Shushan Wushen

Chapter 703 Lightning is triggered

Chapter 703 Lightning is triggered


Tang Chen couldn't help being surprised.

After thinking about it for a while, it became clear immediately.

When Fenghuang was doppelganging, he was discovered by the cicada girl.So how could Phoenix not be so furious that caused Phoenix to be so passive.

Chi Chi Chi...!
Strands of the Phoenix Clan's life-origin true spirits automatically erased their soul imprints and rushed into Tang Chen's upper, middle and lower dantians.

Tang Chen was filled with emotion immediately.

Only the martial gods in the God Realm can cultivate the three-way dantian.Sacrifice to heaven with your body.The highest achievement, you can become a giant in the starry sky!

Tang Chen once again looked at Cicada, who was crawling on the ground, her posture was extremely indecent.Desperately refining the true spirit of the immortal phoenix's life source.

"Young man! You are so kind! You are worthy of the chivalrous spirit of a martial arts god. This seat has suffered a catastrophe, and it is difficult to escape my fate. In this life, the ancient phoenix will not be born!"

"You are an ancient phoenix?" Tang Chen was quite surprised.

You know, in every great world, a five-clawed golden dragon appears in the world, and an ancient phoenix hides and hides from the world, that is standard equipment.

The ancient phoenix sighed: "In the previous life, the ancient phoenix was revived and divided into one phoenix and one phoenix. However, the blood was lost and it multiplied into a chicken!"

"Chicken? Big pheasant or small pheasant?" Tang Chen asked.

"Of course!" The ancient phoenix sighed.

"The energy of the universe must be conserved. The blood of the Phoenix family is scattered, which has caused me in this life to have insufficient recovery energy and cannot evolve smoothly. However, this woman has frequently added chaos, and she is already in her sixties! Simply, I will form a good relationship with you Bar!"

"No! This is the luck of the Phoenix family. I have subconsciously refined a little bit just now, and I have already given up on that thought! I am a warrior, how can I do something that violates the chivalrous way! It is against my heart! It is against my heart heart!"

Tang Chen firmly refused.

However, the ancient phoenix smiled slightly and did not give up.Forcibly instilled the true spirit of a phoenix's life into Tang Chen.

Tang Chen's pain was beyond words.

As a Valkyrie, he will live forever and get the opportunity of the Phoenix family.With the luck of the Phoenix family, this energy cannot return to the Holy Ruins.

So, he really couldn't bear it.

"Accept this gift! Boy, you will be the saint of our clan!"

Ancient Phoenix felt Tang Chen's strong rejection.Sighing, he gave Tang Chen another power.

Sensing all this, Cicada roared angrily: "You bastard Phoenix! I have worked hard for 60 years, but you are taking advantage of this rabbit! I curse you to be reborn as a chicken in your next life!"

Tang Chen and Ancient Phoenix looked at each other, shaking their heads speechless.

Cicada's character is really bad.With a vicious heart, he is so perverse that people can't afford to be disgusted.

"The Martial God can cultivate to your level, it's a miracle!" The ancient Phoenix said quietly.

Tang Chen rebuked: "Repent, cicada! Great chivalrous man, family, country, world, and stars, if you don't have such feelings, you are about to fall into the devil's way. Just do it and cherish it, stop!"

"Cicada? How do you know I was once a cicada?"

Cicada suddenly realized something was wrong, and looked at Tang Chen, filled with endless fear.

Tang Chen had an idea, at this time the phoenix was already a lot more illusory, Tang Chen's spiritual body, the facial features were slightly blurred, and all four limbs were complete.He raised his hand across his chest, and with an air of confidence in his chest, he shouted loudly: "If you want people not to know, you have to do nothing yourself!"

"I've cut off karma!" Cicada's unbelievable gaze was full of panic.

Tang Chen sighed coldly, as if annoyed: "Oh! You little cicada, you're just a war beast. Could you wipe the sky clean? Have you ever disturbed the reincarnation of the gods, and the gods will not be reborn? ? You are too weak! Too! Weak!!"

The ancient phoenix was stunned, and secretly transmitted a voice: "Are you really so powerful?"

Tang Chen echoed: "I'll be fooled by her! Look at the way she crawls, doesn't she just look like a cicada? Besides, the human race and the Phoenix clan have always been on good terms. It's too late to protect you. Why would you chase after her and kill her?" Woolen cloth?"

"This statement is exactly what I want! I don't think the gods of the human race are so annoying!" The ancient phoenix was relieved, as if he had recovered his shattered three views.

This is a feeling. The ancient phoenix had an inexplicable resistance to overturning cognition.

After all, every time the great world awakens, the Phoenix can ignore the [Mandela Gate] and travel through it as much as it wants, so it leaves many shadows.This is a sequela in the blood.

In the end, Feng's spiritual body faded into nothingness.Tang Chen couldn't help but sigh.

In this life, if the universe cannot be restarted, the phoenix will never be seen again.

Inadvertently glanced at the humble and despicable Cicada Girl, Tang Chen was startled suddenly.

Cicada's refinement of the original true spirit of the phoenix was not smooth, but she actually gulped down the phoenix egg after the figure of the phoenix's spirit body disappeared.

The phoenix egg has been broken, but under the phoenix real fire, it has become cooked.The fragrance is tangy, and there is dazzling light, colorful, like lotus root silk, criss-crossing and mixing together.

"This is the original true spirit of life!"

Tang Chen was shocked.

"This is the true blood and true spirit of the Phoenix! You are so wicked!"

"Oh, God, spare me! God, spare me! This is my great luck! I—"


Cicada's last words could no longer be heard. After eating the phoenix egg, flames rose from Cicada's body. It turned out to be the real fire of the phoenix that was as red as a horse!

How could there be no phoenix in this world?
The cicada girl wailed in an incomparably gentle way, tearing apart the heavens, and a series of scarlet divine thunders crashed down into the sky.

"not good!"

Tang Chen saw that the situation was not good, whoosh!Escape from the big black pit.

Tang Chen secretly said it's a pity, he is still a spirit body.There is no growth of muscle and bone.

The ancient phoenix's initiative to give gifts is not as much as that of the cicada girl Xiuxiu.

In the distance, Tang Chen stood tall in the sky, boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boomNumerous crimson thunderbolts collapsed the big black pit, and the cicada girl who had just transformed into the form of a fairy phoenix was torn apart in large sections.Then, it was born again.

Cicada Girl Xiuxiu is like a chicken that has lost its feathers, looking extremely embarrassed.The blood-red feathers have long been scorched black.

Residual limbs and broken wings, the smell of meat is tangy.Xiuxiu was still alive, screaming strangely, screaming heart-piercingly.

Tang Chen narrowed his eyes suddenly.

In the blink of an eye, he thought a lot.A poisonous and perverted Martial God like Xiuxiu, staying in the God Realm, is really a piece of rat shit.

"Let this Xiuxiu accept my teachings! Sigh~! There is one less disaster in the God Realm. Subdue her! Subdue Xiuxiu and inspire her to convert to martial arts!"

Thinking up to this point, Tang Chen decisively forced out a drop of the true blood of the source of life, swish swish!Written in the sky and wrote a [Beast Controlling Talisman]

Tang Chen raised his hand, and threw the beast control talisman written in blood at Xiuxiu.

"You—thank you!"

Xiuxiu, a cicada in the state of a fairy and phoenix, uttered such a sentence of thanks when she was dying.


Tang Chen was shocked.

Suddenly... boom rumble ~.

"Dare to fight against Heaven, you will perish...!"

The endless crimson tribulation thunders, like horse training intertwined with horse training, formed a spiral shape, slashing at Tang Chen fiercely.

"Dizzy! He actually helped this guy lead the thunder!"

Tang Chen ran away.

(End of this chapter)

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