Shushan Wushen

Chapter 747 Good Times

Chapter 747 Good Times


"Uh——Tang Chen, if there is a martial skill that can link up with devouring and stimulate it according to the trend, and then refine it to the point of perfection, then your devouring palm, which you use to pretend to be cool, may be able to be used in actual combat in addition to its attack power. ..."

Seemingly not seeing Tang Chen's embarrassing expression, Tang Zhiyun said to herself in order to resolve her embarrassment.

"Cousin Zhiyun, you also know that only the level of a martial artist can release true qi. My devouring palm just shook out of the vacuum, and the true qi really doesn't have enough strength to connect. But the martial skills you mentioned are really..." Tang Chen shook his head , seems a little helpless.

"Don't act like you are helpless, don't you just want to get ideas from me." Tang Chen gave Tang Chen a white look with her beautiful eyes, and Tang Zhiyun curled her lips and said.

"Hee hee, if you have something to ask your daughter-in-law, it will help you practice."

Tang Zhiyun chuckled, and the plum blossoms bloomed, "The one who said it for the ancients again? You're glib! Tell you, not only your wife can't help it, your wife can't help it, your wife can't help it either..."

"Is there anything that can be improved?" Hearing this, Tang Chen's small face immediately pulled down, and he was very depressed. He didn't have special martial arts to increase the output strength of his true energy, and it was undoubtedly a move that was not worth the candle by simply using his own true energy. Moreover, it can't cause much lethality.

Seeing Tang Chen's dejected appearance, Tang Zhiyun shook her head amusedly, stretched out her fingers and pointed at Tang Chen's forehead angrily, and said in a deep voice, "What you want must be an instantaneous martial skill with a link. There is such an instant fighting skill, which is used to hit the flying alchemy furnace, but it is not commonly used, if it is not for you, I am afraid I will really forget it."

"Okay...Okay, I'll leave it to you..." His fingers moved away from his forehead, and under Tang Chen's ecstatic eyes, Tang Zhiyun slowly demonstrated, saying one sentence at a time how to move his mind...

Tang Chen's soul and Guigu's soul were in their minds, and they deduced step by step to improve the method.Soon the whole morning passed, and under Tang Zhiyun's astonished eyes, Tang Chen slapped the first extremely fierce palm!This is Zhang Gang!
Tang Chen chuckled, touched his smooth chin, and said quite complacently: "Okay! This move is called Thunderbolt Palm!"

Tang Zhiyun immediately petrified, covered her forehead with Lei's scorching skin, and said in pain, "My little husband, I really admire you. The name Swallowing Palm is already worthless. Thunderbolt palm, don't you think... more tasteless?..."

Tang Chen was taken aback, and thought to himself, this Tang Zhiyun is really a person who demands the ultimate perfection, she looks extremely perfect, even the name of this martial skill is also perfect, it really is 'the same as the outside and the inside'!He couldn't help but look up to Tang Zhiyun.

Tang Chen was graceful and dignified, bowed his hands to Tang Zhiyun in a dignified manner, and said very solemnly: "My husband has been taught! Please give me your name..." The corner of his mouth revealed a hint of cunning.

As a pharmacist, Tang Zhiyun's spirit is so powerful, she found Tang Chen's fun, and she simply started to joke: "At that time, you improved my method of catching herbs and refining alchemy, because you said it was cool and dazzling! ... Then In my opinion, how about calling it Cool Palm?" Looking at the proud Tang Chen, Tang Zhiyun joked.

Tang Chen somewhat admired Tang Zhiyun's ability. He even cited scriptures when he named her, and traced back to its origin, which seemed quite reasonable.Tang Chen rolled his eyes, looked respectful, and cupped his hands: "Thank you madam! This palm is named by your madam, and in the future, it will be proud of the world and smash the stars! Across the star field, the sky is so cool..."

It was rare for Tang Zhiyun's iceberg to melt, and her laughing branches trembled wildly. She pointed at Tang Chen and said out of breath, "Nutty... poor mouth..."

Martial arts proficiency determines on-the-spot combat effectiveness!It took Tang Chen another two hours to initially grasp the knack of cool mastering.It has been done like an arm and a finger, and it can be urged freely!
Standing by the Shushui River, Tang Chen eagerly looked at a big jagged rock on the opposite bank, took a deep breath, rolled his palm, and the trembling force was wild: "Cool palm!"

The vacuum created by the tremor formed a powerful squeeze of air, and the craggy boulders, with a large mass, roared across the river bank and flew towards Tang Chen directly.

Tang Chen's eyes were fixed on the jagged boulder flying across the river. Tang Chen's right hand instantly launched a martial skill, and then the true qi in his body moved along the predetermined method, and the strength increased greatly, but the true qi only consumed about one layer!Form a palm!The strength of the palm is no less than the infuriating energy from the body!This gave him an absolute advantage at the martial artist level in disguise, and even had a fight with the martial artist.

"Ah!" Tang Zhiyun exclaimed!
Just when the big rock came across the river and was about to hit Tang Chen's head, the tyrannical palm violently rushed out from Tang Chen's palm,


Immediately, there was a clear and muffled sound, and the craggy boulder was directly blasted into pieces by two opposing forces.The banks of the Shushui River are filled with dust.There are countless ripples on the river...

"Okay..." Tang Zhiyun withdrew the vindictive protection that Tang Chen and herself put on in a hurry, and waved her small fists, extremely excited!Even more excited than Tang Chen!
"Cough! Cough!"

Tang Chen was caught off guard by the sudden removal of the battle qi protection!Covered in stone powder, he sprang out of the dust area. Looking at the effect, Tang Chen's eyes glowed. His status as a warrior, his existence below a warrior, even a low-level warrior, is definitely enough to make anyone who is not prepared suffer a lot. .

Be sure to practice this cool palm to the extreme proficiency!

After patting away the stone chips on his body, Tang Chen knew in his heart that in the last three days, he had another training task.

Three days later, it will be the start of school at Zhenwu Academy of Peking University, and I will report it myself! ...

"Hey, maybe many people will suffer from me in the future, right? This is my trump card for pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger! Who will be unlucky at Peking University?" The stone chips flying all over the sky gradually dispersed, and the young Tang Chen hugged a boy in disgrace. With a cold face and covered in stone dust, Tang Zhiyun sneered softly.

"No one dares to bully my Tang Sect consort! Besides, you are my Tang Zhiyun's husband!" Tang Zhiyun comforted Tang Chen softly, "I have already contacted the Tang Sect organization at Peking University, and I will do what I need to do. Just make trouble! Don't give anyone face, it's a big deal, your wife, I will come forward in person and clean up the mess for you..."

Tang Chen looked stunned, "Tang Zhiyun, who do you think I am, Tang Chen? Someone who eats soft food? How can I rely on your Tang Sect to cause trouble?...I am not a troublemaker! You have to say the wrong thing for you Words... pay the price..."

"Ah! What are you going to do..." Tang Chen hugged Tang Zhiyun domineeringly by the waist, "Plop!" He threw it into the Shushui River, laughing loudly, "Swoosh!" Tang Chen smashed the pebbles under his feet, Leaping high, "Teng!" in the posture of a fish, plunged into the water.

In the blink of an eye, three days have passed by Tang Chen, and the night has shrouded the vast land of Shushan Town, and the entire Shushui River is also very quiet, with shimmering waves and soft willows!
In the living room of the Tang family's mansion, candles were burning, illuminating the living room. Tang Batian and Tang Liang were sitting at one side of the long table. Opposite them were Tang Chen and Tang Zhiyun. They had dinner together before leaving. Tang Zhiyun was leaving tomorrow morning. Tang Chen accompanied her to bid farewell.

(End of this chapter)

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