Shushan Wushen

Chapter 753: When it's time to make a move, make a move

Chapter 753: When it's time to make a move, make a move


Tang Chen's complexion changed suddenly, he was unwilling to be humiliated for no reason!In the previous life, Tang Chen's family had been in business for generations. Grandpa and father had ups and downs in the business world, with several ups and downs!Tang Chen has heard and seen, and knows that starting a business is difficult and keeping a business is not easy!This Tang Chen also tried to start from evolution to create an evolutionary empire in another world and create a glory of promotion!After some understanding, I finally gave up the idea.

Evolution is not something that is usually conjectured. You produce and I consume, or you buy and I sell. Such a simple relationship model!A commodity has a specific consumer group. From the producer to the user, businessmen need to pay wisdom and wisdom to improve the transaction process.Merchants increase the added value layer by layer in every circulation link, and enhance the attributes of commodities!After the transaction is completed, turn the painstaking efforts into profits!
For example, a merchant will place an order with the Tang Sect for a pill refined by the Tang Sect according to the needs of the Zhan County where it is located. After receiving the elixir, it will be sold to the civilians and practitioners of the Zhan County.During this process, businessmen have contributed their wisdom in various aspects such as market research, packaging, logistics and service.And the elixir that the common people got, regardless of its texture, content, appearance, price, etc., is undoubtedly very suitable, so they will take out gold coins to buy it.

The purpose of evolution is that producers, merchants, and consumers each get what they need, and the three parties win-win!But the current Yanhuang Star Field is not like this!Businessmen are very hard, not even as good as beggars!

Commoners need food, clothing, housing and transportation. The Star Field Alliance will not provide these incomes for free. Instead, they will collect a large amount of taxes from commoners!Where do civilians' taxes and income come from?One is working, the other is doing business!The income from working is meager, so a large number of civilians are forced to do business to supplement their families.Even quitting work and doing business!
But the Jieao family appeared out of thin air, cruelly killing the income channels of the common people!Directly send businessmen to hell!
The Jieao family first distributed optical brains to upstream manufacturers for free, and at the same time provided free optical brains to all civilians!In this way, the use of upstream and downstream docking.The merchant link is omitted, and ordinary people buy what they need directly from the manufacturer, and the price is naturally low!What was originally a gold coin can be bought with a silver coin on the optical brain!For a time, a large number of businessmen went bankrupt.

But for evolution, the merchant circulation link is indispensable and extremely important!There are a large number of manufacturers in the star field, and there is no timely and effective information.Production and sales out of touch!Even the Tang Sect has a huge backlog of pills!Due to the impact of the Jieao family's optical brain, the industry that the common people were in went bankrupt in large numbers.Need medicine pills, but have no money to buy them!This is an economic crisis!

During the star field war, facing the economic crisis, the star field is about to have internal strife, internal and external troubles!The Yanhuang Starfield Alliance was devastated for a while and was at a loss what to do!
The Jieao family made their debut and appeared at the right time. After consultations and negotiations!The Jieao family promised the Star Field Alliance to solve the economic crisis.The Star Alliance promised that after the crisis, it would absorb the Jieao family and be promoted to the leader of the Star Domain!

The Jieao family provided free optical brain upgrades to civilians, and this optical brain can be uploaded after the upgrade!Upload the items that can be sold in your own hands, that is to say, the Jieao family has re-supported a large number of merchants!With the joining of merchants, the evolution of the Yanhuang Starfield gradually regained its vitality.Even the Tang Sect's backlog of medicinal pills and other unsalable goods were sold.

A large number of poor people have gradually gained income, improved their living taste, and increased their spending power.Immediately!The Jieao family has started shearing their sheep!Charge for the goods uploaded by the optical brain in the hands of the merchant!The risk-free profit was taken away from the hands of the businessman.And take advantage of the competition among businessmen to set up a name and increase fees!
Businessmen are forced to raise prices, but consumers do not accept it, they have more choices!Because the best-selling products here may be unsalable products in other Zhan counties!Unsalable goods will of course be sold at low prices or even at a loss!There are always merchants who sell slow-moving goods at a loss because of working capital!
Businessmen have to ask for quantity at a low price!But the demand of civilians is limited, and the excessive supply has caused more unsalable!A family laughs, a hundred families cry!Every year, several merchants make profits, and at the same time, a large number of merchants over-stock, leading to bankruptcy!Bankruptcy and quitting business.

After some trading contests, a large number of businessmen became distressed and financially difficult again.Carefully maintain a small business.And most of the profits of this small business will be taken away by the Jieao family!

Gradually, all businessmen are reduced to working servants of the Jieao family in disguise!Dire situation!And the 'smart' civilians also indirectly lead to the decline of the industry they are engaged in due to the decline in the purchasing power of merchants!The Jieao family created a snake with its head biting its tail!Vicious food chain!

This is a three-party calamity!All three parties lost in a mess!Only the Jieao family adopted this vicious method and made a fortune!Fame and fortune.The Jieao family was thus promoted to noble.He even became the leader of the Star Field Alliance according to the promise of the Star Field Alliance!
The Jieao family is extremely vicious and vicious.Block the ascent passage for civilians!Tang Chen is deeply ashamed!I once speculated, could it be that no one in the Star Field Alliance understands evolution?This caused a large number of civilians to be in a miserable situation, which was extremely detrimental to the internal stability of the star field!Tang Chen suddenly realized when he saw the enthusiasm of the civilian youths in Shushan Town to join the army!

"Maintaining peace in the Yanhuang Star Region! It is my long-cherished wish in Tang Chen's life, so I will never choose the evolution system! If you are not convinced, you can give it a try! You insult me! You must apologize to me!" Tang Chen's body Standing straight, with a dignified look, he stared at Niu Jieao with a sharp tone, and shouted loudly.

"Either apologize! Or fight!"

"Boom!" Niu Jieao waved his hand and placed the teacup heavily on the table, splashing the tea everywhere!
"I don't know how high the sky is!"

"Boom!" Niu Jieao released a huge coercion of the soul, which suddenly enveloped Tang Chen...

Tang Chen calmed down, ignored it completely, stared at Niu Jieao, and said neither humble nor overbearing: "Your coercion is not enough to watch!"

How could Niu Jieao have been ridiculed like this, and he was furious, and he no longer cared about his face, and he went so far as to exert all his strength under the huge coercion of his cultivation base during the foundation establishment period! "boom!"

Niu Jieao didn't care about decency or thoughtfulness, and the recruiting colleagues around him were also blown away!

"Crack!" "Crack!" "Crack!" Crackling, hitting the wall one after another!
Tang Chen deliberately protected Tang Zhiyun, so she was naturally fine. Guigu was bloodthirsty and easy to kill. Without Tang Chen's instruction, he unleashed a more powerful and vast coercion! "Whoosh!" Niu Jieao flew out in an instant! "Boom!" His body sank into the wall!
(End of this chapter)

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