Shushan Wushen

Chapter 711 The Truth of the Void

Chapter 711 The Truth of the Void


Because of this battle in the God Realm, the pattern of the entire world has changed.

The Madonna of Enmo fell, and Enmo celebrated his success as a superior, taking charge of Enmo Mountain and ruling the land of the Eastern Desolation.

In the Bitao Pavilion in the South China Sea, the old pavilion master Patriarch Chi Ming suffered serious Taoist injuries.Dive under the sea.

However, after the great battle, the God Realm became strangely silent.All parties have remained silent on this.

"I can't go back!"

"Master, don't be afraid! I'm here!" Xiuxiu said firmly.

Tang Chen shook his head and smiled wryly.The barriers of the God Realm are so strong that they are almost indestructible.But this is not the most critical event.

The red glow that enveloped Tang Chen and Xiuxiu was already too thin.The elegiac couplet in front of the yellow mud coffin, the coercion of blood, so fierce...

Xiuxiu obviously tried her best.

I'm working hard now!
"That's all! My life is up to me! I want to use this blood to refine it! You—stop!"

Tang Chen raised his hand to tear open the blood-red flame bubbles, and an unscrupulous coercion knocked Tang Chen into the air.

So mighty.

Tang Chen was seriously injured, and it was unbearable at this moment. "Wow!" Thick black blood spurted out.

However, a strange scene appeared.

Numerous elegiac couplets vibrated with "russling", and the emptiness was silent, but there were all kinds of terrifying sounds, like a ghost roaring.

The coercion receded like a the same time--

This drop of black blood spread rapidly.It is indeed a star map.

Tang Chen stared blankly at... as if reading a story.However, he was actually in it.

deep in the universe.Great terror, catastrophe, has come!

A speck of light as big as a speck of dust shot out from nothingness without a sound, gradually became solid, and soon became as big as the tip of a needle. "Pfft~" shot towards the stars below.

This is a light-weight planet, the stars are spraying a faint blue mist, and it is still spinning, unchanged from time immemorial.

— as if there was a gnawing sound.

Then, the huge star in the blue mist slowly became broken, and finally disappeared!At the original coordinate position of the starry sky, a green silkworm suddenly appeared.

The silkworm devoured a planet.Strangely, the body did not swell, and its volume was less than one millionth of that planet.

Suddenly, without any delay, the green silkworm pounced on a nearby golden star.

That star is a star.

The universe is vast and boundless.

An endless void where coldness and darkness coexist, filled with billions of stars.Every star seems so small and insignificant.Just like the silent birth of stars, no one has ever asked.The stars disappeared without a sound, still no one cares.

The green silkworm travels through the void.Not fast, but not slow.Each squirm is close to a light-year.

The big golden star disappeared, and the green silkworm left calmly.

As the stars move, the green silkworms move across the universe without rushing, and another huge star filled with purple gas has been eaten away~.

Where the silkworms passed, they left behind large swaths of darkness and nothingness in the universe.Thinking carefully, it is quite shocking!

The sea of ​​stars is vast and boundless. With human eyesight and the current technological level of the human race, there is no way to see the whole universe.

However, from the perspective of the silkworms, in the boundless emptiness and darkness, the stars are densely arranged, vibrantly arranged together, it is a huge star mulberry leaf!

Endless years passed, and the huge mulberry leaves of stars in the starry sky became dilapidated, and at least [-]% of them turned into darkness and nothingness.Only the scattered stars at the corners still vaguely outline the outline of the mulberry leaves.

At this time, although the speed of the green silkworm's wriggling has not increased, the size of the green silkworm is already comparable to a huge star with a diameter of tens of thousands of miles.

Nibbling, continue in the starry sky....


Milky Way.

Yanhuang star.

On the campus in June, the nursery school forest is lush and lush, the leaves are rich in green, and the scent of fragrance can't be explained, and it comes to the nostrils.Tang Chen put his hands in his trouser pockets and walked leisurely.Mottled all over the ground.

As this year's college entrance examination, Tang Chen graduated.I am about to bid farewell to my middle school days and start a new life.For this, Tang Chen was not yet fully prepared psychologically.

After 12 years of hard study, including kindergarten, Tang Chen has worked hard for 15 years.

Especially in the third year of high school, Tang Chen completely forgot about himself.Open your eyes to fill in the blanks, pick up the pen to see the quadratic function, put down the pen, and the answering skills of reading comprehension emerge in your mind...

I have no idea how to get to bed every day, and how to wake up depends on the classic melody of the alarm clock.

Tang Chen wandered around the campus, trying to relieve this unconventional tension in a very short period of time.

Recalling the calmness and confidence when I first entered this key high school.The feeling of tasting at that time is still very mysterious, this may be the state of mind that is often said.

Only with a peaceful state of mind can the original intention be immortal.

In the future, we will have a normal heart, neither arrogance nor impetuosity, no aggressiveness, and no ambition.In line with reality, step by step.Follow through.Facing the challenges of university life calmly.

Well, a theory is a theory after all—

The state of mind is like water, sharpen the original heart.

Now the original intention has become a knife.However, the water-like state of mind turned into a pool of chaos like the water used to sharpen a knife.

"The water of the state of mind is no longer clear, and the turbid waves are surging, and it will never return to the clarity of the Bayan Har Mountains." Tang Chen couldn't get over his knots, his thoughts were anxious, and his heart was hot.An unspeakable oppression rose in his chest.

"This kind of heart is not good! People can't conquer their own emotions, how can they conquer the whole universe? I want to be an astronaut!"

Tang Chen felt lost, unable to straighten out his emotions, slightly disappointed, sighed, and raised his hand to stroke his long black hair.

The school stipulates that boys are not allowed to have long hair.But, right now, even if she dyes her hair colorful and has a coquettish braid, no one cares about it.

After the college entrance examination, who will worry about you?
all of a sudden—

"Tang Chen, I'm looking for you. Why do you turn off your phone? Is it to protect your eyesight?"

Tang Chen followed the sound and looked up. It was his classmate Zhao Xiaocong.

She and Tang Chen have been classmates since kindergarten, and have always been at the same table, in elementary school, in junior high school, if Tang Chen hadn't chosen to study liberal arts, they might have been at the same table in high school.

"Zhao Xiaocong!"

Tang Chen smiled, and raised his phone: "What do you want me to do? The phone is out of battery. Sorry!"

Zhao Xiaocong is a sports student, a national second-level speed skater, and her two long legs are obviously out of proportion.The most annoying thing was that she was a full head taller than Tang Chen.

Tang Chen went up to meet him, and when he was three meters away, he raised his hand and made a "stop" motion.

"Pfft!" Zhao Xiaocong couldn't stop laughing, his smiling shoulders trembled endlessly, his long bleached silver hair slid down his fragrant shoulders softly, and there was a sound of "rustle".

"You! You are a little taller than you. As for not daring to let me approach you! This will let others see it and think that you have rejected my pursuit of you!"

Zhao Xiaocong stared at Shui Lingling's big eyes, showing the whites exaggeratedly, and gave Tang Chen a hard look.

(End of this chapter)

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