Shushan Wushen

Chapter 763 Swift and Proud Dragon

Chapter 763 Swift and Proud Dragon


Countless cannonballs angrily fired at the monster hovering in the sky! "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"...!useless!Most of the flying monsters are high-level monsters!Shocked, he shook his wings and readjusted his posture!Ordinary shells have no real lethality!Instead, the artillery base was exposed!A large number of flying monsters folded their wings and swooped down!After a while, the intensive gunfire ceased...

Tang Chen discovered that there were monsters gathering in front of him again!Scanning with consciousness, there are a few brave citizens holding kitchen knives!Fight monsters! "Boom" and "Boom" two swords!The kitchen knife rolled its blade quickly, leaving only a handle!Before Tang Chen came, he rushed to the rescue. He watched those warriors being swooped down, and the monsters were overwhelmingly attacked by air, and fell into a pool of blood!Afterwards, more ground monsters pounced on them, biting wildly...!
There are such a group of men in the distance!It was too late for Tang Chen to run over to rescue him!Tang Chenya was about to burst, his eyes were bloodshot, he clenched his fists, and ran to the agricultural bank in front!The ticket number is also a solid fortress!A large number of monsters pounce on and bite the citizens trying to enter the ticket office!The shrill screams are heart-piercing!But the city's screams and cries have already been deafening!

Tang Chen ran over quickly, knocked over a demon spider pig with a punch, and helped the old man who was thrown to his feet!The old man thanked Tang Chen gratefully, with sincere words and sincere feelings!The old man begged Tang Chen to send it to the ticket number!Tang Chen nodded, then easily knocked over the monsters around him, and helped the old man quickly up the steps of the ticket office!
The gate of the ticket office has long been destroyed beyond recognition, and it is wide open!The old man was very familiar with the ticket numbers, so he guided Tang Chen to fight his way out and saw the gate of the treasury!The old man took out the key familiarly, pushed open a narrow gap, and slipped in! "Boom!" Outside the door, Tang Chen couldn't help being taken aback, then smiled wryly!Turn around and overturn a few monsters, and kill them out!


"Two more people were saved!..."

Tang Chen's face was pale, and his body was covered with the blood of monsters!colorful.Leaning against the wall, panting...

This small body obviously doesn't match Tang Chen's powerful spirit. Tang Chen calculated that if he uses the [Demon Killing Plane] subtle state soul power technique supernatural power!At most two more casts!This body will shatter into stars!Become the second Lin Lu!Carrying his brother on his back, holding his father and mother in his arms, he has squandered all the treasures of the stars!The blood level of the brown ant and the devil dragon is not enough!The concentration of dragon blood is too thin, it doesn't help Tang Chen's weak body at this time!Tang Chen was very disappointed!Can't help but miss the killing!

If you get distracted, you will get into trouble!A [Kolinu Green Dragon] in the air folded its huge dragon wings and swooped down. When Tang Chen found out, it was already too late!Simply lean back as much as possible, this is a movement that this small body has never done before! "Click" the sound of dislocation of bones.Tang Chen smiled wryly, his waist twisted!I had no choice but to roll over and roll to one side!
[Collinu Green Dragon] The blow was missed, and it couldn't hold back. It even landed on the ground with its back paws, raised its front paws, and slapped Tang Chen viciously!Tang Chen endured the severe pain, and instead of retreating, he advanced!Stepping forward, he slumped into the arms of [Kolinu Green Dragon] in an extremely awkward posture!In desperation, he performed a soul power technique "Cool Palm"!
Tang Chen's eyes went dark, and his thoughts were overdrawn again! [Kolinu Green Dragon] "Boom" fell to the ground, was completely messed up, dizzy, wobbled and even stood up again! [Kelinu Green Dragon] is a black-ranked rankless pure-blooded dragon!The dragon soul power is amazing!Where is it so easy to deal with!Tang Chen sighed, endured the pain in his back, turned around and ran to the alley, and ran away! [Kolinu Green Dragon] is so huge that it cannot enter small alleys.

A good prey is always coveted by other hunters, [Kolinu Green Dragon] did not capture Tang Chen.[Swift Proud Dragon], who was looking forward to a share of the pie, refused to give up! [Swift Proud Dragon] is known for its responsiveness and speed, but it is not big in size! "Whoosh"!With a single dive, he overtook the limping Tang Chen.Tang Chen was horrified!Steer like hell and run along the arc!Quickly think about countermeasures in my heart!
Suddenly woke up!Run to the shanty town!The shantytowns have been moved away, and they are lonely and empty.But the terrain of the alley is even more weird and cramped!The 17-year-old emaciated Tang Chen could only pass sideways in narrow places! The advantage of [Swift Proud Dragon] was indeed restrained, and the low building that hit it could not help but collapsed. After a short time, [Swift Proud Dragon] was covered with scars!It was also tangled with wires and tarps.

Seeing that [Swift Proud Dragon] had no intention of giving up at all, Tang Chen had no choice but to continue running for his life!Wherever it is narrow, run into it! [Swift Proud Dragon] screaming in anger!Chasing Tang Chen angrily, and even persevering morbidly!The stray cats passing by, the pet dogs turn a blind eye!

An old man who scavenged waste was surrounded by several monsters. He was frightened and overwhelmed, and stood in the middle of the alley! [Swift Proud Dragon] roared angrily, scaring away those low-level monsters on the ground! 【Swift Aolong】Running up to the old scavengers, he turned sideways, bypassed the old man, and yelled.gallop by!The whirlwind brought about made the old man stagger!Only then did the old man come to his senses and let out a loud cry!escaped...

At the time of life and death, Tang Chen's mind was spinning rapidly!He couldn't help but glance at the nearby buildings!Turned suddenly and ran into an abandoned restaurant!All restaurants have back doors!Tang Chen intends to give [Swift Proud Dragon] a golden cicada escape!
Tang Chen limped and ran into the restaurant with a jump!Head straight to the back kitchen!The kitchen area is quite large!The back door with its frame has been removed!Tang Chen saw the hope of escape!Suddenly Tang Chen realized that there were still a few flying monsters in the sky waiting for the autumn wind!Because [Swift Proud Dragon] didn't make a move, I can't go out for the time being!If you go out, you will be attacked by the enemy, it is definitely a dead end!
Tang Chen suddenly stopped and muttered to himself! "It shouldn't be!" There are only four tables in front of this restaurant!The kitchen at the back is more than 100 square meters.Tang Chen's eyes lit up, he turned his head and ran back, at this time [Swift Aolong] had already chased him to the front of the hotel!

The houses in the shantytowns are all old houses with very small door frames, [Swift Proud Dragon] is furious!Desperately knock on the door!The action scale is too big!
Sudden!The broken plaque was shaken and fell off, and the iron grid on it happened to be stuck on [Swift Proud Dragon]'s neck! [Swift Proud Dragon] took this iron frame and broke open the wall next to the door round after round!But there is an iron frame stuck, how could [Swift Proud Dragon] come in!Angrily [Swift Proud Dragon] didn't realize this problem!Still crazy to tear down walls!
Tang Chen cautiously approached a partition surrounded by plywood, with the plywood blocking him, he bent down and looked through the gap!It was indeed a flight of stairs!Gently break off the plywood, lift your legs and dodge, and enter the plywood partition!

This is a very small staircase, less than one meter wide!The stairs are dilapidated!Tang Chen just ran down two or three steps along the stairs, and his feet were empty! "Plop!" He fell down.

"Boom!" The [Swift Proud Dragon] outside broke into the restaurant! "Whoosh!" Without stopping, she went straight into the kitchen!I didn't see Tang Chen screaming in anger!

(End of this chapter)

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