Shushan Wushen

Chapter 723 Accomplishing a Tyrant

Chapter 723 Accomplishing a Tyrant



Tang Chen's body shook violently, and in an instant, endless radiance bloomed.Gorgeous to the extreme.

The tombstone of the stars shattered and turned into a starlight robe.


It wrapped Tang Chen's whole body.That gorgeous starlight is too blurred.Everyone stood there dumbfounded.Cover Zhan Zhan's eyes with his hands.It was impossible to look directly at Tang Chen.

Swish!Tang Chen stood up.

"He took the last step!"

someone exclaimed.

Bang bang bang, bang bang bang, bang bang bang...!
Another round of blows has begun!

"Ye Mengmeng helped you stand up, it saved me a lot of trouble! Master! Accept the power of Nirvana!"

Fenghuang Xiuxiu exploded with a "bang", and the monstrous Phoenix flames turned into a flame barrier, blocking three rounds of attacks.When the fourth round of attack came, Fenghuang Xiuxiu no longer existed.

Xiuxiu is dead!

Tang Chen's body was shaken suddenly, a surge of vitality grew uncontrollably.


Tang Chen pursed his lips, and let out a high-pitched cry!
"Bastard! Xiuxiu wants to seize the house! Master! Master...!"

The wise Queen Mother of the West hid aside, she was not attacked.Fortunately, he survived.At this moment, show up decisively, whoosh!It plunged into Tang Chen's body.

"It turned out to be like this... Hahaha! In the endless years, I have seen so many beasts! I have never seen such a sad master!"

"Hahaha! There is no better way to betray relatives!"

A martial god began to suppress Tang Chen's Dao Heart from the depths of his soul.

Who can have a heart as firm as a rock?This is very embarrassing!
Dragons are loyal, Phoenixes are cunning.Both dragons and phoenixes are unrestrained immune beasts.The power of the oath is invalid!

Tang Chen's chest was swollen and collapsed visible to the naked eye, obviously his heart was not at peace!
This is too dangerous!
All the martial gods' eyes lit up, and they taunted Tang Chen loudly!Continue to interfere.

all of a sudden—

At this moment, in front of the yellow mud coffin, countless elegiac couplets written in blood rustled, and suddenly, a series of mournful battle songs were sonorous, tactful, desolate, and more tragic!
The war song rang suddenly, disturbing Tang Chen's hearing, and it seemed that the encouragement of countless sages of the human race rose in his heart.

That is a message that spans the ages: The future of the human race must be shouldered!This is the final ordeal!Only by rising can we truly recover!Who are you?You are the real hope, the human race depends on you...

The other messages are from Tang Chen's partners.The object of encouragement was unknown at the time.Only Wu Haotian is very funny: No matter who you are, once you take the last step, please resurrect your best best best friend, your faithful Wu Haotian!

Tang Chen also heard his own message: "Crossing the great river flowing through the ages, entering the picture scroll, and then walking out of the picture scroll, traveling countless worlds, experiencing the world of mortals, and returning to the yellow mud, there is no need to look back at this moment! Persevere! Persevere! A great man, a family, a country and a world Stars. If you don’t conquer the present, how can you conquer the future?! No matter who you are, please don’t forget your original intention!”

This tone is the tone of command.

Tang Chen couldn't remember which life this message was from.However, it could be heard that Tang Chen had no confidence in himself at that time.In other words, Tang Chen at that time did not have the strength to advance to a tyrant after awakening.

"Never forget your original intention, you will never forget it!"

Infinite belief rose in Tang Chen's heart.

call out!
The Queen Mother of the West disintegrated herself, sealed Xiuxiu, and left her body.At this moment, Tang Chen was pure!
The mysterious tremors set in.

Visible to the naked eye, the silkworms that had lost their suppression began to recover.It squirmed its huge body, sending out regular tremors.

Chi Chi Chi Chi...!
Gossamer after thread shot at Tang Chen.

Tang Chen couldn't dodge at all.In the blink of an eye, the silkworms and Tang Chen filled the sky with silk.


Countless Valkyrie felt dejected.Stamped to leave.

The ending is doomed.The most important thing is the tyrant who broke out of the cocoon and became a butterfly!
According to the ancient legend, if Tang Chen flew out with wings, then it was the green silkworm who conquered Tang Chen.

In the next life, in this Three Realms, the human race will become one of the most humble spirits.

The Silkworm Clan, the great world will rise!
Only Tang Chen made great strides, tore apart the cocoons, strode proudly, and reappeared in the starry sky.Then Tang Chen became a martial god in the realm of a tyrant.

It means that the human race will gain the glory of another life!

As for—
No one knows how Tang Chen will go on the next road!
Because, no tyrant has ever been born in any race.

Even if it was born, that great world has long since ended.


This is the starry sky of endless darkness and desolation.Only the tiny Three Realms shine brightly.

There is no time, no distance.There is no latitude, no dimension.

Valkyrie fled desperately, and finally returned to his original position. vain!
The silkworms wrapped Tang Chen, and it was covered in dust for an unknown period of time. Perhaps the human world has already experienced vicissitudes, and dynasties have changed for countless billions of years.

The God Realm and the God Court have long been annihilated in the vast history.Perhaps!The ten temples of Yama in the underworld have changed one after another!
The waves fly away, the flowers bloom and fall!Three worlds into one?

In fact, all the Three Realms are real now except human beings.

All human beings are nothing but mirror images.

That is the shadow of the past!

In fact, it doesn't exist!Because all human beings have returned to their positions outside the Three Realms, watching a silkworm cocoon with the posture of a god.

Bang bang bang!
Another Martial God opened his posture, using what he had learned in his life, and vigorously attacked the cocoons.After exhausting the whole body's spiritual energy, it will automatically fall.First, it left for a certain distance, and after a while, it floated back again.

The Valkyrie is also boring, so it simply became a compulsory item, and each Valkyrie is a fierce attack.Then, it turned into meteorite-like garbage, and automatically roamed the empty starry sky.

The yellow mud coffin is gone.

The silkworm has pupated!
The false three realms are falsely multiplying, and the last trace of the human race is preserved, perhaps it is decent.

Gradually, the demons of the Three Realms danced wildly.Some war beasts tentatively conquered humans, first secretly eating a few people.It feels okay.

The next step is to capture the living.Raise them in captivity and treat them as pets or something.

The human race started in the God Realm, and those mirror images gradually became less noble.More and more war beasts domesticate humans...

Boom, boom, boom...!
Another boring Valkyrie, after recharging his energy and recovering his divine power, he beat the silkworm cocoon wildly.

all of a sudden—

The silkworm cocoon seemed overwhelmed this time, it exploded in the middle, and then stretched out two big hands, "哧~~~~~~"

Peng ~!

The silkworm cocoon was torn apart, and Tang Chen strode out of the silkworm cocoon.

"I'm back!"

Tang Chen's eyes shot out golden light!The yellow one turned into a lightsaber.His eyes are like swords!
As long as Tang Chen looks at it, everything will be destroyed!
That boring Valkyrie, the gods sigh, close their eyes, and bow their necks to the slaughter.

Puff puff!Puff puff!

Tang Chen breathed out in satisfaction, waves of surging aura wrapped around Tang Chen.

However, Tang Chen didn't care about these.

(End of this chapter)

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