Shushan Wushen

Chapter 795 The routine of the chief envoy

Chapter 795 The routine of the chief envoy

{Shooting at the top of the list of internal strength, this month's crazy explosion! ! !Rewards and monthly tickets, all kinds of requests! ! ! }


Li Jiancheng exchanged a few words with Tang Chen, then signaled the croupier to deal the cards, and the game began!

Stud, the scientific name FiveCardStud, is the arrangement and combination of five cards, the number of points and the size of the suit determine the outcome.At the beginning of the game, each of the four players including Tang Chen was dealt a hole card, which was a hidden card and not revealed.Tang Chen looked around and couldn't help shaking his head. According to the order in the card box, after five cards per person, Li Jiancheng's cards will be the largest, four cards!

Reading Li Jiancheng's thinking, Tang Chen found that Li Jiancheng was simply studying with the prince, and had no intention of fighting. Tang Chen recalculated the order, and the proud and noble Zhu Bu envoy will have the biggest card. Shun!And Tang Chen's biggest is just a black heart Q.

Soon when the second card will be distributed, Li Jiancheng will be the one with the highest card. Li Jiancheng's hidden card is a 3 of clubs, but the bright card is the Ace of Hearts. Li Jiancheng will decide the bet amount, and others have the right to choose note", "raise" or "abandon".

"I met an AS! My hole card is too low, so I gave up!" In fact, the other three suits will come one after another, but Li Jiancheng, with no ambitions and no knowledge, just wants to be safe, so he gave up!

Then the prefect spoke. The prefect Wang's cards were not big, but the hidden card was a jack of clubs and a jack of hearts.

Zhu Buzheng rubbed his hands with a smile, without showing any signs of expression. The hidden card of Zhu Buzheng was an 8 of diamonds, and the face was a J of clubs. The card is Straight Flush, which has a certain room for imagination.However, Zhu Bu's envoy planned to evacuate Tang Chen together with Wang Zhifu.It was the so-called frightening off Tang Chen.

"Xiao Wang! Your bricks are too small! How can you attract jade? Hahaha! You have to have fun! Fifty thousand pounds!" After finishing speaking, he counted out a stack of large chips, and boom!Just throw it in the middle of the table.

Tang Chen smiled slightly: "It seems that Boss Zhu is full of confidence! The grass jack is only [-] pounds, is it possible to return the grass flush? I'll cooperate with you! [-] pounds with you! [-] pounds more than you!"

Crash!Li Yiqi helped Tang Chen release one hundred thousand pounds.

The beautiful croupier dealt out the third card.This round of Tang Chen's card is the biggest, Black Heart Q is also the biggest card among all the cards that Tang Chen got in order!Tang Chen neatly covered the hidden cards with the black 10 of the second card and the black Q of the third card, grinned at the corner of his mouth, and said with a smile: "I tried my luck on the slot machine just now, and I exploded twice in one breath! It seems that I Really lucky today!..."

"...20 pounds!"

"Hiss!" The magistrate Wang felt a little troubled, and couldn't help but look up at the envoy Zhu Bu.Zhu Buzheng raised his eyebrows in disdain.Sit up straight.Wang Zhifu has a clue in his heart.I would rather lose money than lose momentum!Losing momentum is a shame!This is the earnest teaching of Zhu Buzheng.

Raising his hand to signal, "Follow!" The goddess of luck next to Wang Zhifu looked eighteen or nineteen years old, with a pure appearance, Tang Chen looked familiar, and after a little thought, she was actually one of the group of beauties in the villa that day.Can't help reading her memory curiously, the beauty was praying in her heart: "Don't remember me, Tang Chen! Don't remember me, Tang Chen! I didn't wear clothes that day, and I put on heavy makeup, he didn't see clearly! He didn't see clearly!..."

Tang Chen couldn't help smiling!

Political envoy Zhu was really extraordinary, and envoy Zhu said to the goddess of luck beside him, "50 pounds! Let's play, and play it more refreshingly!"

Tang Chen only had 20 pounds left in chips, which was not enough to call on the fourth round.This is also the wishful thinking of the political envoy Zhu Bu!
Soon, next, the croupier distributed the cards for the fourth round!

Since Li Jiancheng withdrew in the first round, the fourth card dealt to Wang Zhifu by the croupier was a 3 of hearts. Zhu Buzheng was dealt a Q of hearts in the fourth round, while Tang Chen was dealt a Q of hearts. Zhang Heixin J!
At this time, Zhu Bu's political envoy is the biggest on the card, and this round of Zhu Bu's political envoy speaks.When Zhu Buzheng saw that Tang Chen's overall cards were very neat, with a trend of a black-hearted straight flush, it was the black-hearted 10JQ!Add a second card, unsolicited raise, self-evident!It is very likely to become a straight!There is no trace of the black-hearted flower cards in each other's open cards, so Tang Chen has a great possibility to achieve a black-hearted Royal Flush!

Zhu Buzheng was an upright person, he could afford it, and he could let it go. Before Tang Chen could use methods to interfere with Zhu Buzheng's thinking and judgment, Zhu Buzheng had already pushed his hand and gave up! "Let Tang Chen get off to a good start! Hahaha!"

Before the five cards were distributed, each player turned over all the hole cards for comparison.Political envoy Zhu Bu gave up!Prefect Wang also breathed a sigh of relief. The prefecture-level city under his jurisdiction is economically underdeveloped, and well-known workshop owners can't bear to be exploited, so they rushed to other places to develop.As for the official square, it has been shut down and turned around a long time ago, and there are very few of them!So too much gambling money is not easy to deal with!

At this point, I finally gave up!

Tang Chen said in admiration: "Assess the time and the situation, don't drag your feet, you really are a master in the gambling world! It's just a pity that I have a royal flush!" After finishing speaking, he shook his head endlessly!

Envoy Zhu Bu and Prefect Wang exchanged glances, and then looked at Li Jiancheng. Li Jiancheng and Prefect Wang looked at Envoy Zhu Bu with admiration, "Boss Zhu, you are wise!"

"Boss Zhu, when you advance, you advance, when you retreat, you retreat, strategizing, the style of a general, the demeanor of a leader! Zhao Cheng admires it!"

"Where! Where! Mr. Jiancheng is polite!" Zhu Buzheng talked with eloquence! "Gambling, to put it bluntly, is probability! On the board, I saw even one of the black-hearted flower cards! I felt that there was a great probability in Tang Chen's hands! Hahaha, it really is as I expected!"

While talking and laughing, another round of Stud started to deal cards!

After a few games, Wang Zhifu and Zhu Buzheng met Khan!
"Damn it! Tang Chen's card, how can he play it so well?" Political envoy Zhu Bu unknowingly lost more than 2 million pounds to Tang Chen!Wang Zhifu also lost 4000 million pounds to Tang Chen, and even the conservative Li Jiancheng lost 3000 million pounds to Tang Chen without knowing it!Li Yiqi finally realized that something was wrong with Tang Chen!It's justifiable to be lucky once or twice, and kill again and again, the situation is like this!How could this be due to luck!
When Tang Chen encounters a good card, Zhu Buzheng and the others will definitely beat it to the end!Come back in defeat!Occasionally, Li Yiqi even saw clearly Tang Chen's hidden cards, which were obviously rubbish cards, but Zhu Buzheng and the others gave up inexplicably and made Tang Chen happy!

The cash brought by Zhu Buzheng was also lost.Reluctantly, I looked at the prefect Wang, the prefect Wang had limited gambling funds, and had already asked for help twice!Seeing Zhu Buzheng's earnest gaze, he gritted his teeth and dialed the third hotline.

"President Liu? I'm Wang Wei! I've read the document about your reconstruction of the Confucian Temple! The yamen at all levels of the prefecture, county, and road have discussed it, but there is a lot of resistance! ... Don't worry! I will help you Things are in communication!...You get me a silver note of [-] million pounds now! Let me clear up the relationship!...What? Not that much!? "

Prefect Wang hung up the phone neatly, his hair was messed up in anger!
"How can he run a commercial workshop? The poor don't even have [-] million pounds! Such a commercial workshop is not supported!" Zhu Buzheng angrily mentioned Wang Zhifu.

Prefect Wang felt uneasy when he lost face in front of his boss!Nono repeated.

(End of this chapter)

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