Shushan Wushen

Chapter 687 Each has its own radius

Chapter 687 Each has its own radius


Zijin Tsinghua and Zijin Stanford looked at each other, Zijin Cambridge didn't hold back, and the reaction of the brain was also slow.

"There are a lot of gods who want to come to my [Purple Gold Sequence List] for a trial. But for the request of Big Brother Yangmei, our Zijin Building will definitely help. But it has been agreed in advance that the number of places must be limited."

"Ah no no no~."

Tang Yang raised his eyebrows and waved his hands with a smile. His desire was not limited to these.

Young Master Cambridge was ordered to control the [Zijin Sequence List], seeing Tang Yang's eyebrows rejecting him, he felt relieved.He smiled and said, "Brother Raise Your Eyebrow, you can talk about it, other things are easy to discuss."

Zijin Tsinghua University and Zijin Stanford gasped.The two brothers realized something was wrong.

Tang Yang touched his nose with his eyebrows, and his eyes shone brightly.

"It's like this. I want to create another painting environment, and then use this sun to evolve it! Is this possible? It also saves taking up the trial quota in the Zijin Building. It's a small effort! It's the third brother who has worked hard!"


The landlord of Tsinghua University spoke loudly, trying to reverse the situation.

The owner of Stanford resolutely covered the mouth of the son of Cambridge.With a bad expression: "Raise your eyebrows! Are you trying to abduct my sun and stars? That's impossible."

Tang Yang's eyebrows changed drastically, and he was very embarrassed.

The landlord of Tsinghua University, who is familiar with routines, saw that Mr. Stanford had already spoken, so he hurriedly resolved the embarrassment.

"Hahaha! The second child always thinks that raising eyebrows is not an outsider, and his words are not deep or shallow. How can raising eyebrows abduct our magic weapon? If I raise eyebrows, I will definitely give you a big slap in the face!"

"Hahaha! Brother Yangmei is not willing to hit me. Besides, if he wants to attack me, maybe I feel so bad. Right brother Yangmei!"

Mr. Stanford and Mr. Tsinghua sang together, and pointed the words to Tang Yangmei, which also helped Tang Yangmei face.

Tang Yang smirked and sighed: "Forget it! I am also eager to advance. Seeing the evolution of [Purple Gold Glory Painting Realm], I originally wanted to affect my skills. But, this matter! It's up to the Queen of Peking University Do you allow me? Can you let me visit her old man?"

"No!" The Cambridge master blurted out.After finishing speaking, Mr. Tsinghua and Mr. Stanford gave Mr. Cambridge a hard look.Young Master Cambridge suddenly realized that he had said the wrong thing again.Can't help lowering his head.

When the Queen of Peking University was dealing with a strong force of the Snow Clan, the Machine Clan, she fell!This matter has been kept secret in Zijin Building, and no funeral has been announced.

Tang Yangmei went to pay a visit to the Queen of Peking University, wouldn't it be depressing?
However, Tang Yangmei was extremely annoyed.It is believed that the three sons of Zijin Building have raised their guard against him.Confident.

"In this case, then I will leave the gift and pass it on to Her Majesty the Queen of Peking University! And take a message, just say, I, Tang Yangmei, have received the grace of the Queen of Peking University. I will never forget it!"

After finishing speaking, Tang Yang raised his eyebrows and took out a piece of land from the painting scene that he carried with him.There are densely packed snow clan killers, as well as machine clan warships, flying saucers and exotic magic weapons.

"Thank you!"

The landlord of Tsinghua University solemnly took over this piece of land and placed it in the [Zijin Sequence List].

"This must be brought to my mother. I believe her old man will be very pleased to encourage you. Let you continue to work hard and make new achievements!"

Tang Yang smiled, arched his hands and left the [Zijin Sequence List] and Zijin Building.

Today's Zijin Building has taken the lead.The magic weapon of the Nanming Empire [Nanming Bell] was refined by the owner of Stanford and became the new Zijin Building.The means of defense have been upgraded.The safety factor is higher.

Even if Tang Yangmei wanted to turn his back on him, he had no chance of winning.

What's more, there is the unfathomable queen of Peking University behind Zijin Tower...!
However, Tang Yangmei was able to rise from the beginning.Naturally, he is black-bellied and cruel.Not long after leaving, more than 1 Martial Gods from the Tang Sect came to the Zijin Tower to see the owner of Cambridge, and asked to enter the [Zijin Sequence List] for a trial.

After all, Zijinlou is on good terms with Shushan.The three landlords had no choice but to send these more than ten thousand warriors into the [Purple Gold Sequence List] in batches.However, Tang Yangmei's action completely disgusted the third building owner of Zijin Building.

At this time, Tang Chen controlled Zijin Xingchen, and as Zijin Xingchen Tiandao, he suppressed all parties and transformed his own star. This purple-golden star took on a new look.

There are various indications that the star core of the Zijin star is revived, with light and heat.Great rivers and rivers rush forward, mountains no longer shake, and big trees no longer run away.Everyone performs their duties, the mountains still stand, and the trees still stand.Everything is back to normal.

Especially on the mortal plane, merchants are already very busy, buying rare and rare treasures from the people.Inexpensive.The amount of existence is quite large.Buy low and sell high, profitably.

Hardworking farmers have sowed green seedlings in the fields.A strong blacksmith, wielding a sledgehammer, chi chi chi...!From time to time, throw the red semi-finished product into the bucket to quench it.

In the school hall, the young children with braids, the sound of books, spread far away.

The couple with muddy feet in the field smiled with enthusiasm, and his simple wife carefully wiped the sweat from his forehead, chest and back for him.

The blacksmith laughed and took the copper coins, threw them to the pork seller, and grabbed the huge water jug, gurgling~.A breath of refreshing coolness....

This is order, the mortal plane and the plane of gods and demons. Although all the order is orderly, it is rough.As time goes by, this roughness will be ground into fineness little by little.

"Big Brother Zijin Xingchen! Look... are you satisfied..."

Tie Xue Xingchen Tiandao, Beiming Xingchen Tiandao and the others looked tired, and they asked Tang Chen's opinion almost flatteringly.

"Hard work everyone! Come to visit me when you have time! Let me know in advance, I must buy rare things, and discuss with you. Thank you! Thank you! Come and go often when you have time!"

With a sincere face, Tang Chen clasped his fists one by one to express his gratitude, and after clasping his hands, he shook hands.

These heavenly stars do not understand the etiquette of shaking hands.However, there is always a precedent for everything.

However, Tang Chen's next sentence was not so decent.

Tang Chen smiled sincerely: "Of course! I don't have any rare things here. I still need the help of fellow Taoists! Hahahaha...!"


"Don't let it go!"


These gods of the heavens and stars, afraid of losing their words, said goodbye in a hurry and left in a hurry.

The incarnation ascended into the outer space of the purple and gold stars, and I still have lingering fears.The Taoist friends didn't even exchange pleasantries, and hurried back to their own stars with a depressed expression on their faces.

Tang Chen stood in the outer space of Zijin Star, laughing loudly.The light of the purple-gold stars became more intense.

This hand!very beautiful!How many stars and heavens are trying to fish in troubled waters, stealing chickens will not be enough to lose a handful of rice!
The front line of Yumo.

Tang Yangmei encountered a crisis...

(End of this chapter)

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