Shushan Wushen

Chapter 718 Big Data

Chapter 718 Big Data


"You! Know that move, come, come, come! I'll help you complete it."

The student Tang Chen took the mobile phone that is not worth the money, and helped the money to open up the meridians, and outlined the route of internal energy.Finally, from the first palm of the Dragon Subduing Eight Palms to the eighth palm, all of them have been cultivated to the level of entry.

The money is not overjoyed, but overjoyed: "Hehehe, I want to save some gold coins to buy at Dalin Temple."

"The Dalin Temple [Zangjing Pavilion] does not serve takeout!"

Tang Chen smiled and returned the phone, not counting the money.Glancing at Jiang Xiaojiang, he couldn't help but froze.At this moment her lips were pale, her eyes were dull, and her fingers were trembling.Zhao Xiaocong and money don't count, he was busy upgrading, and didn't notice Jiang Xiaojiang's abnormality.

Tang Chen stretched out his palm, Jiang Xiaojiang glanced at Tang Chen, and ruthlessly stuffed the phone into Tang Chen's palm.

Tang Chen felt her little hands were cold.When I took the phone, the picture was unsightly.Li Zhi was doing something indescribable.But at this time, he is in the game and cannot be interrupted.Even if Jiang Xiaojiang logs out at this moment, it is still in the [Login Offline] state.

"Forget it! It's a game! Besides, look, Li Zhi's status is [logged offline], don't think too much about it. Shen Mu is not that bad."

In other words, this matter is indeed quite chilling, Tang Chen can only be relieved in this way.


Jiang Xiaojiang, gnashing her teeth angrily, tightly clenched her little hands, her knuckles turned white.

Tang Chen wanted to persuade a few more words, but he didn't know what to say, so he had an idea, "Jiang Xiaojiang, how about this? Let's enter this game, choose a custom channel, and create a new world. I'll teach you [ Jianglong Big Eight Palms]. You might as well slap him to death!"

"it is good!"

Jiang Xiaojiang answered very simply.Tang Chen was startled.Jiang Xiaojiang grinned grimly: "I can't shoot him to death! I tortured him to death. His waist was broken, his legs were broken, his ribs were broken, and his fingers were smashed joint by joint! Let him die completely!"


Tang Chen took a breath.

Jiang Xiaojiang issued a urging, and Tang Chen operated nervously and busyly, helping Jiang Xiaojiang open another world on the martial arts channel.

In this world, there is no ancient style but a modern city.However, it is based on the law of the dark forest.

Jiang Xiaojiang... In this world, she is an urban white warrior.


Your cell phone address book friend [Shen Mu] has logged in offline and is the chairman of the White Warriors Alliance.

Your mobile phone address book friend [Green Onion] logs in online...


Jiang Xiaojiang let out a sharp roar, and smashed her mobile phone on the table in anger.

In an instant, the whole world became silent, and all the people who were eating skewers to cool off felt as if their necks were pinched.On the opposite side, a few people were fiery punching the sky, and at this moment their necks were stretched and their fingers froze there...

"What are you doing! Why are you smashing the store?!"

A plump girl with a body that shows the two words of harvest and wealth, whoosh!Like the wind, she appeared in front of Tang Chen's table with a scent of cumin all over her body.

A strong string of fragrance rippling ~.

She pinched the phone in her hand, freed up a finger, and viciously pointed at Tang Chen and each of them.

"What are you doing? What are you doing? Want to make trouble? Hmph! I've been paying attention to you for a long time! Want to fight? Take the opportunity to escape the order! No way! To tell you the truth, you can't escape, so who, who, who is working and wearing a provocative white Yes, Tsinghua’s work-study program isn’t it? Calling money doesn’t count, right…”

"What's the matter? Girl, what do you mean! Why did I get so angry? I, I tricked you to provoke you—"

Not counting the money, he immediately lost his face, left the table, and stood opposite the big girl.Tang Chen stretched out his arm, stopped the money, and also blocked the big fat girl.

"Yeah, why do you still want to practice? Bullying my big girl?"

The words were light, but "Huh!" A gust of evil wind rose from Tang Chen's back.

Tang Chen suddenly opened his eyes wide, without turning his head.Because turning around, you hit the mind of the person behind you.


Tang Chen straightened his back, and his back muscles swelled up a stream of internal force, gushing out to vent.

"Boom!" Blocking the folding chair.

Boom!The folding chair bounced back....


Tang Chen turned around slowly and calmly, and the man who caught his sight was a man with a thin figure like a monkey.He was still pinching the deformed folding stool with both hands.His head was not skinned, but his nose was bleeding.

"I didn't touch you! You are monitored."

Tang Chen shrugged, and pointed at the surveillance camera gracefully.

"It's a fight! It's a fight!"

"Seeing blood! Killing!"

Suddenly, I don't know who yelled.Immediately the formation became chaotic.Barbecue food stalls are part of the house, and most of them like to sit outside.

The house was in chaos, and the guests ran out.Those who were drinking and drinking outside didn't know what happened, so they all ran away.

Some are very straightforward, taking advantage of the situation and directly hiding in their own homes!
When doing business, the most feared thing is escaping orders.The big girl became angry immediately, and directly swiped open the phone to call the police.

Tang Chen saw that something was wrong.

Because, after all, he has military membership and has a special status.Things are exaggerated by people with ulterior motives, spread out through self-media, spread false rumors, and discredit the military, which will cause a very bad influence on public opinion.


Tang Chen covered the big girl's hand with one hand, and grabbed the phone with his hands.

"Let go! It's not the police who are arresting you! Those who eat skewers have escaped orders!"

The big girl is also in a hurry.I'm really in a hurry.But Tang Chen's move just now was too shocking.The big girl was afraid.Dare and unwilling.

Tang Chen took out the mobile phone that Shen Mu gave him, and smiled softly, "It's okay! It's not about running away from the order, and they can't escape even if they want to. They will all come back."

The big girl was dubious, her eyes were anxious and helpless, and her small eyes rolled around while Tang Chen wasn't paying attention, she blinked at the skinny monkey who got up from the ground.

The thin monkey understood, and tiptoed into the house to call the police.

Tang Chen clicked on the game, and entered another interface: people near the game.

Tang Chen estimated the time and adjusted the time to 5 minutes before.

Then, he showed the phone screen to the big girl.

"Five minutes ago, the mobile phone number of those punchers here is 5..., and the mobile phone number over there...."

The big girl is dubious.

Student Tang Chen said with a smile: "This is big data. Don't worry, they will come back and pay the bill soon."

As he said that, Tang Chen gently pulled these people into a group, and sent a message to the group: Big girl barbecue, thank you for coming this time, but please come back and pay the bill!

Sure enough, the customers who received the text messages ran back with a smile on their faces, and sat back to their original seats.

"Hey hey hey, just go out for a breather, yes! Pay the bill first~!"

"Two more bottles of beer! White label big green stick!"

The big girl was delighted to see Lie Xin, her fat face burst into indescribable brilliance, "Brother! What kind of software are you doing? Can you get one for my sister?"

The student Tang Chen smiled slightly, and said slowly: "Well! If the game in the internal beta of my Tsinghua School of Computer Science is leaked,... there is no way to explain it!"

"No! No! I missed something, help me, help me!" The girl thought to herself, this time she is no longer afraid of escaping orders.

(End of this chapter)

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