Shushan Wushen

Chapter 788 Reciprocate [War God of Shu Mountain·Zijin Xingchen Works]

Chapter 788 Reciprocate [War God of Shu Mountain·Zijin Xingchen Works]


Under the guidance of Tang Chen, the endless spiritual energy washed away the body and soul of Mage Hua Fongjia, and Mage Hua Fengjia was reborn like a spring breeze!The old body was revitalized again, and a large number of discarded universes were excreted from the body. In order to repay the love of protecting the Dharma for three years, Tang Chen also made great efforts, secretly using the Tang Sect's [Iron Blood Danxin Pill] and [Qi Xue Pill] , This is recasting the universe!

In just one stick of incense, Hua Fongjia turned into a stinky clay figurine!Like a ronin who has never taken a bath since ancient times.At this moment, Hua Fengjia's eyes and ears are clear, her internal organs are recast, and her meridians are reset like a new life, blooming with endless vitality!This vigorous vitality even shocked the will of the universe!

"Crack!" "Crack~" "Boom!".

Tang Chen is obviously going against the sky!For the twilight mage Hua Fongjia, seize the longevity!This is not allowed by the operation of heaven!Dark clouds enveloped the Little Elephant Valley in an instant, golden thunderbolt lightning, and heavy rain poured down in an instant!
Master Hua Fengjia turned pale with shock, and knelt down devoutly to pray: "Namo Amitabha! Buddha forgives sins! Bless...!" Tang Chen stretched out his hand and pointed to the dark clouds that gathered from the sky, and shouted sharply: "Liu Jin is more! You are less Play tricks to scare me! Show up if you have the ability, and make it clear to your face! Don't wait for me to catch you..." Before the words finished, suddenly!The rain in the sky stopped abruptly!

"Hahaha..., don't, don't, don't! I said Tang Chen, I found you with great difficulty!" Jin Duo, a lawyer, appeared handsomely and well-dressed, carrying a fashionable and expensive briefcase, a suit and leather shoes.

"Don't do this! If I don't recover my soul, how long do you want to tease me?" Tang Chen stared at Liu Jinduo with a half-smile, two fists alternately pinched his joints, step by step threatening to move forward.

"Misunderstanding! Misunderstanding! Let's stop making trouble, let's talk about business now, you are in trouble!" Liu Jinduo retreated step by step, roundabout, embarrassed, and hurriedly changed the subject.

"Let's talk, [Demon Killing Plane] Liu Jinduo's housekeeper, [Ultimate Plane] Liu Jinduo's director...!" Tang Chen looked dark and unfriendly, staring at Liu Jinduo closely. Liu Jinduo was sweating profusely, The red hair was so nervous that it was tied up, and I didn't know it, I thought it was rain from the sky.In fact, it was Liu Jinduo, who was sweating from excessive nervousness!

"Tang Chen, listen to me, it's not too late to ravage me when it's over! Ye Kang copied your iphone ID, and Ye Kang has mastered your whereabouts! He used his classmate Ding Yin to clear you of the scum of the business world several times. Whereabouts, exposed!"

At this moment, Tang Chen's cultivation had recovered, his combat power soared, his confidence was bursting, he didn't care at all, and said fearlessly: "So what? I'm not afraid! If you want to kill me, then come! Hehehe!..."

Liu Jinduo shook his head and said anxiously: "Tang Chen, can you have a sense of responsibility? You still have the family members of the Tang clan, the Tang Sect, and the Yanhuang Star Region..."

Tang Chen valued love.Afraid of these weaknesses, I couldn't help being upset when I heard Liu Jin point it out!He stopped in his tracks, waved his hands and said, "Okay, tell me, what happened in the past three years?"

"I feel my body is full of strength! I want to disown!"

Liu Jinduo and Tang Chen turned their heads to look at the words.Master Hua Fongjia was drenched by the rain, and all the mud was removed from his body, revealing his fair skin, full of vigor, like a naughty boy!With small black eyes, twirling around, and a thief-like expression, he raised his fist and roared to the sky!

"Don't, don't, what are you doing when you have nothing to do? Master Hua Fongjia, please give me some advice!" Tang Chen hurriedly stopped Hua Fengjia's impulse.Hua Fengjia was determined, and said decisively: "I have worshiped the Buddha all my life, but I got nothing! I caught a cold a few days ago and almost died! In this life, I have no children, and my apprentice has traveled all over the world. An old apprentice, my health is not as good as mine!...Who will take care of whom!?..."

At this time, Master Hua Fengjia completely abandoned the old-fashioned and prudent, kind and kind, and roared hysterically: "...If Tang Chen hadn't reshaped my physical body, I would have gone to see Buddha Jizo completely this time! Don't stop me! I I have to return to vulgarity, marry a wife and have children! I can live another 500 years!..."

Liu Jinduo quietly tugged at Tang Chen's sleeve, and Tang Chen instantly realized that this Hua Fongjia might have a crazy personality, and the more he pulled it, the more tempered he became, so he let go and let him go!
Hua Fenjia left in a hurry, and the scene in the back monastery fell silent. Liu Jinduo hastily reported in a long and short way: "In the past three years, Chenmeng has also changed a lot, falling apart!"

"What? My Chenmeng also..., what about my fans? What about diehard fans?" Tang Chen still cares about fans very much, they are a group of friends who can communicate with each other.It is a group of friends who love and support Tang Chen very much.In Tang Chen's mind, they are a group of friends with great status.

"Under the leadership of Ye Kang, our soft-text team has deliberately guided you. It has been hacking you for three years and weakening your influence. You... are now a past star...!" Liu Jinduo pondered for a moment, or Tell the truth.

"Among the public opinion, what is my current state?" Tang Chen valued two things the most in his life. One is love, no matter family, friendship, or love!They will never leave, and would rather die than die to defend!This is the driving force for Tang Chen's development!
Tang Chen believes that for a person, if everyone regards being related to him, whether as a relative, or as a friend, or even as a neighbor... it is the greatest honor in this life!Then this person is truly successful!Tang Chen firmly believed that only by becoming famous can more people get his protection!
The other thing is reputation, Tang Chen doesn't want his reputation to be tarnished even a little bit!Tang Chen believes that a reputation is like a bird's feathers to a person, and an unclean reputation is like a bird's feathers being damaged!Can't fly higher, fly farther!
Therefore, although Tang Chen has been in the entertainment circle, he is rare to keep his body clean, without any bad habits, and he has never even had any scandals.

The writer of Chenmeng, in order to highlight Tang Chen's noble character, specially fabricated a line of Tang Chen's quotations [not love for the purpose of marriage, but playing hooligans to deceive others].It was quite controversial at the time, causing media discussions for a long time.But these words were said by Tang Chen, combined with Tang Chen's usual way of dealing with people, the flies can be bitten seamlessly!Hypocrites can only give up in dismay.

"Tang Chen, you are currently absconding in fear of crime! You are missing! Six doors locked you through technical means, absconded to Siam through Jiulonggang, and then locked you through the vehicle space satellite positioning provided by the car rental company you contacted. He fled to the Golden Triangle! Then, he disappeared!"

(End of this chapter)

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