Shushan Wushen

Chapter 804 Youlong Good Fortune Fist

Chapter 804 Youlong Good Fortune Fist


Tang Chen nodded, restrained his expression, revealed his radiance, and said in an extremely ordinary tone: "Lin Bureau, although what you said is the truth! But it is because you are standing in the perspective of the Plane and Space Bureau, and you are from a high position! But you said that I am a small Writers, and more ordinary citizens outside the house, what can we do? If I hadn’t traveled through these three planes, I would still invite friends, eat, drink and have fun all day long, and live a happy life in a happy mood! Alas! Some Things, if you have more than enough heart but not enough strength, you can only do your best and let fate! It’s useless to think too much! Be yourself! Be a man and rely on yourself!”

"If people are helped by God, they must first help themselves! Since you are favored by the will of the universe, you should do your best! Your Chenmeng, your Tang Chen's huge social influence..." Liu Jinduo saw Tang Chen showing a negative attitude , can not help but panic.Try to encourage.

"The will of the universe cares for me? The will of the universe almost killed me just now!" Tang Chen was troubled by being struck by lightning. At this moment, Liu Jinduo was talking about the pain, Tang Chen was out of breath.Looking up to the sky, "Bah!"

The lingering thunder roared again.Tang Chen's expression changed in fright.Three lightning fireballs canceled out Tang Chen's all-out move, [Youlong Good Fortune Fist].If there were four lightning fireballs, it would be unavoidable to be overwhelmed!Tang Chen's body is strong, but he can't do it either!Thunder fire not only harms the body, but also mainly targets the soul!

"Tang Chen! If you can get one of the only ten artifacts in the Yanhuang Star Region, it shows that you have good luck! The extraterrestrial demons have been fighting endlessly for this!"

"Is this little black knife, or a divine weapon?" Tang Chen was skeptical.

"No matter how I look at it, I can't see where the god of Pluto is! From my point of view, this little broken knife, that is, Pluto, is a symbolic seal of a soldier. !" Tang Chen questioned Pluto's order.

"Low! You are ignorant!" Liu Jinduo deliberately showed contempt. "Every planet has an artifact! This is the common sense of the universe! What is the purpose of the extraterrestrial demons coming to the Yanhuang Star Field to take risks? One is the divine crystal inside the earth's crust, which is the heart of the star! The most important thing is the artifact. ! Divine crystals can be divided up, but artifacts can only be obtained by the strongest!"

"Hiss!..." Tang Chen didn't know much about the origin of the Star Wars, and even Tang Zhiyun didn't know much about it.There is no war for no reason in the world, and the perplexing mystery has been solved, and it suddenly becomes clear!
"The spatial coordinates of the Yanhuang Star Field were exposed, attracting the coveted powerhouses from outside the field. A great prophet deduced a wormhole, and the Zhenwu family sent their family children here to try it out! Among them, there are noble Tianjiao, who fell here. The family or clan The door sent strong people to find out the cause of death. When the strong people saw the rich planet, they had evil thoughts and accidents! In this way, the Yanhuang Star Field became a paradise for adventurers. How many grievances and hatreds were born here! Alas! Yanhuang The disaster of the star field pond!"

Unknowingly, Tang Chen has developed into a powerhouse in the Yanhuang Star Field.That's why Liu Jinduo told the secrets of the star field.Of course, in the future, when the star field war breaks out, with Tang Chen's status and status, his super combat power can also be known.Liu Jinduo said it earlier to build confidence in Tang Chen!
Liu Jinduo saw Tang Chen lost in thought and weighed gains and losses. Knowing that Tang Chen had finally listened, he breathed a sigh of relief, changed his tone, and said slowly: "Tang Chen! The jade seal you mentioned just now! In fact, Yanhuangxing's inheritance artifact is exactly Yuxi, and you should also know, Heshibi! The will of the universe was faked by the monk Li Si, and inscribed the supreme circle of refining tools on the rare treasures of heaven and earth and Heshibi! It became the seal of the mountains and rivers! However, Li Si's cultivation is limited, and he just refined it. I got a middle-grade artifact! Later, I traveled to the past and upgraded the Jade Seal Formation! The artifact on Yanhuang Star has been named since then; gold inlaid with jade! Top-grade artifact!..."

"You are Wang Mang?" Tang Chen couldn't help but ask with curiosity.Tang Chen studied history and found that Wang Mang's reforms were advanced in consciousness and had the shadow of contemporary people.

"No! Wang Mang is also your reader. I was chasing your book back then, and I met a book friend in the book review area. He worshiped Emperor Qin Wu, and I fulfilled his wish. Unfortunately, the spaceship broke down halfway! After repairing it , when the two of us rushed to that plane, the Qin Dynasty had been destroyed for hundreds of years!"

"Damn! It's a sad reminder! Ordinarily, your forest bureau has a good status, how could you send a broken ship there!" Liu Jinduo ignored Tang Chen's teasing, took a breath, grabbed Tang Chen's overnight tea on the table, Googooo!After taking two sips, he raised his hand to wipe his mouth, and said leisurely:

"My eyes were dark at the time, and I had no acquaintances. I simply indulged Wang Mang once, hehe! The task was finally completed! Not only did I supplement the original magic circle, but I also refined it into a piece of fine gold engraved with the runes of heaven and earth! Since then, Shanhe Sheji Yin has been called Jinxiangyu! Hehehe! Jinxiangyu is a top-grade ninth-grade artifact, and the Shuyue Pagoda of Uranus and Neptune’s trident are also top-grade sixth-grade! Hahaha, I am Li Xia It's a great achievement! So, I was elected as the director!"

Tang Chen saw that Liu Jinduo's excited face was greasy, and the more he talked, the more he got off topic, and he had an idea: "What level is my little black knife! Can you help me see, can I upgrade?" There was expectation in his eyes .

From being intoxicated, Liu Jinduo was pulled back to reality by Tang Chen. He took the little black knife, turned it over and over again, looked at it for a while, hesitated, shook his head, and handed it back to Tang Chen, "You Kongtong seal, I It’s true, there’s no way! The Pluto’s token upgrade is not the same as the gold inlaid jade! Gold inlaid jade, trident, heavenly king tower, vajra, puppet, water god, fire wing battle robe, all creatures and even the quasi-sacred artifact of the lunar star, Guanghan Palace They are all rare treasures of heaven and earth, engraved with a peerless magic circle, and seduce the power of heaven and earth. Your Pluto token is called Kongtong Seal, and it looks like a knife! Maybe it is a devouring artifact, maybe the more you kill, drink blood and devour souls, automatically Upgrade, growth artifact!"

"Oh!" Tang Chen was full of disappointment and unhappy.

Seeing that the chatter had broken up, Liu Jinduo secretly scolded himself for showing off, which aroused Tang Chen's covetousness.After thinking about it, he said: "Tang Chen, you never thought that the snow mastiff will destroy the world and devour the sky! It should not be just our Yanhuang Star Field that has disrupted the plane and confused time and space!"

"Huh?" Tang Chen's mind was quick, and he seemed to realize the key point again.

Seeing Liu Jindu attracted Tang Chen's attention, soothed his tone, and said eloquently: "Beyond the Yanhuang star field, there is a vast expanse, and there are countless planetary star fields, and even star field! As expected, they should all be covered by snow. The mastiff devoured it! We are probably in the belly of the snow mastiff now!"

(End of this chapter)

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