor Haotian gave him at the beginning.

"Evolution fighters attack! Kill the God of Raising Eyebrows!"

buzz buzz buzz...

The evolutionary warrior, who was already raising his eyebrows, formed a group to attack after hearing the words.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa...!"

Raising his eyebrows, he was suddenly panicked, his divine body was full of divine light, and the eight-handed sledgehammer danced like a wind and rain.

Bang bang bang!
Puff puff!
The evolutionary warrior of the invisible matter launched a frenzied attack, and at the same time was hit in a wide range.In an instant, the void here was shattered, the wind was fierce, and the meteorite, as huge as a star, exploded in the distance.

It wasn't the leakage of divine power, but the boundless coldness that shattered the stars.

In the colorful continent, large pieces are broken, the sky is surging, the chaotic air causes turbulent flow, magma runs across the starry sky, gurgles and flows, and soon the heat evaporates, turning into a fragile river of meteorites, the fragments dance lightly, reflecting the brilliance of the sun.

The entire colorful continent suddenly turned into a galaxy of stars!

Tang Chen's thought power entrained infinite sunlight, drove away the endless coldness of the evolutionary warriors, and tried his best to leave a glimmer of life for Yangmei.

The sky and earth of the Colorful Continent shattered, the solidified spirit jade shattered piece by piece, the spirit liquid splashed out, and the spirit energy gushed out.The Jade Emperor God Realm instantly changed its appearance.

However, this is tantamount to giving Yangmei an extra cover, and he has obtained a precious respite.

Puff puff!
He raised his eyebrows and coughed up blood, watching his legs drift away, and then they shattered under the eyes of everyone, "All die!"

With raised eyebrows and one arm, shining with divine light, he manipulated the remaining five sledgehammers, and blew himself up!

The self-detonation of the painting environment is no less powerful than the self-destruction of a one-star warrior.

The whole world emits a dazzling divine light, which is full of brilliance and is very gorgeous.


Can't help the gods, even the Jade Emperor Haotian who shot from time to time, all of them are covered with scars, and their cultivation has dropped as a whole.

These star martial gods all fell to rank martial gods.A sliver of divine thought hangs on the immortal soul, and the highest cultivation level is no more than the third or fifth rank of the Martial God!
"It's annoying!" Haotian's eyes were about to burst, and he was furious to the extreme.

Without a great opportunity and great luck, if you want to be promoted from a rank to a one-star martial god, it will take endless years!

(End of this chapter)

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