Shushan Wushen

Chapter 761 The will of the small universe

Chapter 761 The will of the small universe


Man is the cross-dimensional projection of the will of countless stars!
The human mind condenses the will of countless stars!People sometimes have many thoughts, it is the will of individual powerful stars influencing each other!People are not just one person!Represents the dignity and interests of countless stars!At this moment, countless stars have confronted each other on the purple star several times, and after several battles, even the will of the purple dragon soul has won a place!Quite the people ~~~ Lord!
But such a trick has imprisoned Zijinlong's dragon soul!The purple star bears the imprint of the soul of the god Zijinlong, and the Zijinlong is also affected by Tang Chen's will!

The god Zijinlong exudes Tang Chen's aura of coercion!Fighting against Ghost Valley is not so exclusive anymore!The counterattack is not so crazy anymore, it's just self-protection!Feeling the coercion of Tang Chen's aura, Guigu was greatly surprised, seeing Zijinlong gradually give up, he was also relieved!
Guigu's spiritual consciousness transmitted sound to Tang Chen, one person and one dragon communicated for a long time!Ghost Valley has no grade, but Zijinlong is a first-grade dragon!Stepping into the ranks of the gods is to be recognized by the will of the universe, to enjoy the blessings of great opportunities, and great luck!
Now the benefits that the will of the universe bestowed on Zijinlong belonged to Tang Chen!Guigu pleaded bitterly, after all, let him discard the only sacred golden dragon body!Desperately trying to seize the god Zijinlong!

Tang Chen scolded Guigu angrily: "You lunatic! It's all right if you throw away the dragon body, don't you just want to get rid of the shell! Enjoy the happiness in this Crystal Palace! What the hell!..."

Guigu hurriedly explained: "Master! I want you to help me keep the golden dragon's body! I'm also afraid that I won't be able to defeat the purple golden dragon! I have to choose a sneak attack! But why don't you take my golden dragon into the hidden dragon space? ... Suo Tuo is not a dragon!"

Tang Chen was furious, "What trust is not a dragon! Are you saying you blamed me!" Then he realized that there was a dragon spell in that drop of original dragon blood, so he couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed!Guigu sensed Tang Chen's emotions, and encouraged Tang Chen to kill the god Zijinlong together with anticipation!

Tang Chen's creativity is against the sky!This "cool palm" was also learned by Guigu's eyesight, two souls confronted one soul!Form a two-on-one situation!Although Tang Chen's link is relatively weak, "Cool Palm" is better than being weird!One person and one dragon shot frequently, shattering countless souls of Zijinlong!The god Zijinlong unleashed a vast and majestic coercion, aiming at Tang Chen!It's a pity that Tang Chen's purple star has already been branded with the purple gold dragon soul, self-harm is impossible!Tang Chen wasn't afraid at all, instead he was like a spring breeze!
The god Zijinlong was so willing to give in so easily, he even gathered his soul and "swiped" to escape to the purple star!Using the seat of consciousness I obtained, I was tightly fused with Tang Chen's soul!From then on, life and death are shared, and we are closely related!

Guigu obtained the dragon body of the god Zijin dragon as he wished!Exercising the secret method of the dragon clan, thoroughly refined and seized the dragon body, proud of it!Overjoyed!
The purple stars in Tang Chen's body were still spinning, absorbing a large amount of purple true energy!This is also a long process!Can't wait!But Ghost Valley has successfully seized the house!So he politely expelled Tang Chen from his body!

Tang Chen felt that the true qi absorbed by the purple stars had turned into heaven and earth aura again, and felt strange.After finishing meditation, when I opened my eyes, my body returned to the outside world!I'm going to run away when I'm angry!Guigu hurriedly explained: "Mistress starts school today! How about we send mistress to Shrek Academy of Magic?"

Tang Zhiyun was overjoyed when she heard the words, the iceberg melted, and she smiled sweetly: "Okay! Okay! I'm looking forward to it!"

Tang Chen thought that there were still things waiting to be resolved by the Weiming Lake on the shore!A trace of desire could not help but burn in his eyes!A raging fighting spirit rose from the bottom of my heart!He said in his heart, "Steal me! Take your life and pay it back!"

A bloodthirsty killing intent spread out inadvertently!The blood scabs on the robe shattered one after another!Tang Chen simply took off all the clothes on his body and changed into a clean one!Tang Zhiyun picked up Tang Chen's discarded clothes and put them into the storage ring. With a wave of her hand, a blue grudge "swoosh!" swept away the blood scabs on the ground!Put it in a small jade bottle!

Tang Chen's eyes were a little puzzled, Tang Zhiyun glanced at Tang Chen, with a smile on his mouth: "You don't know how precious dragon blood is! This dragon blood is an extremely precious auxiliary material for alchemy and weapon refining! These blood scabs are hundreds of thousands Even gold coins may not be able to buy it!"

"Oh? Is that so..." Tang Chen's eyes couldn't help falling on the huge and oppressive dragon body of the god Zijin dragon!Look up and down!Guigu panicked and said, "Get more dragons in the future! Don't harm your own dragons! We are partners..."

Tang Chen had a serious face, and looked up at Guigu with disdain, "You are too big! I think you should lose weight..." This was Tang Chen's intention to scare Guigu.Unexpectedly, Guigu was terrified!The god Zijinlong is naturally a god, and the god can transform! "brush"!Guigu turned into a fat boy!That face turned out to be Tang Chen!

The chubby young man has purple-blonde hair all over his head, and when his eyes roll, they are shining golden and full of purple!Unspeakably weird and noble, she walked Tang Chen's small square steps gracefully, and bowed respectfully and deeply: "Ghost Valley sees the master, the mistress! She is still young!"

"Hahaha..." Tang Chen and Tang Zhiyun both laughed!
Dark clouds over Weiming Lake!Mechs swarm!A large number of standard mechs dived into the bottom of the lake in turn!The Tang Sect also sent a salvage team!A large number of water ghosts made the water waves of Weiming Lake turbid!

"...A big event happened! General Yang Zhenting's nephew and Tang Zhiyun, the young Patriarch of the Tang Sect, fell into Weiming Lake!"

"I heard that General Yang Zhenting's nephew is very powerful!..."

"...Of course it's amazing! Otherwise, how could I become the son-in-law of the Tang Sect!"

The whispers of the crowd watching from a distance, from time to time cast their eyes on General Yang Zhenting, who was walking up and down by the Weiming Lake with a gloomy face!Tang Xiong has already rushed over!With cold eyes, he raised the optical brain in his hand from time to time, occasionally sent a message, and more often asked General Yang Zhenting!Every time he asked, Yang Zhenting gave orders to the adjutants around him without hesitation, the voice was so loud that autumn leaves fell from the trees!

"This guy! Military law! Don't treat crimes as meritorious deeds! Cut them off!..."

Through various channels, the Tang Sect, the military and even Peking University have gradually figured out the whole story!If Tang Chen is safe and sound at this moment, then it's just arguing with each other!Even Tang Chen's ruthless attack will arouse doubts and investigations from the military and Peking University!The pilots of the twelve mechas had their heads shot one after another, which is equivalent to the complete annihilation of two mecha squads! !This is a huge loss to the Star Field Alliance!
The lives and deaths of Tang Chen and Tang Zhiyun are uncertain!You can't see people when you are born, and you can't see corpses when you die!Simply let Tangmen toss from top to bottom, from bottom to top!Even the military and Peking University provided channels to actively help the star field lord family who lost the heir couple!
The Star Alliance was even alarmed!Shocked, he ordered the Jieao family to cooperate!Provide all IP addresses related to dragons sold on the optical brain to Tangmen!

Tang Sect sent a large number of Tang Sect Tianjiao, Tang Sect Rock, Tang Sect background!Go to arrest and send back to Zhan County in Shu!Torture and torture, the source of the dragon corpse!
All the warring counties on Yanhuang Star were in chaos!General Yang Zhenting is the leader of the mecha brigade!Assemble now!Those who surrender themselves will be given the opportunity to perform meritorious deeds, and hand over the dragon corpse to be allowed to fight in the star field battlefield!
(End of this chapter)

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