Shushan Wushen

Chapter 780 Seeing Liu Jinduo again

Chapter 780 Seeing Liu Jinduo again


"...It's a pity that after I regained all my memories, I have been working for many years, and even I was laid off! Time wasted! I failed to enter the mainstream of society! Sigh!" Not easy.Unexpectedly, at the moment of turning the corner, the wealth just obtained in his hands is no longer of much use!Tang Xiong couldn't help lamenting the sadness of fate, that creation makes people.

"The millions in my hand, hehe, compared to the property of the two of you, it is a drop in the ocean! I got rich, but it was too late! The world is difficult, and nature is ruthless!"

Tang Xiong sighed.Tang Chen took the lead and comforted Tang Xiong, saying, "Father-in-law, don't be discouraged. As long as my wife agrees, she is willing to pay for the acquisition of a large pharmaceutical manufacturing group. Our money is still enough! In addition, I have The box office share, there are tens of millions of people who are not in place..."

"Hiss... Tang Chen, you are so rich?" Tang Xiong blurted out in surprise.

"Well, I have no money now! All the money has been handed over to Zhiyun, and in the future..., what I earn will still be handed over!" Tang Chen answered honestly.Tang Xiong nodded in satisfaction, gave Tang Zhiyun a thumbs up, and praised bluntly, "You have the skills to control your husband and teach you well! It is said that daughters follow their fathers, and this is true! Hahaha!"

Tang Chen has seen shameless people before, but he has never seen such shameless Tang Xiong!Reluctantly, this guy is his father-in-law, so he had to smile dryly and agree. "What my father-in-law said is true! It makes sense! Zhiyun was taught by his father-in-law, and his family has a long history..."

Mother Tang and Tang Zhiyun suppressed their smiles and watched Tang Chen deflate.His face was flushed with suffocation.But Tang Xiong didn't take it seriously, he dragged Tang Chen, Weng and his son-in-law, whispering to each other, planning to buy the pharmaceutical factory.Tang Zhiyun pulled Mother Tang to rummage through the gifts Tang Chen brought. They were exquisite fashions and expensive and luxurious jewelry, and Mother Tang was overjoyed.He kept sneaking glances at Tang Chen.When the old mother-in-law looks at my son-in-law, the more she looks at her, the more pleasing she is!
During the following period, with the huge capital investment of the Tang Chen Family Trust, Tang Xiong acquired several Chinese medicine factories, and Tangmen Pharmaceutical soon got on the right track. After the operation of the Chenmeng fan group, the clinical in vivo experiments of the medicines also achieved success. success!Taking advantage of Tang Chen's unique influence and high-end contacts, he got the production approval, which was quite smooth!
Tang Chen's practice room is completely wrapped in rubber. In the middle of the room, there is an iron plate. The iron plate has been connected with a high-voltage current. The blue electric snake is winding and flickering, buzzing!
Tang Chen moved, his hands were fast!The fist turned into a phantom, "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" Hitting the iron plate, the glaring electric glow roared ferociously, as if unwilling to reconcile to Tang Chen's provocation, there was a sound of thunderbolts and electric arcs flying, Dazzling!

A finger-thick iron plate was bumped and completely deformed by Tang Chen's blow, "Crack!" It fell apart!Tang Chen retreated quickly, "Whoo!"Tang Chen didn't dodge into the bunker as if he hadn't awakened.Instead, he widened his eyes and judged the flight trajectory of the iron piece.The body is like a willow in the wind, swaying from side to side, and the iron plate passes by!

"Puff puff!"……!Embedded in rubber walls!

Tang Chen stretched the excessively twisted joints and reset them. He felt that his body was full of qi and blood. He exhaled a mouthful of turbid air, and concluded to himself: "The hand speed is good, but the body technique is still slightly slower than the hand speed. This body has not yet undergone a transformation. What! It's not bad!"

Tang Chen recited the dragon mantra, and his soul was sealed. Tang Chen is now an ordinary person, forcibly using supernatural powers, his eyes darkened, "Plop!" He fell on the rubber floor, and a space crack appeared in front of him. !Tang Chen struggled, reached out and pulled out a piece of dragon corpse, before it could be refined, he passed out!

Tang Zhiyun stood outside the practice room, checked everything through the surveillance, was taken aback, felt distressed, staggered in and helped Tang Chen up, regardless of whether Tang Chen could hear her, she blamed angrily, "Just to satisfy my little appetite Desire, and forced to open [Dragon Hidden Space], husband, you are really, why are you so stupid?"

Tang Zhiyun actually understood that Tang Chen needed to absorb and refine dragon blood, but the fattest dragon meat was picked out separately to make "Garlic Burned Dragon" for Tang Zhiyun!And even Tang Xiong and Tang Liang are not allowed to touch this dish!Tang Liang was greedy for peerless delicacies, while Tang Xiong was trying to replenish his energy.Well, Tang Zhiyun, ever since she often ate this dish, a vortex of fighting spirit was born in her body!

The whole body of the dragon is full of natural materials and earthly treasures, and it is indeed a precious training material in the world!

Often in a coma, Tang Chen has gradually adapted to it, and recovered quite quickly!Waking up leisurely, sure enough, her body was in the warm and soft embrace of Tang Zhiyun.A warm smile appeared on his pale face.Although it is so painful, it is worth it to get the tenderness of a beautiful woman!Stretching out his hand, he touched Tang Zhiyun's fair face, and was about to say a few words of love between his lovers when Ye Kang opened the door and walked in.

Ye Kang was silent in Gujing, he didn't seem to see the scene in front of him. On one side of his body, there was a thick red-haired middle-aged man in a neat suit and rimless glasses, facing a file bag.

"Brother Chen, Chairman Tang, Lawyer Jin Duo is here!" After speaking, Lawyer Duimeng gestured towards Tang Chen.Lawyer Meng nodded, opened the document bag, and took out a document from it, "The trademark registration we submitted to the Administration for Industry and Commerce has been rejected! The trademark [Tangmen] has already been registered by a magic car company in Chang'an!"

Tang Zhiyun frowned, and said dissatisfiedly: "Didn't you go through a trademark search before this matter? The scope of their Li's Magic Car registration is No. 12 and Class [-] trademarks, and the scope is passenger and transportation vehicles. Our Tang The door is pharmaceutical, the registration is the fifth category, medicine! How can there be a problem?"

Lawyer Jin Duo smiled slightly, and stretched out his hand to stroke the red hair on his head. He didn't care about Tang Zhiyun's accusation, and explained slowly: "Li's Magic Car is a listed company with great influence. Their [Tangmen] trademark , is a well-known trademark in the country. According to relevant laws and regulations, it is not easy to get approval for this kind of registration that is on the edge of the ball!"

"Bringing the ball?! Who is playing the ball? What do you mean! Whose salary are you getting? How do you talk!" Tang Zhiyun was furious. As the prospective head of the Tang Sect, the family trademark was preempted by others. This was a shame that Tang Zhiyun could not tolerate!What is even more intolerable is lawyer Jin Duo's frivolity and eccentricity.

"Ahem, Chairman Tang, don't lose your temper! Lawyer Jin Duo said the truth!" Ye Kang hurriedly stood up to smooth things over.It's actually more like rubbing fire.Went out on a business trip for Tang Chen, and Tang Zhiyun was actually taken away by Tang Chen after he came back!And Tang Zhiyun not only succeeded in taking the position, but also became the real hostess, obtaining all of Tang Chen's property.Ye Kang harbored grievances in his heart and didn't dare to reveal it directly, so he could only use some small tricks secretly to make a small trip.

This time, Ye Kang managed to convince Wu Haotian, the chairman of Li's Magic Car.It is really not easy to find a strong opponent for Tang Zhiyun of Tangmen Pharmaceutical, Ye Kang can be said to have worked so hard!

(End of this chapter)

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