Shushan Wushen

Chapter 727 This is the world of dragons

Chapter 727 This is the world of dragons


Liu Weiguo looked at this group of youths who were seventeen or eighteen years old, full of emotion in his heart.Because he knows that at this moment these children are full of endless desire and longing for a career in the military.I don't know how many of these children will be able to come back after ten years of military life?But war, how can there be no sacrifice!The foreign forces have a strong desire to possess the rich and beautiful life planet, making peace almost a luxury!The only way to stop war is with war!

"I hope half of the 190 will survive." Grandpa Liu looked forward to it.

Grandpa Liu carefully looked at each of these young faces. Some of these teenagers, some of whom he would never see again in this life, were full of vigor and vitality.Liu Weiguo regretted secretly, and tried hard to remember everyone's appearance in his heart.

a long time.Liu Weiguo looked straight, and said loudly: "I heard you guys clearly, you are men from Shushan Town, men from Shushan Town, you should hold your chest up, gods stop killing gods, Buddhas stop Buddhas! Dare to welcome No challenge, no fear, no backing down! Do you hear me?"

The youthful youths all puffed out their chests and stood upright. Their fiery eyes had a longing for future military life, and they all replied loudly at the same time: "I heard it!"

"Very good." Grandpa Liu's old body, standing upright in a military posture, and his cold and stern eyes were like lightning, exuding a chilling air unique to soldiers.

"You will set off tomorrow, and prepare well tonight. I know your strength very well. With your skills, you can easily enter the army! I, Liu Weiguo! I am waiting for you in the future in Shushan Town, dressed in military uniforms and fresh clothes." Horses! Return to Shushan town in good condition. Return home in good clothes! Return to hometown with honor!" Grandpa Liu said in a loud voice full of spirit.

The eyes of the 190 two teenagers suddenly gleamed involuntarily.

Homecoming!It is the dream of every teenager to return to his hometown.

"Now, listen to my order, start now! Make all preparations. Disband!" Grandpa Liu shouted in a cold and stern tone with his stubborn white hair and hale and hearty spirit.

"Yes!" 190 The two teenagers answered loudly in unison.

Tomorrow, they will embark on a brand new journey.

Then the group of teenagers left one after another under the expectant eyes of more than 100 children who were not yet adults.

"I still have two years left, I'm old enough, and I can join the army by then! Kill, kill, kill!" A young man waved his fist fiercely.The other boy, Wu Haotian, had a fierce look in his eyes, with a ferocious expression on his face.

"When I think of the damned demons from outside the territory, I hate the roots of my teeth so much! I really want to go to the army! When I think of fighting and killing, I am full of strength! If I stay in Shushan Town for the rest of my life, I will marry the most beautiful woman in the town. Women, it doesn't matter."

"whispering sound……"


A group of thirteen and fourteen-year-old teenagers were talking to each other. The teenagers all longed for the qualification to protect the peace of the star field and maintain the peace of mankind!What an honorable mission that is.

Teenagers want to be admired by girls, teenagers want to make achievements, and teenagers want to be recognized by their relatives in their hometown.

This is a teenager's dream!

"Tang Chen, your father, Tang Batian, seems to have something very important to ask you today. He sent a message asking you to come back to town with me tonight." Grandpa Liu walked up to Tang Chen and looked at the man in front of him. Tang Chen, who is graceful and graceful, behaves well and speaks well.Grandpa Liu was also very happy.

Under the education of his father Tang Batian, Tang Chen learned aristocratic etiquette and culture from an early age.After mastering the basic etiquette, you can already read ordinary books.

Reading, in this era of Star Wars, is a luxury.Generally only nobles have the opportunity to study.The Tang family is a very old family with a large collection of books.

"Grandpa Liu, I know. Father has sent word three times today. Father has never paid so much attention to one thing. I'll be right back." Tang Chen said with a grin, showing a row of white teeth.

Grandpa Liu nodded with a smile, and said, "Tang Chen, you have trained very hard and your physical skills have improved a lot. Don't worry, if there is a delay, I will make it up for you!"

An excellent warrior seedling means that the Yanhuang Star Field may give birth to an excellent mech warrior.For war, this is the most important resource.Liu Weiguo's remarks were not intended to curry favor with the Tang family, but to lay a pawn for the Star Wars.

In the front yard of the Tang family's ancient mansion, after the family had dinner, Tang Chen was playing with his two-and-a-half-year-old second-born brother Tang Liang.During the Star Wars, resources were scarce, and each family had only one fertility indicator.For Tang Liang's birth, the Tang family paid a very high price.

"Brother, hug, hug."

Little Tang Liang looked at Tang Chen with those pure eyes that did not contain a trace of impurities, and ran towards Tang Chen happily with unsteady steps, stretching out a pair of fleshy little hands. Tang Chen squatted not far away and waited quietly. Follow Xiao Tang Liang to run over.

"Liangliang, come on, come on." Tang Chen encouraged.

Little Tang Liang's running pace made people worry that he would fall down all the time.However, little Tang Liang rushed into Tang Chen's arms in the end. Tang Liang's skin was as soft and crystal clear as water. At the moment, his dark eyes looked at Tang Chen excitedly, and he shouted childishly. : "Brother, brother."

Looking at his own younger brother, Tang Chen felt endless doting in his heart.

No mother, no grandparents.Although there is a father and an old housekeeper to take care of him.But the precocious Tang Chen loved his own younger brother very, very much.From Tang Chen's point of view, as an older brother, he should take care of his younger brother.

"Liangliang, what did you learn today?" Tang Chen said with a smile.

Tang Liang frowned, with a lovely expression, thought for a while, and then excitedly said: "Today I learned to use a toothbrush!"

"Toothbrush?" Tang Chen couldn't help smiling, "You brushed your teeth yourself? That's amazing!"

Hearing his brother's praise, Tang Liang excitedly snapped his fingers and said, "I first used a toothbrush, the floor, then the toilet, and finally... teeth, yes, father's dentures!" Wharton looked at Tang Chen excitedly, Looking forward to Tang Chen's praise.

"You cleaned the toilet, and then brushed your father's dentures?" Tang Chen's eyes widened.

"Why, isn't it right? I brushed it very clean." Little Tang Liang looked up at his brother with puzzled eyes.

"Young Master Tang Chen, your patriarch told you to come over, I'll hug Young Master Tang Liang." I saw a kind red-haired old man walking over. It was Liu Jinduo, the chief steward of the Tang family.Besides the housekeeper, there is not even a maidservant in the whole family.

Tang Chen immediately handed Tang Liang to the butler Liu Jinduo, while he got up and walked towards the living room.

(End of this chapter)

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