Shushan Wushen

Chapter 705 Self-explosion on the spot

Chapter 705 Self-explosion on the spot


Tang Chen was furious, his temper that had been silent for a hundred years burst out like a volcanic eruption.


Tang Chen waved his hand across the void in front of his eyes, a stream of crimson flames gushed out with the aura of Lei Gang.

Like wildfire starting a prairie fire, the god-level net in sight instantly turned into fly ash, and the hideous and terrifying poisoned knife hook "tick"

"Tick" in the form of molten iron, dripping ~.

Tang Chen narrowed his eyes suddenly, his body was filled with evil spirit, he jumped up, stood on the back of the phoenix, and watched the galloping Valkyrie.

"Ah?... Hiss! How could this happen?"


The Valkyries slammed on the brakes in a hurry.

The Martial Gods of all roads, one by one, were frozen there as if they had been strangled by the neck.The expressions on his face froze.The pupils dilated unbelievably.It was like seeing a ghost.

"Why is it so strong? Is this a starry sky giant?"

These Martial Gods who can survive are all arrogance who can crush their contemporaries and can leapfrog.If not, it's hard to escape this thunderous torrent.

However, this moment is all shocking.These Martial Gods who dominate the realm are all shocked.

You know, that is a god-level bondage net.Incomparably tenacious, water and fire are invulnerable!Even if it is a Martial God at the master level, it will struggle for a long time when encountering this divine net.

What's more, with so many divine nets, attacking in a team...

Tang Chen didn't know that the power of this god's net in the God Realm was impossible. In the past 100 years, he had seen countless amazing warriors die tragically under the god's net.Already facing the Shenwang, fear was born.

However, Tang Chen was just in a hurry.Just come and go.Subconsciously, he still wanted to activate the [Sly Rabbit's Three Caves].Move and change, travel through the void.

It's just that Tang Chen didn't expect that the power of Phoenix True Fire combined with Lei Gang would be so powerful!
He was in pain.

This mutated divine power is too precious.Too precious to be easily replenished.With just a few urges, [-]% of the energy, blood and divine power in the body were consumed.

"Master! The divine body of the human race is incomparable with that of the Phoenix family. You! Why do you still choose the human body?"

Xiuxiu sighed, not without regrets.

"People are the most noble!"

Tang Chen sharply pointed at Xiuxiu.Stamped his big foot.Warning Xiuxiu.

Unexpectedly, this kick caused a misjudgment.

"Not good! He wants to attack."

"Fight it!"

"Fight it!"

The trapped beast is still fighting.What's more, these Martial Gods who dominate the realm are already a desperate situation within a desperate situation.

Boom, boom, boom boom!

All kinds of overwhelming attacks aimed at Tang Chen.

A bear that turned into a fist, a group of auspicious clouds, and a big ferocious hand with clear palm prints that shone impressively.

All the gods are doing their best.

The scariest thing in the sky is a large apricot yellow snake with brilliant divine power, which is getting smaller and smaller under extreme compression in a self-destructing posture.

"Are you going to blow yourself up?"

Tang Chen's thoughts swept across, feeling a little uneasy.I wanted to escape.He quickly glanced at Xiuxiu at his feet.


Tang Chen snorted coldly.Suddenly remembered the [Speaking Method Sui] controlled by Zijin Xingchen Tiandao in the trial of [Seeing All Beings]!
"You! Explode!"

Tang Chen's divine body glowed bright red, and he stretched out a finger, pointing at the big apricot yellow snake from afar.


That was a very high-grade dao talisman. Feeling the power of the rules of heaven, it exploded suddenly, and a gorgeous mushroom cloud rose in the sky.

He actually shattered the big bear, Xiangyun, and the big hand that were transformed by the divine power beside him.


All the gods were shocked, thinking that Tang Chen was too weird, beyond their understanding, and let out a strange cry.

"This is a giant in the starry sky! Run!"

Whoo, whoo, whoo~!
Not hesitating to burn the origin of the divine body and spiritual body, and fled in all directions desperately.

Tang Chen didn't expect that this trick really worked.He licked his lips, bared his teeth and smiled: "This trick saves divine power!...Decree~ Self-destruction! Self-destruction! Self-destruction!"

Tang Chen looked at the fleeing Martial God from a distance, waving his finger like Zijin Xingchen in the past——

"Huh? What's going on? It's out of order!"

Tang Chen was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect to screw up this time.

At the same time, he couldn't think of his sister.What's going on?How powerful was that power just now?So magnificent!Could it be?Heaven?The way of heaven in the God Realm...?
Tang Chen hesitated for a moment here, but the Martial God who fled out had already reacted to the smell.

"Isn't that just a coincidence!"

"Yeah, he yelled for a while, but no one blew himself up?!"

"No! This guy is exhausted. Could it be that he has no spirit!"

Chi, Chi, Chi...!
The flames of divine power burning on the gods quickly slapped and extinguished, turned around and rushed back.

Tang Chen suddenly realized.

The flesh compresses the spirit body as hard as possible, and finally the spirit body can't bear the confinement, and breaks free from the flesh body. The flesh spouts out radially in a shattered state, which is the explosion!

These Valkyries are spiritual bodies, so of course they cannot be compressed!
Just like gunpowder, gunpowder can explode violently only in a space where the relative expansion speed is less than the burning speed.

Without this prerequisite, the gunpowder "chi la..." is just a moment of brilliance.

The same is true for the spirit body of the Valkyrie!

Tang Chen's brain was running fast, and the blood in the blood vessels in his body was like fierce magma, and the fire-like blood provided a lot of energy.With a sufficient supply of energy for the brain, and the speed of the brain became even more frightening, Tang Chen quickly thought of a solution to the problem.

"The power of the world! Come!"

Tang Chen used his mental formulas to mobilize the power of the world, and suddenly a surging undercurrent silently attacked the returning Valkyrie.

In fact, these Martial Gods were like throwing themselves into a trap, with extremely fast movements, they rushed into Tang Chen's rippling world energy like arrows.

In an instant, this invisible energy climbed up, and the Valkyrie seemed to be stuck in a quagmire.Some valkyrie are very cautious and found out vigilantly!
However, it was too late.When I found it, I couldn't even move it.

"Dear Starry Sky Great Man, please let me go!"

There is a warrior god who sees the wind and turns the rudder, and surrenders decisively.

However, not all Valkyrie can let go of their arrogance.Especially the ones who are doing well in this life.

"Hey! I am Qi Tianda, the Martial God of Qi Clan, let me go! You will gain the great and precious friendship of Qi Clan!"

"Hero! I came flying here, just to make friends with you. I am Mr. Youmen Youmingfeng...!"

"What kind of method are you doing? I'm shocked! You have won the favor of my Qingluan Sect! My patriarch Qingluan Ruixia has an old relationship with you!"

"Fart!" Tang Chen cursed in his heart.Even though he knew Qingluan Ruixia, would Qingluan Ruixia condescend to befriend a rabbit a month ago?Obviously, it is pulling the banner and pulling the tiger's skin.

"Offend me, just want to leave, where is the dignity of my god? Order, you will blow yourself up on the spot!"

Tang Chen shouted sharply, and pointed like a halberd, a little farther away.

Boom, boom, boom boom!

(End of this chapter)

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