Shushan Wushen

Chapter 741 The Power of the Tang Sect

Chapter 741 The Power of the Tang Sect


However, in the past half month, Tang Chen didn't waste any time, cultivating crazily!
Why is Wu Zong's Xiu so powerful, one punch is enough to smash a mountain!Behind the powerful cultivation base is the profound cultivation experience.Naturally, Tang Chen would not miss this god-given opportunity, and I'm sorry for Tang Chen's character if he didn't take advantage of it!

"Teacher, the true qi of the eighth-level warrior and the seventh-level warrior..."

With a diligent attitude of not being ashamed to ask questions, Tang Chen began to ask for advice step by step from the training experience at the warrior level!This made Xiao Shengquan look at him with admiration, and he couldn't help sighing, "The so-called geniuses are indeed masters of seizing opportunities! Opportunities always favor those who are prepared, this statement is true!"

Since Xiao Shengquan appreciates Tang Chen, he has no reservations, he asks ten questions and answers ten questions, and teaches him all he has!Seeing that Xiao Shengquan wanted to make a point, Tang Chen simply took it seriously and down-to-earth, recorded every word Wu Zong said in a book, handed it to Tang Zhiyun to transcribe carefully, and carefully organized it into notes.

Xiao Shengquan was quite moved by Tang Chen's actions, and was very useful!After some deliberation, he made up his mind, sanctimoniously, and said with a righteous face: "If Tang Chen fails this retest! I would rather accept Tang Chen as a disciple privately! What do you think!" Tang Chen and Tang Zhiyun.Tang Chen was so excited that he couldn't contain himself!

Tang Zhiyun covered Tang Chen's mouth, and said flatly: "Tang Chen is the quasi-consort of the Tang clan, Tsinghua University!..." Needless to say, the words are too clear, and the point ends.But this was enough to make Xiao Shengquan ashamed!My little thoughts, I couldn't hide it from this cold and beautiful girl!

"What? Tang Chen is the Tang Sect—a prospective son-in-law? You are from the Tang Sect?!" Xiao Shengquan suddenly opened his eyes wide, pretending to be surprised!

Tang Zhiyun's face was covered with frost, her beautiful eyes stared at Tang Chen, and she said calmly, "Even if Tang Chen is not my Tang Sect's quasi-consort, do you have the right to accept my husband as an apprentice?"

Tang Chen is so smart. Realizing that there is something tricky in it, he shut his mouth obediently, took out his practice notes, and frowning to think about it...

Tsinghua Warrior Academy is full of talents.Tang Chen is a monster-level genius!Take Tang Chen as a disciple?Xiao Shengquan is really not qualified!

"Uh~ this..." Xiao Shengquan was at a loss for words at the moment, he didn't expect that this cold, unsmiling, beautiful girl who obeyed Tang Chen's words and submissively, had an exquisite mind, a penetrating mind, sharp words, and no mercy at all.

Xiao Shengquan put away his unrealistic delusions.Calm down.As always, answer Tang Chen's questions very seriously!After all, it is extremely rare and precious to be able to gain the friendship of the prospective son-in-law of the Tang Sect.Judging from the current situation, Tang Chen removed the word 'quasi', and the decision to formally become a full-time employee did not seem to be in Tang Zhiyun's hands, but in Tang Chen's own hands!

Tang Chen arrived in Yanjing accompanied by Tang Zhiyun.Tsinghua Samurai Academy special recruitment re-examination is conducted uniformly, showing transparency, fairness and openness!The retest needs to wait for the notification.Under the unified arrangement of Tsinghua Warrior Academy, Tang Chen and Tang Zhiyun lived in the campus villa.Mizuki Xiaozhu!
Mizuki small building with complete facilities.Tang Chen had a high spirit, took the opportunity to cultivate, and worked extremely hard.

In the villa, Tang Chen held a huge wooden bowl, and smiled at Tang Zhiyun who walked into the room, "Cousin Zhiyun, I'm just looking for you! I want to release some dragon's blood!"

Tang Zhiyun nodded, and called out the contract monster Iron Wing Butterfly Dragon.At this time, the Iron Winged Butterfly Dragon was skinny and sluggish.The dragon's body was thin, less than half of what it used to be.Suddenly seeing the big bowl in Tang Chen's hand, the scales stood on end, and he trembled.Tang Zhiyun couldn't bear to stare, turned and left Tang Chen's room.He heard the piercing scream of the Iron Winged Butterfly Dragon behind him.Gently sighed!

Tang Chen's body has a special bloodline, and it requires a large amount of dragon's blood to cooperate with it.As my husband-to-be, to help as much as I can, that is the meaning of the title!Not only did Tang Zhiyun have no reason to refuse.Instead, actively cooperate.

Tang Chen stared at her Iron Winged Butterfly Dragon, and every day he got it in the room and let the dragon's blood out!It made Guigu feel distressed. At first, it was crazy cursing and cursing. After being severely warned by Tang Chen, Guigu tried his best to stop him, begging, "Tang Chen! My merciful master! It's almost the same!" Lah! Enough, enough! It's a waste to play any more!"

Tang Chen communicated with Ghost Valley: "Shut up!...or your blood will be spilled!"

Guigu Dragon's body is only as thick as the mouth of a bowl at this time, and it hasn't recovered yet!I can only beg in vain and mechanically: "Let's put it down! Let's put it down!..."

Tang Chen is kind-hearted, and he is very repulsive to the frequent intake of iron-winged butterfly dragon blood. On the one hand, he has a relationship with Guigu, and on the other hand, this is also his wife's contracted monster!Gradually the idea of ​​giving up was born.

After training, she confided her helplessness to Tang Zhiyun.

Unexpectedly, Tang Zhiyun was furious, and her tone was fiercer than ever before, and she enlightened Tang Chen: "The Yanhuang Starfield has a strict hierarchy, and the strong are respected! You have a special bloodline, and being able to absorb dragon blood is a great opportunity and great luck! How can such a woman's benevolence pursue ultimate power!... If you don't take the initiative to crush others, others will take the initiative to crush you!..."

Guigu murmured in agreement: "If you are not strong, you will be stepped on and become a stepping stone for others to rise to the top! Tang Chen, your wife is right! Listen to what your wife says! I won't stop you! You have to be careful, just don't kill the Iron Winged Butterfly Dragon!"

Tang Chen was enlightened by Tang Zhiyun, and Guigu affirmed it.After enlightenment, Mao Sai suddenly realized!Reminiscent of his past and present situations, Tang Chen was startled and broke out in a cold sweat.

Tang Chen realized that his cowardice would have dire consequences!

"Yes! Only when I have the ultimate power that is so powerful that no one else can match, can I protect you and the Tang Sect! Protect the Tang family! If I can't even protect myself, I will only become a stepping stone for others! Then It is extremely sad!..."

Tang Zhiyun smiled gratifiedly, and once she cut the cold plum, Lingshuang bloomed.Encouraged by the situation: "Cousin Tang Chen, I am very happy that you can listen to my advice! Believe in my husband, he will definitely become the supreme powerhouse in the star field!" Taking out a handkerchief, with a tender look on his face, he wiped Tang Chen's hair carefully. cold sweat.

Tang Chen looked dignified, and said slowly: "The ancients said that listening to your wife's words is good for cultivation. This statement is true, the ancients are sincere and do not deceive me!"

"Ancient man? Which ancient man is so talented..." Tang Zhiyun was taken aback for a moment, then realized Tang Chen's teasing, and couldn't stop laughing.

Tang Chen straightened his mind and devoted himself to cultivation.With the help of the dragon's blood from the Iron Winged Butterfly Dragon, Tang Chen's cultivation has naturally achieved remarkable results in half a month!

(End of this chapter)

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