Shushan Wushen

Chapter 790 Beating Ye Kang Violently

Chapter 790 Beating Ye Kang Violently


Liu Jinduo saw all this through the crack of the door, opened the door and walked in, pushed open the windows of the villa one by one, releasing the smell of perfume, alcohol and tobacco in the house.Unobtrusively, he winked at Tang Chen.

Tang Chen sighed, he was really reluctant to read Tang Liang's thoughts and memories.My younger brother, whether good or bad, is always a relative!Reading out bad thoughts will only increase troubles in vain!Think of the younger brother in the best way, as before, cherish family affection, and fulfill the responsibilities and obligations of being an older brother to the best of your ability!

"Ye Kang! Stop!" Tang Chen's face instantly became extremely gloomy.

Ye Kang sneaked back to the side door of the villa, stared at Tang Chen vigilantly, and carefully unlocked the door with his hands.Has leaned out half of the body.

Ye Kang was startled by Tang Chen's sudden gaze, and the communicator in his right hand fell to the ground with a "slap!"Subconsciously pulled the doorknob with his left hand, clamping half of his body, "Aw!" Losing his balance, "Plop!" He fell to the ground in embarrassment.

"Puchi! Hahaha..."


The people in the room couldn't hold back their laughter.Ye Kang is a man with a sweet belly and a sword, and his reputation in the industry is not very good. Everyone is afraid, and they can't wait to see Ye Kang make an embarrassment.

Ye Kang became furious, jumped up, and roared angrily at the laughing starlets: "Smile, smile! It's so funny, isn't it? How dare you bark your teeth again? And you! You! You!" After pointing their fingers, it was not easy for the little stars to survive, and they knew what was good and bad, so they immediately fell silent.

Ye Kang, it's really not them, he has no money to provoke them!

Seeing Liwei's effect, Ye Kang immediately became arrogant, and scolded a few girls who had been in the entertainment industry: "You bastards, what are you? How dare you laugh at me, Ye Kang? You are not small! Courageous!" Fat, isn't it? Who gave you the courage?!..."

The beauties were frightened immediately, they had already paid too much with their lives that they could not bear!
Once all the efforts made are in vain, their life will be completely useless.

No longer possible.Back to the past!

Some things are lost, and they will never be there, and they are irreversible!The beauties cried in despair.

"Master Kang, I'm sorry! I was wrong!" A tall beauty with long eyelashes and big eyes obediently admitted her mistake.Walking up to Ye Kang, bowed deeply, and stretched out his hand to hold Ye Kang's arm.

Ye Kang rolled his eyes and tilted his shoulders. "Slap!" Raising his hand was a slap in the face!The attack was quite heavy, half of the face of the tall and slender beauty swelled instantly, and the corners of her mouth were bloodshot, but she didn't dare to snort, instead she said humblely: "Thank you, Master Kang, for educating me!"

Ye Kang snorted recklessly, looked down at the tall beauty triumphantly, and said arrogantly: "You are wise! I forgive you this time! Next time you dare to be embarrassed, I will let you go to sleep with them!"

The tall slender beauty didn't know whether it was from the pain or the fright, she trembled all over her body, Nuonuo repeated: "Don't dare next time!...Don't dare next time!..."

"You are so awesome! Pay back Lord Kang?" Tang Chen couldn't stand it any longer, and gently passed a trace of spiritual energy, and Tang Liang fell asleep.When an older brother loves a younger brother, some things are not suitable for children.

Tang Chen gently placed Tang Liang on the sofa without turning his head, "Come and talk, talk!" Ye Kang uncontrollably said, "Swoosh!" and flew into Tang Chen's hand.

"Clang! Clang! Clang!" Tang Chen didn't use his spiritual energy, but only with his half-formed physical strength, he grabbed Ye Kang's skirt, and there were three big mouths!Ye Kang was beaten to pieces instantly, and the corners of his eyes and mouth were bloody.

"Be gentle! Don't kill him, you won't hurt this guy!" Liu Jinduo hurriedly stopped Tang Chen.

"I know the seriousness! You can't die!" Tang Chen gave Liu Jinduo a dissatisfied look.Ye Kang cast a grateful look at Liu Jinduo.

"I can't die! I'm afraid that if you kill him, you will have to waste your energy to save such a thing! It's not worth it!" Liu Jinduo didn't give Ye Kang any face, and mercilessly told the reason to his face.

Ye Kang almost lost his temper in anger, this Liu Jin was too talkative, he didn't care about his fellowship and offered to help!But just now, the scene where his body flew towards Tang Chen strangely out of control, Ye Kang was terrified and felt Tang Chen's terror!This terrifying and weird method was never possessed by Tang Chen in the past!
Ye Kang felt that his life was out of control, so he acted wisely and threatened Tang Chen: "Tang Chen, don't be complacent! I have already sent a short message to Director Ding Yin of the Headhunting Office! The receipt has come! Don't forget! You killed Man! You are a wanted criminal! Director Ding Yin and I are old classmates, let me mediate, you still have a way to survive! Otherwise..."

"Crack!" Tang Chen waved his hand and another big slap in the face!

Then, he grabbed the top of Ye Kang's head with one hand, lifted it high, and pointed at the hardwood armrest of the sofa, "Crack!" and smashed it down!

Both of Ye Kang's legs were fractured at the same time, rippling in front of Ye Kang at an unbelievable angle, and Ye Kang was considered a man, sweating like a bean, "Peng~~Peng~~Peng!" fell on the carpet superior.

"Oh! Tang Chen, you are not human!..."

His face turned pale from the pain, but he didn't pass out!
Liu Jinduo shook his head distressedly: "Ah! What a waste of spiritual energy! Breaking his legs, but not letting Ye Kang's internal organs be damaged, the strength can't be so precise, Tang Chen, you should have spent a little spiritual energy , protective measures have been taken.”

Tang Chen curled his lips, and said to Liu Jinduo: "Spiritual energy is still used for such a small trick? It seems that you can't do it now! Oh? You are still sealed by nature! No wonder!..." Tang Chen finally woke up to this Fans of the former rudder master, the intention of the former boss, waved and ran the "Spell of Good Fortune" to break Liu Jinduo's soul shackles and physical shackles!
Liu Jinduo suddenly felt a burst of relaxation in his body, his soul was clear, his red hair was fluttering, and his hair was thick and thin!Cultivation recovers at a speed visible to the naked eye, innate, acquired, [-]st level of condensed gas... the early stage of the [-]th level of condensed gas, the middle stage of the [-]th level of condensed gas, the late stage of the [-]th level of condensed gas... the elementary level of foundation building... the peak of [-]rd level of foundation building!
"Huh?" Liu Jinduo's realm stopped at the peak of the third-rank foundation establishment, and he could barely touch the barrier of the third-rank foundation establishment Dzogchen, so he stopped!Liu Jinduo is so shrewd!Feeling Tang Chen's realm, the peak of the ninth level of the Martial King, Dzogchen, the quasi-Martial Emperor!Can't help shaking his head and smiling bitterly, this Tang Chen has a strong desire to control!
The starlets and beauties in the room saw Tang Chen talking and laughing happily, and his attacks were ruthless.Behaving strangely and incomprehensibly.As a result, they were all terrified, their faces ashen, for fear of offending Tang Chen, the evil star.Don't dare to let out the atmosphere, keep silent like a cicada!

Suddenly!Six-door Tang Xiaoshao, an iron-blooded policeman armed with a lotus-shaped gun, broke into the living room of the villa.

(End of this chapter)

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