Shushan Wushen

Chapter 694 Dao heart is firm, obsession lasts forever

Chapter 694 Dao heart is firm, obsession lasts forever


"Ah? It turned out to be like this?!"

Tang Chen was shocked.He also likes the cuckoo birds at the foot of the mountain very much.Especially that crisp tweet.However, at this moment, knowing the birth method of the cuckoo bird, I suddenly feel disgusted.

Guiguzi said awe-inspiringly: "Du Yu, the Great Emperor of Cancong, runs the magic power of green silkworms. He would have been dormant for a period of spring and autumn, and then he could break out of his cocoon and become a butterfly. His skills would evolve and his cultivation would rise to a higher level. However, it was this cuckoo who broke into Take advantage of Cancong Great Emperor Du Yu's ignorance and weakness, break up the emperor's soul and replace him! Take control of the Kingdom of Shu and call yourself "Wangdi!"

"Hateful! Annoying! Shameless fellow." Tang Chen was furious.Divine power is disordered.

Guiguzi smiled relievedly, and comforted him: "I am very pleased that you are like this! Go! My Martial God Young Master, let's take crazy revenge on Emperor Wang!"


Tang Chen was startled, and looked at Guiguzi.

"Just like that, let me fight against Emperor Wang? Why?"

Guiguzi widened his eyes and encouraged him: "Why? Young master, why do you ask me? Of course it is because of your martial arts cultivation! You have escaped the mortal womb. Your body is clean and your spirit platform is clear. Now the three flowers gather on the top, five Qi Chaoyuan. How come——?”

"No no no!" Tang Chen shook his head.

"Immortal Master Guigu, what I'm asking is, why should I deal with Emperor Wang! Although Emperor Cancong is good, he has already died. Now under the Shu Mountain, the villages and towns are thriving and prosperous. Everyone's face There is a smile on the face. This is a rare peace! Let the people of the empire live and work in peace and contentment!"

"Tang Chen! My young master! You have gone through three trials, seeing yourself, seeing the world, and seeing all beings. You have already experienced to break through the falsehood. Get rid of the false and keep the true. Don't you know the value of power?"

"Probably every war will cause the stars to tremble. The inertial power of the golden sand of all spirits exploding in the vastness will decay violently. The catastrophe of annihilation will be unstoppable ahead of time. I can't! I can't ignore all spirits Disregarding one's own selfishness! In front of the true fruit of martial arts, there is no real meaning! Only living! Most people can survive is the truth! It is the true pursuit of the Martial God!"

"Little Lord!"

Guiguzi scolded angrily, with a rather unkind expression on his face.

"Young master! This old slave was entrusted by Emperor Cancong to accompany you in your cultivation as the young master's guardian. Why did you fall into the devil's way!"

"I fell into the devil's way? It's clearly you, Master Guigu, who didn't see the direction of the world clearly, and didn't understand the ethics of the world. What do ordinary people ask for? It's nothing more than three meals a day. Food can satisfy the hunger, and clothes can cover the body. Will you Throw away those desires and schemes, go to hell!"

"Young master! You have disappointed this old servant!"

Guiguzi's face was full of wrinkles, like thick clouds covering the sun, dark and dull.Throwing this sentence, a look of despair flashed in his eyes.

Tang Chen was slightly hesitant, but his heart was so firm.He quickly adjusted his mentality.

"As the saying goes, the continuous evolution of civilization requires the human race to keep pace with the times! As a god, I, Tang Chen, should uphold the chivalrous way and benefit the common people. How can I poison the living? Since the people of this world have chosen Emperor Wang, then we Resolutely support Emperor Wang, and that’s enough!”

Guiguzi was silent for a long time, and finally heaved a long sigh: "Okay! Since the young master has such a grand plan, it is useless for the old slave to talk too much. Since you have become a god, then, go and do the work of a man of heaven and earth, and wander the rivers and lakes! If you are tired... , Alas! Go! Go! Go reincarnate!"

After speaking, Guiguzi handed Tang Chen a piece of purple talisman paper.


Tang Chen was startled.However, a powerful force erupted from the talisman paper.


The objects in the foreground of Tang Chen's eyes slowly froze.

He flew out uncontrollably.On the top of Mount Shu, Guiguzi didn't even look at Tang Chen, and stood quietly with his body hunched over. There was wind on the top of the mountain, and the old man's long hair and eyebrows fluttered, his clothes were rustling, and he looked very desolate.

"This is……."

Tang Chen suddenly opened his eyes wide.

In sight, Shushan is surrounded by glass covers that look like water bubbles, and scenes of war and peace are constantly being performed.


Tang Chen immediately realized where it was!

As long as the crater is stimulated by the blood of the divine beast, or the precious blood of the god of war, the crater will be awakened.Scenes of the past that happened on this planet, or the experience of the beast, and the life story of the Valkyrie.

It will be played out concretely.

"The old man is sad! . . . Oh!"

Tang Chen sighed.But how can you let others control your own path?
The wine brewed by oneself, even if it is bitter wine, must be drunk with a smile.Besides, Tang Chen believed that to be a martial god, one must have the appearance of a martial god.You must have a heart of God who is compassionate and compassionate.

The great hero, the guy is a star in the world!I'm coming!The great martial god full of justice, Tang Chen, the martial god of Shushan, is here!
In the field of vision, the moon-like stars gradually drifted away.

Tang Chen was shocked again.Where is that a planet? !

Where Shushan is located is nothing but a vast ocean of stars.

As the field of vision gradually expanded, he looked at the sea of ​​stars as far as the eye could see.Gradually became clear.It is a huge mountain of ten thousand Renren.Extremely majestic and magnificent.The mountains are very majestic.But not outstanding.Because the continuous mountains and deep ravines are like giant dragons.

The mountain where Shushan is located is but a member of the group of mountains.

There are many more steeper and steeper than that mountain.The mountains are continuous and spectacularly undulating, like a dragon coiling like a tiger crouching.

Towering ancient trees, the canopy swayed, forming dark blue waves.The momentum is frightening, extremely astonishing.

"Where is this? I feel how small I am!"

Tang Chen looked around, and his eyes swept away all the pictures like the wind. In an instant, there were cities with unique shapes, and big rivers flowing meanderingly.There are also large grasslands, and deserts that look like corpses...

"What a big world!"

Tang Chen couldn't help but widen his eyes. He always thought that he had experienced so many levels of the universe and controlled a vast realm of heaven.It can be said to be well-informed.

However, such a real majestic scene, the majestic appearance, gave him a visual impact, it is really powerful, it is not enough to describe.

"What comes on paper is always shallow, but I'm still a frog in a well!"

As Tang Chen sighed, his vision finally became blurred. This vast land like the Sea of ​​Stars gradually changed from a flat surface to an arc surface.Finally, there is a purple Yingying star.

"Ghost Valley Immortal Master said to let me reincarnate? As a martial god, I have a real trial in this world, isn't it good? It seems a little far away...!"

(End of this chapter)

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