Shushan Wushen

Chapter 765 Go up when you see a bargain

Chapter 765 Go up when you see a bargain


Immediately, a strong fragrance came to the nostrils!The dragon people don't eat whole grains, they drink the moonlight and eat the sun when they are thirsty!Therefore, dragon dung is also a treasure of heaven and earth, a spiritual thing in the world, which is much more precious than bird's nest, cat poop, coffee beans and so on!In traditional Chinese medicine stores, it is an extremely expensive medicinal material, which calms the nerves, stops bleeding and removes blood stasis, and has extraordinary effects!But after all, there was an obstacle in his heart, so Shi Zhongyu covered his nose and avoided it from a distance!
"Hahaha! This is a good thing!" Han Xiang is also a veteran of the Special Warfare Brigade!I have participated in peacekeeping missions in Africa and have seen a lot!In the dense jungle of Africa, I have seen dragons, and the local aborigines regard dragon dung as a sacred object!That was used to save lives.Immediately reached out and took out the lunch box on his body, filled it slowly!Muttering in his mouth: "This is a life-saving treasure! It's a pity that the lunch box is too small..."

Tang Xiaoshao, Zhang Pusen, Shi Zhongyu, which one is not a quick-response generation?Take out the lunch box, the kettle...loot the dragon dung!Tang Chen noticed the abnormality, and shouted angrily, "What are you doing?..." The comrades-in-arms were life-or-death friends, ignored Tang Chen's anger, turned a blind eye, and smiled happily...Continue to fight!
Zhang Pusen straightened up and held the kettle, shook it a bit, but didn't make a sound.Putting it away in satisfaction, he yelled playfully at Tang Chen: "This is private property! Grab it!..." He raised his hand and took off the combat helmet, and rushed to the dung pile...

Suddenly Tang Chen was in a trance, [Demon Killing Plane] The scene by the Weiming Lake made an abrupt sound; this is "private property! Grab it!..." and Zhang Pusen said: "This is private property! Grab it!... ..." Hovering in Tang Chen's mind, the echoes rippling and hit the atrium!Thump~thump~...

Tang Chen tore off the military combat uniform, took out a towel and silently wiped the sweat on his neck and chest, thinking quietly in his heart, "With dragon dung! The battle to defend the city is basically over! But the remaining 33 What about the members of the Citizens Death Squad? How to deal with them? The sacrificed Guwu coach helped them, and how do the family members of more than a dozen families pay for them? Tang Xiaoshao simply has no ability to fulfill his promise!"

Tang Chen unfolded and rolled up the sweat-soaked towel, "Wow!" Wrung out a stream of water, raised his eyes and looked at Tang Xiaoshao who was assigning tasks to the battalion commander of the combat readiness battalion, and remained calm!

In the past few days, there have been a few arrogant guys among the members of the Death Squad, and they ran to the citizen resettlement area after closing the team.Harass the citizens there!Eating and taking cards, flirting with girls...even to the point of...changing girlfriends every night!It's just wishful thinking, beauties love heroes and cherish each other!It's just to repay you with kindness!Intimidation, temptation, intimidation!Even use strong! ...

Tang Xiaoshao can't effectively restrain the members of the Death Squad, in his eyes, the members of the Death Squad are just a few pawns that he can use!Even the dead!Either he died by the hands of the monster, or he died in the hands of Tang Xiaoshao!The space bureau has special disposal rights!

Tang Chen read a lot of information from Tang Xiaoshao's soul, Tang Chen expressed his understanding!I don't think this is Tang Xiao Shao's cruelty!It is respect for the rules. Tang Xiaoshao is a soldier, loyal to his mission, and obedient to his vocation!
…It is a violation of military law to organize armed forces without authorization.Very serious!Finally Tang Chen straightened his body, stretched his back, and sighed in his heart, "Then let's put on a show! It's just a little cruel..."

Tang Chen adjusted his mood, strode up to Tang Xiaoshao, raised his foot, "Peng!" Kicked the red plastic bucket to pieces!Turn around and leave!

"Huh? Tang Chen, what's the matter? Why did you lose your temper like this!" Shi Zhongyu, Han Xiangyi, and Zhang Pusen were stunned for a moment, and they looked at each other. Tang Xiaoshao was also surprised, staring at Tang Chen's back Roar!
Tang Chen walked towards the air-raid shelter without looking back, where Tang Chen's parents and younger brother lived.This is the room reserved for the commander, and the facilities are complete.There is even a refrigerator!Forbidden Base has a generator, the only place in the city with electricity!
Best room on the whole base!Many people were jealous, but due to Tang Chen's powerful combat power and Tang Xiaoshao's personal friendship, they couldn't do anything!But Tang Chen gave them a chance to make a move this time.

"Dad, Mom! Pack up some food and drink, let's go quickly, don't ask why!" Tang Chen entered the room and started packing his luggage!These are all military supplies. Both father and mother are now wearing training clothes. After all, the original clothes have been torn to pieces.

"Okay!" Without saying a word, my father stuffed the toothbrush towel and clothes into the bedding, folded them into tofu cubes, and put them on the back with a packing belt!Then he hugged Tang Liang.Without saying a word, he stared at Tang Chen with piercing eyes.This is absolute trust, believe in your own son!In the past three months, Tang Chen's deeds made him feel proud and proud!Tang Chen regained his approval!

Mother was a little puzzled, she gave Tang Chen a meaningful look, hesitated to speak, reached out to pick up the satchel, and stuffed all the food in the refrigerator into it!

Just as he walked to the door of the room, Tang Xiaoshao and members of the Death Squad rushed over!Seeing Tang Chen's family dressed neatly and carrying backpacks, they were taken aback for a moment. Zhang Pusen came over carelessly to snatch Tang Liang from his father's hand, "Uncle Lin, what do you think you are doing? Tang Chen is not sensible, you Don't even try to persuade him..."

"Crack!" With a wave of Tang Chen's hand, Zhang Pusen staggered. Zhang Pusen's feet were unsteady, and he bumped into Han Xiangyi who reached out his hand.Tang Chen stepped over the threshold, turned around and knocked off Shi Zhongyu's arm stretching towards his mother's satchel.He pulled his mother out of the room smoothly, and pushed away the other members of the death squad who were blocking the door with his other hand.

"Tang Chen, stop for me!"

Tang Xiaoshao's face was livid, and he shouted loudly without looking back!The eye sockets are already red!He knew that Tang Chen was really leaving!
Tang Xiaoshao has already discovered something strange on the preparation road approaching the taboo base!The taboo base includes the surrounding area of ​​Xiaotangshan, where monsters are densely crowded!However, this area that looks like a beam of light is like a miracle!Cover the entire taboo base including Xiaotangshan!The monster is obedient, let Tang Chen ravage it!What does this mean?Tang Chen found a way to restrain the monsters!
Tang Xiaoshao understands the status quo of other death squad members, they are not turning a blind eye to miracles!It's just that they didn't think about it at all. Those pretty, enchanting, charming or innocent faces in the citizen resettlement area have already filled all the members of the Death Squad!

The combat effectiveness has dropped significantly!Some teams even killed only one monster for a whole day!It's not as good as taking care of the magic locomotive to kill it!Expendables are human too, and they are afraid of death too!Having survived the dangers of the day, the fragrance and jade at night, the bridegroom every night, are you willing to die?That's a fool!

Tang Chen never stopped under his feet. He took over his younger brother Tang Liang from his father and walked away...

Tang Xiaoshao turned his head abruptly, and saw that Tang Chen had gone far away!Just chased after it!Han Xiangyi, Shi Zhongyu, Zhang Pusen chased after him!All Expendables members...


The huge flying monster [Swift Proud Dragon] Ao Mosquito jumped into the air, and the flying monsters in the sky all made way for a passage!

When the members of the Death Squad ran to the gate of the taboo base, there was still Tang Chen's shadow!

(End of this chapter)

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