Shushan Wushen

Chapter 680 Sacred Flower Withering 0

Chapter 680 The sacred flower withers

Tang Chen looked at Baxu, it was a boundless continent.The rear hemisphere of the Shushan Eye controlled by Tang Chen is much stronger than that of the Colorful Continent.

Tang Chen's thought power surveyed the chaos in this vastness, and he couldn't help sighing.

Thinking about the Colorful Continent and the Pangu God Realm, he, Tang Chen, more or less interfered.He only wants to promote the acceleration of the process of civilization.

While wishes are beautiful, the road to realizing them is tortuous.

Turning the angle of view, the sentient beings that the Eye of Shushan never paid attention to are flourishing and gathering in chaos, forming a peerless God Realm!
What does this mean?It shows that only Tang Chen, who is caring and caring, never pays attention to the overall situation, but allows opportunities and opportunities to be distributed to everyone reasonably!

Don't care about gains and losses for a moment, that's the balance!

Only when it is balanced can the human race unleash its unparalleled potential.

Thinking back to the chaotic zone from the Pangu God Realm to the Jade Emperor God Realm, the Supreme Martial God... No!Star Valkyrie... no more!Duan level warriors... there are only a handful of them!
Take a look at the Valkyrie who dominates the ruins right now... The Supreme Valkyrie is the standard equipment for every faction!

There are as many star warriors as dogs!This is a vivid portrayal of reality.

Tang Chen somehow sensed that the so-called "spectator life" is a process of witnessing 'watching'.

However, he couldn't help it, occasionally gesticulating, and in the end, things often backfired!
The evolution of civilization has been interfered with!

In the Eye of Shushan, Tang Chen's mind power turned into a divine body, and he was extremely embarrassed.

Unexpectedly, mutations abound!
An unrivaled force in the world enveloped the entire Eye of Shushan!
"Zijin Building is going to collect the sun!"

A Valkyrie exclaimed unwillingly.

"Stop! Zijin Building! You can't—"



Young Master Tsinghua University's pupils are as fierce as volcanoes, shining brightly.It emits a frightening and fierce light.With a flick of his wrist, the broad sword in his hand cut open the Valkyrie's throat.


Young Master Cambridge stretched out his fingers, and behind him the [Purple Gold Glory List] was shining brightly.Send out a huge unparalleled baptism, and suddenly put the body of the Valkyrie into the Zijin Glory List!
"Hee hee, the painting realm treasure sent by Brother Yangmei is really easy to use!"

Prince Cambridge is relatively young, less than [-] years old, and his heart is still like a child.

Somewhere in the Battlefield of Yumo, Shushan Martial God Tang raised his eyebrows, suddenly alert, who is talking about me?
Using the supreme method, through cause and effect, he found out that it was the young master of Cambridge. He couldn't help but smile, shook his head, and stopped paying attention.

"Young master, miss me!"

Bang bang bang!With a smile on his brows and mouth, Tang Yang waved the command flag in his hand, and continued to give orders.

On the Battlefield of Yumo, the current Shushan Tangmen Army is an invincible existence.Wherever they passed, the Snow Clan retreated one after another, and there was a self-confident and strong one who sent out a beard... .

...the end is very miserable!

The Martial Gods of Tang Chen's direct lineage in Shushan Mountain are all titled Martial Gods of Shushan Mountain.Disciples of the Tang Sect who are not of the Shu Mountain bloodline are all titled Martial Gods of the Tang Sect.

The Valkyrie made a move, making big moves one after another.The attack power is astonishing.Majestic.

... The sky is covered with blood stains, colorful, as if the divine splendor descends and the sacred flower blooms.

The Shushan Tangmen Army is the death scythe that harvests lives.It can be said that the gods under Tang Yangmei's command are terminators!
Wherever they went, the lives of the alien races in this life ended one after another!

"That's not right! The scene around the third son...!"

Tang Yang's eyebrows were thoughtful, his eyebrows were raised suddenly, and his eyes were shining.

"Close the team! Return to Baxu!"

Tang Yangmei led the crowd to withdraw the troops and check the number of people.

Then with an order, Qiqi stomped their feet, and there was a bang, like an explosion on the spot, thunderbolts and lightning under their feet, and clouds formed on the ground.Groups tear the void.


Space shock.In front of the Eye of Shushan, a large number of domineering forces gathered.The eye of Shushan shuddered at the incomparably powerful evil spirit.

Tang Chen's thoughts quickly compressed.He was full of emotion.And a little frightened.

Who would have thought that there would be so many warrior gods behind the Eye of Shushan!

They are from Baxu....So where did they get the opportunity to evolve to such an extent?

Suddenly!Tang Chen's thought power was surging, and he suddenly felt something...

The Shushan Martial Gods are already in place!Tang Yangmei led the mighty disciples of the Tang Sect. The gods were covered with colorful blood of foreign races, and some of them even had hideous wounds on their bodies.Impressively filed in from the void!

"Big Brother Raising His Eyebrows!"

Young Master Cambridge greeted Tang Yang with an earnest and friendly eyebrow.

"Brown raised handsome!"

"Marshal Tang!"

"Thanks for your hard work...!"

Countless warrior gods greeted Tang Yang cautiously but warmly with fear on their faces.

Tang Yangmei has long been used to this worship, waved his hands and said fiercely: "All members of the Snow Clan's Sashi Legion were destroyed, and all members of the Snow Clan's army retreated 30 light-years. Legion, the siege is almost complete! Those of you who need training, go to the front line as soon as possible!"

This sentence is shuffling.

Master Xie Ya of Beiming Mountain decisively expressed his interest.Respectfully saluted: "Thank you Marshal Tang! The Northern Underworld Army is grateful for the fairy fate you bestowed!"

Tang Yang raised his eyebrows and ignored him.Master Xie Ya stood up without any embarrassment, and took out a small apricot-yellow flag: "Bei Ming belongs to, go to the front line of Yumo! Immediately!"

Chi chi chi...!
Master Xie Ya's command flag covered the sect disciples under him, and a dazzling yellow light captured all the disciples under his command.

Zhao Tianba, the regent of the West Wind Empire, left the scene without even waving his hand to greet Tang Yang.

These are undoubtedly smart people.

However, Emperor Nanming of the Nanming Empire and Patriarch Nanfeng of Nanfeng Dongtian were not so easy-going.They looked at each other and turned a blind eye.

The owner of Cambridge glanced at Emperor Nanming and Patriarch Nanfeng.Looking at Tang Yangmei again, he said calmly: "Brother Yangmei, there are really people who don't know how to live or die, and want to share a piece of the pie."

Contempt appeared on the face of the host in Stanford: "You don't know how to live or die, how can you have your share here!"

These words seemed to be addressed to Young Master Cambridge, but they were actually addressed to Emperor Nanming and the others.Of course, Tang Yang's eyebrows were also slightly raised.

Tang Yang raised his eyebrows and smiled lightly.

"Second brother, do I have a chance to compete?"

Stanford gave Tang Yang an unfriendly look: "You? You have no chance! You are late!"

Tang Yang smiled and said, "Then I'm leaving. I'm going back to Shushan to rest and reorganize the Tang Sect's disciple army."

"Go? You are not allowed to go! Stay and help!" Mr. Stanford was very domineering.

"Hahaha! Good good! Look at you like that! Can't wait. Do it! Hurry up!"

Tang Yangmei was born in poverty, but rose from the humble beginnings.He has been taught many martial arts skills by the founder of Zijinlou, the Queen of Peking University.This is an absolute boon.

In addition, Tang Yangmei was originally a centurion under the command of the Zijin Army.After growing up, he founded the Tang Sect of Shushan Mountain. During the period of leaving Zijin Building, not only did the third owner of Zijin Building not embarrass Tang Yangmei, but also received great and selfless help from the three sons of Zijin Building.

Tang Yang urged with a smile on his eyebrows.

(End of this chapter)

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