Shushan Wushen

Chapter 778 The Pearl of the Tide Sound of the Blue Sea

Chapter 778 The Pearl of the Tide Sound of the Blue Sea


Tang Xiong took it over, glanced at it casually, and suddenly his face changed drastically!With a shake of his hand, the red sticks in the stick container slammed and scattered all over the floor. "Hiss!..." Involuntarily, he gasped!
"……how so?"

The young couple looked at the nagging Tang Xiong in amazement, feeling baffled.But this signing technique is metaphysics after all, and it is better to believe it than to believe it. "Master! Is there a problem?"

"Here! I will pay you back the 50 yuan, so let's go!" Tang Xiong threw the money on the yellow cloth stand with a secretive look, stretched out his hand to pull up the messy red lottery, and put it into the lottery holder.Put the sign holder back to its original position and sit upright.Suddenly the couple panicked.Especially the man, who was no longer calm and calm, clutching the red sign, asking questions endlessly.

"Master, please tell me! Didn't you say that the signature is free?"

Tang Xiong rolled his eyes, "Look, it's an unnamed sign! I can't solve it..."

"What?..." The couple was stunned.His expression froze, he was stunned, this is too weird!I saw Tang Xiong slowly grabbing a handle of dust and dusting off the dust on the jar, "Immortal treasure medicine, seek good fortune and avoid evil! Only for those who are destined... Don't miss it when you pass by!"

The lady came to her senses, and abducted the man with her arm, "You are pretending to be a fake drug seller! Let's go!" The man thought for a while, smiled self-deprecatingly, turned around and hugged the woman, and was about to leave.

Tang Xiong yelled unhurriedly, "My heart is irritable, my chest is full of heat, and evil thoughts are full of evil thoughts. There must be disasters! When disasters are imminent, I will play "The Pearl of the Blue Sea Tide" every day to seek good luck and avoid evil."

The two stopped their steps and looked at each other. They saw the horror in each other's eyes, and they were taken aback!They looked at each other, nodded in unison, and gritted their teeth, "Master, let's play beads! Can you solve the lottery?"

Tang Xiong shook his head, "The unnamed sign cannot be solved, but in "Bihai Chaosheng Beads", the beads are placed every day to avoid evil! And taking [Bihai Chaosheng Pill] is enough to eliminate disasters!"

"How much?" The man took out his shriveled wallet and took out a ticket number card.The lady took out the large leather wallet from her satchel again.A desperate look.

Tang Xiong stretched out a finger and looked at the couple calmly.

"Two courses of treatment!" The man took out a [-] card and handed it to Tang Xiong, but Tang Xiong didn't even look at the man, and the man stood there in embarrassment. "Twenty is too little? Your beads are okay, and I don't know if there is any production approval for this medicine..."The lady bumped into the man lightly, and quickly took out two one-hundred sheets and handed them over. Tang Xiong nodded, then took them, and quickly put them in his pocket.He opened a jar, took out two pills sealed with wax pills, and handed them to the lady.

The man stuffed the pill into the woman's hand, and the man asked worriedly: "Master, will there be any side effects after taking your "Bi Hai Chao Sheng Dan"?"

Tang Xiong grinned at the corner of his mouth, smiled slightly, looked at the man and said, "Beads are on the plate every day, and the medicine can't be broken! One course of treatment will bring good luck and avoid evil, two courses of treatment will eliminate disasters, and three courses of treatment will relieve evil! You are included..."

"A course of treatment? How many pills for a course of treatment?" The lady suddenly woke up and stared at Tang Xiong with piercing eyes.

Tang Xiong replied solemnly: "Generally speaking, a course of treatment is twelve pills! But a special course of treatment is usually 36 pills!"

"Hiss!" The couple gasped!He asked tentatively, "Then what kind of treatment do we need?"

"Special treatment!" Tang Xiong said calmly, and immediately turned the couple into petrification.

"Is there not enough money in my wallet?" The man cried and opened his deflated wallet.The lady gave the man a disappointed look.The man immediately lost face, his face flushed, "Can you scan WeChat?"

"Oh, you can't live without a mobile phone! But you can swipe your card!" Tang Xiong nodded, and took out a mobile POS machine from his bulging arms.He took the ticket number card handed over by the boy.I swiped casually, "I'm afraid the balance is insufficient!"

How could a man lose face in front of his girlfriend, and curled his lips, "There are several million in it! That's enough!"

An imperceptible smile appeared on the corner of Tang Xiong's mouth, and he quickly entered a series of numbers, "Enter the password!" Handing it to the man, the man had to bend down and quickly enter the six-digit password.

"Ding dong!" This is a mobile phone text message notification.The man took out his phone, glanced at it, and his expression changed instantly, "12?"

Tang Xiong nodded, and handed a large jar to the man. The wrinkles at the corners of his eyes were opened inadvertently, and he said carefully: "This is the first stage of 36 courses of treatment! If there is no accident, it can be used to avoid disasters and avoid disasters." Undo it!"

"I don't want any accidents! Then take the medicine for the second stage too!" As if afraid of leaving hidden dangers, the man handed over the ticket number card again.

At this moment, it was Tang Xiong's turn to be dazed. Tang Xiong took the ticket number card and said with a smile on his face, "Hoo!" After swiping, another large amount of money was transferred.Turning his eyes, he took out a pill from another jar.Seriously handed it to the lady, "This elixir is extremely precious, ordinary people are not blessed to take it! Only after the first stage, 36 courses of consolidation, can this elixir be taken!"

"Then what's the name of this pill?" The girl turned around and looked at this sky-high price pill.

Tang Xiong looked stern, and said with a righteous face: "I can't tell you the name of this pill! In this world, only I can refine this pill. If you and I are destined, I will half sell and half give away!..."

The man persistently handed over the ticket number card again, "I want all the pills in this jar! Isn't it more than 12 yuan! All the money on the card belongs to you! How many pills do you think you can buy?"

"Husband! You are so kind!" The woman had a tender look on her face.

"Ah!..." Tang Xiong was caught off guard, and immediately pulled the ticket number card, and entered the number according to the balance on the screen of the mobile phone that the man handed over...!
"Hehehe..." Tang Chen turned his head and gave Tang Zhiyun a playful look.

"Ouch!" Tang Chen was caught off guard by Tang Zhiyun's ears, and the Ipad in his hand fell on the floor mat.Tang Zhiyun threatened Tang Chen viciously, "You still dare to laugh?"

"Phone, the phone is ringing!" Tang Chen raised the phone in his hand.

Tang Zhiyun's face was flushed, and she glared at Tang Chen angrily, "Huh! You're lucky!" She let go of Tang Chen's ears, which were grinning.

In fact, how could Tang Zhiyun be willing to use any force?It's just for show, but Tang Chen's acting skills are top-notch!
Tang Chen glanced at the pair of men and women out of the corner of his eyes, and said lightly: "...Oh, I saw it all! It's okay, but the performance is a little exaggerated, and the rhythm is not well grasped! How about this, send the crew to arrange a suitable role , Let's practice it! Um..., okay! That's it!"

After talking on the phone, I hung up the line.Just looking at Tang Zhiyun, she was about to open her mouth to speak.

ding ding ding-

The phone is ringing again!

This time it was Tang Zhiyun's call.

"Little lover! Father, I have made a fortune! I have made a fortune! I have made a fortune..."

After Tang Zhiyun answered the phone, she gave Tang Chen another hard look, and said angrily, "Let's go, see your father-in-law!"

Tang Chen acted like a dog, and nodded in a hurry.He opened the car door, ran to Tang Zhiyun's side, helped Tang Zhiyun open the car door very gentlemanly, and pulled out an umbrella on the car door, "Peng!" Open it.This is to prevent Tang Zhiyun from getting out of the car and accidentally disappearing.

Tang Zhiyun got out of the car and waited for Tang Chen to put away the umbrella, stuff it into the umbrella passage of the car door, close the car door, and lock the car, then stretched out her jade arm and took Tang Chen's arm.

Tang Chen was taken aback, then chuckled, "Why are you wearing flat shoes? I'm not used to it?"

Tang Zhiyun was tall and tall, half a head taller than Tang Chen, and after taking off her high heels, she was only about the same height as Tang Chen.

(End of this chapter)

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