Shushan Wushen

Chapter 736 Tenderness in Guigu

Chapter 736 Tenderness in Guigu


After Tang Chen woke up that night, he called out Guigu, cursed loudly, and passed out after cursing for a while.

"Didn't you say that you can protect me?...Didn't you want to kill all the hybrid dragons?...Is the iron-winged butterfly dragon a hybrid dragon?...What about the protection you promised?...Fuck! You are a thousand-year-old Fudge!..."

Surprisingly, Guigu didn't make any rebuttals, and silently dragged a wooden basin, stripped the fainted Tang Chen and threw it into it.He took out a knife and stuck it on his body, "Zi!" "Zi!" "Zi!" Bloodletting.Ghost Valley has recovered well in the past six months, and it straightens like a tall birch tree.With the loss of blood, the little white birch gradually turned into a thick sapling...

Tang Chen felt that there seemed to be endless and majestic power rushing into his body, and his body gradually warmed up. After regaining consciousness, he opened his eyes suddenly, and a golden light flashed across them.Suddenly, I saw that Guigu was as big as a walking stick.Surprised!
With a wave of his hand, he knocked the knife stuck in the dragon's body flying, turned over and sat up, and roared loudly: "Who did it? Why did you become so troublesome?"

Tang Chen stretched out his hand and pulled Guigu, and pushed it into the wooden basin. "Refine me back! Damn it! What a lunatic dragon!" Tang Chen and Guigu are contract partners, sharing their thinking and consciousness.Tang Chen quickly understood Guigu's difficulties.That is...Ghost Valley...the romantic past...the sacred bright butterfly...the iron-winged butterfly dragon...

Tang Chen looked up to the sky and sighed: "Nie Yuan!"

With the nourishment of the dragon's blood, Tang Chen's body recovered very well, and it was a blessing in disguise, and he was promoted to the seventh-level warrior.This has reached Tang Gu's state when he was not taken away.Tang Chen thought: "Back then, Tang Gu was 70 years old, but I, Tang Chen, am only seven years old this year!... If I were to join the army now, I would at least be a lieutenant company commander! Cough cough..."

After Tang Chen was injured by Frost Fighting Qi, he left sequelae, and the heat from his whole body dissipated very quickly.After doing [Lajinshu] training, I hardly sweat anymore, and even the sweat that breaks out is extremely cold.Grandpa Liu said that the cold poison in Tang Chen's body was not cleansed, Tang Chen drank the decoction to drive away the cold poison for a few days, but the cold air became more intense.

Tang Chen coughed and coughed like an old man all day long.

Tang Chen and Grandpa Liu received the invitation from Liu Jinduo's housekeeper early on.Participate in the Tangjiachun Festival.Grandpa Liu was the guest of honor, and Tang Chen was the officiant guest.

On the morning of the Spring Festival, Tang Chen wrapped himself in a sable robe.Leaving the training base with Grandpa Liu.The cold spring is expected to be cold, and it is not an extraordinary move to be warm and cold again.

"Grandpa Liu, cough cough! It's fine if you hurt me, cough cough! But I want her to pay you a mecha anyway. Cough cough!"

"No need! Since it's your relative, let's forget about it! Alas! It's a pity my old partner!" Liu Weiguo sighed for a while. The mecha had accompanied him in battles for decades, and it was really painful.But the Tang Sect is powerful and is the main supplier of the military.One of the leaders of the Star Alliance.An existence that cannot be provoked.

"Ahem, no! I will definitely take it when I find a chance, ahem, tell her! Ahem! No matter how noble the Tang Sect is, you can't just bully people casually! Ahem!"

"Forget it, forget it! I'll find a way to get some antidote for the ice attribute battle qi, the most important thing is to get rid of the cold poison. Before you get the antidote, don't make extra troubles!"

The ancient residence of the Tang family in Shushan Town.At this moment, the flow of people is like weaving, and there is an endless stream.Tangmen sent Tianjiao to preside over the Spring Festival.The person who presided over the memorial ceremony was a direct disciple of the Tang Sect.Bone Cold Fairy Tang Zhiyun!

It takes so much trouble every year, because in the past 5000 years, a total of five Tangmen Tianjiao have become the mistresses of the ancient mansion of the Tang family.The Tang family is grateful for the sacrifice and contribution made by Lian Tianjiao to the family.

Give special care to descendants and pay homage to heroic spirits.

As one of the new leaders of the Star Field Alliance, the Tang Sect's Tianjiao status is so noble.Life is full of glory, and death is full of glory!This is the pride of Tangmen disciples, their incomparable and caring sense of belonging.

As a collateral child, Tang Chen must participate in the officiant ceremony.This spring festival was not only a major event in the Tang family, the gentry and celebrities in Shushan Town were also invited by the Tang family to be guests of the ceremony.

Being eligible to participate in the spring festival of the Tang family, an ancient aristocratic family, is also a recognition of status for the gentry and celebrities in Shushan Town.That is an extreme honor in Shushan Town.Although the dragon blood nobles have fallen, they are still a wealthy family in Shushan Town.

Tang Chen and Liu Weiguo stepped into the mansion together, and walked towards the back courtyard along the stone road with a long history.The courtyard behind the mansion is the officiant area.Liu Jinduo was due to Tang Chen's identity and Liu Weiguo's status, combined with the relationship between the two.All are arranged on the steps in front of the Zongtang, facing the guests watching the ceremony.

Every spring festival, Liu Weiguo could only stand under the steps, surrounded by ordinary gentlemen and celebrities.Looking at the steps, it was cumbersome and complicated, and the noble sacrificial ceremony was held in an orderly manner.This year, he was able to stand on the steps and become the officiant guest.Immediately, there were many envious eyes projected from under the steps.Grandpa Liu enjoyed this kind of gaze very much, and unconsciously stood up in a military posture.

Seeing Liu Weiguo standing in the officiant area, Tang Zhiyun froze for a moment, frowning, not knowing what he was thinking about!Could it be that you regret Meng Lang's previous actions and hurt me?Tang Chen saw Tang Zhiyun's serious expression.

"Ahem~" Tang Chen tightened his mink robe.

Following the sound, Tang Zhiyun glanced at Tang Chen, and landed on Tang Chen's exquisite and luxurious mink fur robe.His face was frosty, as cold and beautiful as yesterday.As in the past, he was as cold as ever.

The rituals of the Spring Festival are very ancient. There are many names in the ancient rituals. They pay attention to many rules and regulations.
As usual, the spring festival is presided over by an old priest of the Tang family.The old priest was already very old, his face was full of folds, and he couldn't see his real face clearly seven years ago.

But the old priest of the Tang family has a lot of experience in presiding over the sacrificial ceremony, and he is very familiar with it, chanting obscure syllables smoothly, and proceeding in an orderly manner...


...Finally, Tang Zhiyun finished reading the sacrificial oration, burned incense with her own hands, and bowed devoutly to the departed heroes!Then on behalf of the Tang Sect, he issued the in-law medicine for the Tang family.

The Tang Sect is famous for its elixir and its refining.For married families, especially the Panmen family, some pills are provided for free every year.

If a genius is born in the other family, Tang Sect will help make a list of materials, come forward to arrange for the acquisition, and refine the weapon for free for the genius.If it is at the evildoer level, then the Tang Sect will even help train it for free!
The Tang Sect is powerful and powerful, not only has money, but is willing to spend it, and knows how to spend it!
There are countless means to win over talents!There is a lot of routine in being a person and doing things!It is not unreasonable to become the upstart among the star field lords!The Tang family is an ancient dragon's blood noble, isn't it also looking up to the Tang family now!

Tang Chen unleashed his soul perception, always paying attention to Tang Zhiyun, this chick has a cold and bluffing appearance, she is not a person who follows the rules.Maybe after the Spring Festival is over, they will slip away quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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