Shushan Wushen

Chapter 756 Distribution of Strength

Chapter 756 Distribution of Strength


Ye Kang murmured, "I made a small knife, which should be an earth-level spiritual was taken away..." Tang Zhiyun glared at Ye Kang, "If you take it away, you won't kill it. he!"

Ye Kang was at a loss for words, looked around at the disciples of the Tang Sect, and looked even more embarrassed, "It's not once or twice, Zhu Jin and Tang Hong have helped me... Unfortunately, neither of them is Zi Jieao's opponent!...Too powerful The fifth level of Qi Condensation can surpass the combat power of the seventh level of Qi Condensation!" After speaking, he shook his head, and then a disciple of the Tang Sect came over and added: "Unless it is Tang Liang and Li Bada's actions in the Foundation Establishment Realm, but that will It’s against the rules! Now we just lack the high-level combat power of Qi Condensation!”

Libada is a simple and honest man. When he heard about him, he stood up and walked to Tang Zhiyun, bowed, and said, "Fairy Bone Leng, why don't you order me to kill Zi Jieao, and go to the Starfield Battlefield to endure the crime and meritorious deeds?" Two years, it's all about experience! I have no objection! I heard that Tsinghua's Li Meng killed Ma Jieao, and I should be leaving these days. I'm afraid that Jieao's family will make a move midway. It’s good to have someone to take care of!”

Just as Zhu Jin wanted to show his loyalty, he took a step forward...but Tang Chenhe and Tang Zhiyun started whispering, their bodies stopped, and they hurriedly staggered...

"What Ma Jieao was killed by Li Meng?..." Tang Chen was taken aback, vaguely remembering that Tang Yangmei said that the guy who was killed in Tsinghua University was called Ma Jieao...

"Oh, Li Meng took the blame for you, arranged by the family! I haven't told you yet." Tang Zhiyun said lightly, and then explained to Tang Chen: "You are too merciful! Killing cows... Sigh! If you miss the opportunity, you won't take the lead!" After the last sentence, Tang Zhiyun's voice was not lowered, but when the surrounding disciples heard it, they were in an uproar...

"What? Tang Chen's son-in-law has a chance to kill Niu Jieao?...Why didn't he do it?...What a pity!..."

"Tang Chen's son-in-law is young, so he won't be able to do it!... In a few years..."

Disciples of the Tang Sect and Xiao Panshi of the Tang Sect were all pissed off, full of vicious aura, talking a lot, casting disappointment and pity at Tang Chen... Complicated gazes, some even contempt... such as Tang Hong!
Tang Hong is Tang Zhiyun's second elder brother, and his biological mother is Tang Xiong's first concubine, with a noble status and a nine-level Dzogchen!It is only a barrier away from the foundation establishment!At this moment, staring at Tang Chen with disdain, he shook his head.

Tang Zhiyun saw it, and immediately became furious, and shouted: "Second brother! What do you mean? Shaking your head! My husband will kill if he says he wants to, and he won't kill if he says no. We have our reasons! The situation is the same as fire and water, but Niu Jieao is the director of the evolution department after all, how can he just find someone to take the blame? What kind of head? Hmph!"

Tang Zhiyun was born to the eldest lady. Although she is a younger sister, her status is so noble!Not surprisingly, that is Tang Xiong's successor Tang Sect heroine!Otherwise, he would not be qualified to lead the Tang Sect Little Panshi!

Tang Zhiyun lost his temper with Tang Hong, and Tang Hong trembled with fright.I have never seen Tang Zhiyun so furious!

Tang Hong thought to himself, even though Tang Chen was tall and looked like a fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy, he was only less than eight years old after all!Tang Zhiyun's old cow eats tender grass, so naturally he doesn't take it seriously!But who would have thought, alas!Misjudgment!I understand that this touched Tang Zhiyun's back!

Tang Hong had no choice but to bite the bullet and apologize to Tang Zhiyun. The Tang family was quick-witted, quick in circles, and thoughtful! "...Little sister, I have an idea! I'm just afraid that if you say it, you should scold the second brother again... Hehehe..."

Tang Zhiyun looked Tang Hong up and down, Tang Hong's mother, Cai Mingyue, was a ghost!Otherwise, she wouldn't have succeeded in becoming a girl who made the bed and folded the quilt and served tea and water!Thinking about it, Tang Hong must have a bad idea!But it's not appropriate to seal Tang Hong's mouth!I had no choice but to nod, but didn't make a sound, just staring at Tang Hong with sly eyes.

Halfway through Tang Hong's speech, he couldn't advance or retreat, and the eyes around him were staring at him, and they were all stunned, looking forward to the next one!I could only cough dryly twice, with a half-smile on the corner of my mouth, and chatted: "Since Tang Chen has the ability to restrain Niu Jieao, then there must be some chance and coincidence! After all, Niu Jieao is a foundation-building cultivation base, right?" ! But Tang Chen's fighting power must be unusually strong and ferocious! Otherwise, I wouldn't fall into your eyes, little girl! I'm right..."

Tang Zhiyun shook her head, thinking, what are you kidding, how could I follow your words?Then you will fall into the pit!Sighing, "You're not right! The relationship between us has nothing to do with force! It's about admiring each other, admiring each other, oh! You can ask your father about this. My father knows..."

"Oh! Then when I go back to Zhan County in Shu, let's understand more!" Seeing that Tang Zhiyun had directly killed Huatou, Tang Hong's eyes turned and rested on Tang Chen's body, staring into Tang Chen's eyes with a slight light, his tone was very flat, "Tang Chen, you are the quasi-consort of the Tang Sect. This time, you entered the Zhenwu Academy of Peking University and entered the Department of Evolution. From now on, you will not only condense your Qi, build your foundation, but even if you are a disciple of the Tang Sect who is a Golden Core, you will also be organized by the Tang Sect at Peking University... It's up to you to lead!" After speaking, he nodded to the surrounding disciples of the Tang Sect and the little rock of the Tang Sect.

Tang Hong is the head of the Peking University Tangmen organization!Suddenly announcing this decision at this moment obviously left the stall to Tang Chen!Everyone in Tang Chen didn't recognize everything, how could he take over? !I can only ask Tang Hong for advice. In this way, the power is left behind, and the prestige will be tarnished from then on!

Tang Chen glanced at Tang Hong, then surveyed the expressions of the crowd, and felt that this was an opportunity. If Tang Hong wanted to be a stepping stone, he would simply let him do it!

Tang Zhiyun was very annoyed, this second elder brother made things difficult for her everywhere, tripped her up, and was full of bad ideas, she really wanted to kill her!But this is too simple and rude to convince the public... In his mind, Tang Chen's spiritual sense transmitted the voice, "I want to take your second brother to stand up, if you don't object, just touch your nose..."

Tang Zhiyun smiled slightly, raised her hand and touched her nose, then turned to Tang Chen and said softly, "Husband, this Tangmen Peking University organization has a very high status in Tangmen! Second brother is willing to give you a chance to practice, you have to take advantage of it." Stay!" Tang Zhiyun seized power from Tang Chen without a trace!It became authorized by Tang Zhiyun!

"Second brother, what about you? Are you planning to leave Peking University to graduate?" Tang Zhiyun asked casually.

Tang Hong was surprised. He didn't expect that the power would fall to the side in an instant, but the power had already been taken, and he couldn't get it back!Bite the bullet, and said with a sneer, "I have practiced at Peking University for 30 years, especially in the last ten years, and I have been stuck at the bottleneck of condensing Qi and building a foundation! Ten years, my cultivation has become more and more gazing, but I can't take the last step! I I want to apply for the graduation trial, look for a breakthrough opportunity, and become a foundation, I will come back! Then I will contribute to Tang Sect Weiming!"

The Tang Sect organization of Peking University Zhenwu Academy is called, but the Tang Sect is still unknown!

Tang Zhiyun hesitated to speak, but was interrupted by Tang Chen!Tang Chen said to Tang Hong neither humble nor overbearing, "Your name is Tang Hong, right? It's still my second uncle. As Tang Zhiyun's husband, it is my duty to serve the Tang Sect! I will not let you down! For the little rock of the Tang Sect, my most urgent wish now is to avenge Ye Kang! To honor the Tang Sect and wash away the shame!" After saying this, Tang Chen stopped talking, looked at everyone's expressions one by one, Once in mind, there is a judgment.Secretly, the Tang Sect should not be underestimated, everyone's eyes are red!All militants.

(End of this chapter)

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