Shushan Wushen

Chapter 767 Tang Chen Training the Dragon

Chapter 767 Tang Chen Training the Dragon


The coercion released by Ao Mosquito is enough to deter low-level monsters, but the pure-blooded dragon is not afraid of the mixed-blood dragon Ao Mosquito!But there is Tang Chen!With Ao Mosquito expelling low-level monsters, Tang Chen was able to concentrate on slaughtering pure-blooded dragons!As for the mixed-blood dragon... Tang Chen is no longer interested!
Tang Chen grabbed the dragon's tail, "Whew!" He actually used this huge pure-blooded dragon as a whip, drew a perfect arc, pulled out the whip and smashed it fiercely in the sky!The dragon's head lost control and suddenly got used to the dragon's belly! "Pu!" A whip was sent out!

"Pu!" "Pu!" "Pu!" "Pu!" The crisp and shocking whip whistle resounded through the sky!

This is not a brutal massacre by Tang Chen, it's a ravage!It is mourning its misfortune, angering it indisputable!It's killing chickens and scaring monkeys, and it's the temper of [Swift and Proud Dragon] Ao Mosquito in disguise!

Tang Chen said to [Swift and Proud Dragon] earnestly: "What a noble existence the Dragon Clan is! They are gifted with supernatural powers, and they are favored by the will of the universe! The bloodline is noble and extraordinary! But why are you helping the evildoers! Doing things recklessly! This is retribution! I am acting on behalf of the heavens Xing Dao, even if I don't punish it, the will of the universe will send other people to do it! Other people are not as merciful as I am! I, Tang Chen, can't do it! But there is no way, this is a mission!"

"Ai! I'm always too soft-hearted, but my heart is so kind..." Tang Chen shook his hand hard, and shook out a whip, "Pu!"

[Swift and Proud Dragon] Ao Que thought it was true, and said sincerely: "Great and honorable master, in my mind, you are a benevolent king, and your kindness is a complete mess! Your stalwart makes me so ashamed! I Taught by you, I plan to abandon the dark and turn to the bright! Change my past! I will never obey the will of the universe! Fortunately, I met you this time, otherwise I might die! Alas! Return to the Dragon Tomb!"

Tang Chen chuckled, and expressed his appreciation for [Swift and Proud Dragon] Ao Mosquito's improvement in his ideological realm, he was very pleased!Randomly rewarded the half-refined pure-blooded dragon to [Swift Proud Dragon] Ao Mosquito!
Ao Mosquito's piercing and sucking dragon kiss, "Whew!" The pure blood dragon was left with a round ball of dung!Clean and neat, not muddy at all!This is also what Tang Chen appreciates about Ao Mosquito.

Tang Chen took the dragon dung ball handed over by [Swift Proud Dragon] Ao Mosquito, and carefully threw it into the blue and white snakeskin bag. The snakeskin bag was already full, and it fell straight down!He barely closed the zipper, chanted a spell, and put a large bag full of dragon dung balls into the Longyin space.

It is very troublesome without a storage ring!

Tang Chen's divine sense is so powerful!The divine sense of the Mustard Seed Realm "swipe!" and found another pure-blooded dragon fleeing in the distance... "Ao Mosquito! Catch up with that [Bohemista sub-dragon]"

"Okay! I'm glad to serve my great and honorable benevolent master! Your great and honorable servant, Master Ao Mosquito..." [Swift and Proud Dragon] Ao Mosquito hadn't finished talking, Tang Chen had already talked with [Bohemi] Star Yalong】Fierce fight!
[Bohemista Yalong] has a thick body, short and sharp wings, and heavy bones!Tang Chen waved his fist, "boom" "boom" "boom" with great force! [Bohemista Yalong] hurried to fight, but did not lose the wind!Tang Chen's fists only sounded astonishing, but they didn't see the slightest effect.

[Bohemista Yalong] is very cunning. Seeing that Tang Chen's attack power is limited, he immediately turns his back on the enemy, "Hoo!" Chen, but...afterwards!This is even scarier.Tang Chen couldn't resist, so he had to dodge. If he was not careful, he fell from [Swift Proud Dragon]!
"Ah!..." Tang Chen was horrified!This is [-] meters high.

[Swift Proud Dragon] Gracefully slid out of a semi-circle in the air and flipped, barely catching Tang Chen!Tang Chen stepped on Ao Mosquito's soft dragon belly, and stomped hard! [Swift Proud Dragon] "Howling!" A painful scream!Folding its wings in pain, it quickly fell to the ground!
Fortunately, Tang Chen was vigilant, otherwise [Swift Proud Dragon] would have had his stomach cut open just now!
【Bohemista Yalong】has never given up, taking advantage of the victory to pursue Tang Chen, but unexpectedly 【Swift Proud Dragon】caught Tang Chen. [Bohemista Yalong] Taking advantage of the trend, the dragon's body is accelerated to fall, and the wings and bones are close together, like a sharp bone-chopping knife!

Dragon knights and contracted dragon partners pay attention to tactical cooperation, [Holy Golden Dragon] Slaughter has taught Tang Chen many tactics!Tang Chen's kick was extremely clever and quite the essence of killing! [Swift and Proud Dragon] Ao Mosquito suffers from pain and must fold its wings, so the falling speed will be even faster! [Bohemista Yalong] Even if you speed up, it's too late to catch up!

Using this kick, Tang Chen suddenly rose into the air again!And at this moment [Bohemista Yalong] can speed up!Tang Chen's eyes were sharp, and the corners of his mouth grinned, "Cool palm!" He raised his right arm high!

Tang Chen used "Cool Palm" to speed up [Bohemist Yalong]! [Bohemista Yalong] Passively fell and was taken aback!The huge dragon's mouth opened to the greatest extent! [Bohemista Yalong] What a huge dragon body!The huge dragon mouth is more than enough to park a bus sideways!

Tang Chen bumped into [Bohemista Yalong]'s pink tongue in embarrassment, and almost fell into the esophagus!Drinking the sun and the moon all the year round, the mouth of [Bohemista Yalong] is extremely smooth, like jade!Tang Chen had nowhere to start!

Scanning with consciousness, I found that there is a pink stalactite deep in the root of the tongue of [Bohemista Yalong]!The sunlight and moonlight above condensed into substance, gradually becoming dragon saliva!Tang Chen "whoosh!" leaped over, smashing the fragile top of the stalactite with a punch!Dragon blood "Zi!" "Zi!" "Zi!"...

"Okay! I'm coming!" Tang Chen stretched out his hand into the wound, and lifted up the "Spell of Heaven and Kun"!Instantly!Countless stars in Tang Chen's body vibrated, and the powerful grasping force was continuous and majestic!The chaos, nebula, and universe in Tang Chen's body are shining with golden light, shining brightly!This is the Chaos Nebula Universe of the Dragon Clan!Comparable to killing the Chaos Nebula Universe, it is even more perfect!
"Boom!" Tang Chen's body was turned upside down, the universe changed!The golden dragon blood universe infiltrated into the red universe universe!The penetration process will be very long... The deep-level change is extremely long and takes time!
But the chaotic nebula on the vast level has perfectly integrated the dragon universe!Tang Chen felt the realm, the [-]th level of condensed energy was perfect!This is to be expected!The foundation could have been built!But Tang Chen felt that the time was too short!This body is too thin!In fact, about a dozen pure-blooded dragons are enough to condense the first to ninth floors!Tang Chen is desperately suppressing the realm and laying a solid foundation!

On the purple stars, there are two beautiful mountain peaks, one tall and the other slightly shorter!The towering one is purple!At this moment, under the strong rotational inertia, "Crack!" The root of the mountain broke!This is a break from the center of the purple star!How powerful is the centrifugal force of the purple stars turning!
"Boom, boom!" Uprooted!This complete shuttle-shaped mountain range of stars, "Woo!" flew out of the surface of the purple stars!Hang high!Affected by the gravitational force of the purple stars, it gently rotates along the mysterious trajectory!Became a satellite!The purple star is finally a quasi-planet!

"Peng!" The purple stars were upgraded to planets!The wisp of purple qi inside exploded violently, and one of the purple zhenqi "beep!" shot towards the high-altitude satellite!
(End of this chapter)

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