Shushan Wushen

Chapter 806 Pluto in the Underworld

Chapter 806 Pluto in the Underworld


Is this Pluto?Tang Chen felt that as long as he moved his mind, this body on Yanhuang Star would be teleported to that planet soon!Tang Chen was excited, his mood was turbulent, and his thoughts were circling: "Now, do you want to go over and have a look? I just don't know, can I come back? Parents are old, and they haven't married Tang Zhiyun yet. Tang Liang—doesn't matter so much , for Star Wars, the more strength, the more chances of winning! Go and have a look first!"

Pay attention to make up, suddenly!A discordant voice suddenly appeared: "Congratulations to Pluto! He is in charge of Kongtong Seal! Pluto is mighty, virtuous, great, holy, great, broad, benevolent, and loving..."

"Who are you? Flattering!" Tang Chen withdrew his mood, staring at Yasha who appeared out of nowhere in front of him with extreme dissatisfaction.

The yaksha was born extremely ugly, with a green face and fangs, a triangular head, and towering fleshy wings on both sides!Tang Chen squeezed the meat wings in an extremely unfriendly manner, carried Yaksha to the desk, and sat down on the boss chair by himself.This way the line of sight is parallel, which facilitates communication.

Yasha, who was less than one foot tall, grinned his teeth in pain, but did not dare to yell, and bowed respectfully and deeply: "Master Pluto, the master of the stars, is the god of the token of Pluto!"

With a smile on the corner of Tang Chen's mouth, his eyes widened, and he asked, "Your name is Kongtong Yin? The god of return? God?"

Kongtong Yin replied respectfully: "My lord Pluto, I don't have a godhead, I'm not a god! Divine weapons have weapon gods, just like spiritual weapons have weapon spirits! They're all the same! Before the humble job was chosen as a tool god, it was Tu Patriarch of the Long Clan, a single name is printed!"

Tang Chen suddenly realized, and said casually: "Oh~, so it's like this! I thought this little black knife was a dragon-slaying knife!"

Kongtong Yin smiled and said: "It's just as it sounds! Misunderstanding! Misunderstanding! I'm ashamed to say it! It is for this reason that I violated its taboo by killing the evil dragon of the former Pluto, and threw it into the chaotic void. It took countless twists and turns to escape back to the Yanhuang Star Field!"

Kongtongyin sighed infinitely, curled his lips aggrieved, seeing Tang Chen's indifference, explained: "The humble job was originally a billion feet tall, but unfortunately the [Demon Killing Plane] fell, the humble job tried to save the star master's life, and the humble job lost [-]% of the good fortune , fled to the [Ultimate Plane]! Unexpectedly, countless ghosts descended from the sky and died in the [Demon Killing Plane], and they were all extremely fierce! The evil spirit was shocking! Especially a dragon that claimed to be Master Guigu was even more ferocious. Violence! Tore the star master alive..."

"What? Ghost Valley? What kind of dragon? Purple and gold?" Tang Chen was full of surprises!Tears welled up in his eyes, he grabbed Kongtong Yin's two fleshy wings and held them in front of him, panting excitedly, making Kongtong Yin like swinging on a swing!
"Aw! Aw! It hurts!" Kongtong Yin could no longer maintain his reserved etiquette, and tears came down from the pain!Once a giant of a billion feet, now being ruthlessly trampled by Tang Chen, who is less than two meters tall, I feel so wronged!
How could Tang Chen care about these things? He grabbed Kongtong Yin's waist with one hand, and asked sharply: "Quickly tell me! What are the characteristics of that Ghost Valley?"

Kongtong Yin was filled with grief and indignation, and couldn't help but move his mind. He hinted to Tang Chen how powerful he was once, and said with a pun: "That evil dragon, I have fought against him! The purple-gold dragon scales seem to belong to the Dragon Emperor Ao's family. A Tianjiao of the same line, with superb supernatural powers, but misconduct, despicable, shameless, and dirty! He is a hooligan!..."

Tang Chen smiled, with tears in his smile.

"... On the day of the fight, the humble officer accidentally grabbed his horn! Unexpectedly, he who had the upper hand immediately gave in and pleaded bitterly, not to wipe off the writing on the horn!..."

"What handwriting?" Tang Chen asked casually.

"I didn't see it clearly. After letting go, the handwriting became blurred!..."

"Damn it! You are so wicked!" Tang Chen was furious, and with a big blow, he sent the Kongtong seal fan flying, "Boom!" He slammed into the wall fiercely.Green blood flowed from the corner of Kongtong Yin's mouth.If you don't know, go inside!Tang Chen jumped up, and kicked hard at the unknown Kongtong seal. "I'm calling you handicap! I'm calling you handicapping! You don't slap people in the face, and you don't grab horns when you beat dragons! Don't you understand? I won't teach you, you really don't understand the rules! Calling you handicap! Calling you handicapping!"

"Aw~Aw~Aw~Aw~!" Kongtong Yin was writhing in pain, not knowing how he provoked this tyrant!Which part of the inverse scale of this new star master was touched!

"Let's go! Go to Pluto!" Tang Chen was so impatient that he picked up the dying Kongtong seal.Taking a few steps back, he stuffed the small black knife on the table into the storage ring.

Kongtong Yin was bleeding from his nose and mouth, dripping on the ground, and said weakly: "I can't go back now! Lord Star Master..."

Tang Chen was furious, threw the Kongtong Seal on the ground, kicked it away, "Why can't you go back? If you don't go back, I'll go back by myself! You trash!" After speaking, communicate with the Pluto token.Suddenly!The dying Kongtong Yin on the ground sizzled and white smoke came out!Kongtong Yin showed a bitter smile, it turned out to be despair!

Tang Chen stopped calling, and the white smoke disappeared as expected!Tang Chen knew something was different, and asked, "What's going on? Tell me!"

Kongtong Yin's body glowed with white light, and his dark blue skin became dimmed!It looks much more pleasing to the eye! "Master! This may be the last time I call you this! I have run out of gas! Master Star Master, the Pluto you saw just now was communicated by the last sliver of the power of nature! Seeing that you have activated the teleportation, I have no choice but to speak It was interrupted!...cough cough cough..."

Tang Chen secretly scolded himself for being reckless, not being considerate, and hastily bent down to hold Kongtong Yin in his hands. Tears welled up in Kongtong Yin's eyes: "Thank you, master! To die in the hands of the master is also a great fortune for the humble Kongtong Yin." ! The cosmic space coordinates of the lineage of the low-ranking Tulong clan are..., I implore the master, take care of it in the future!"

Tang Chen placed Kongtong Yin on the sofa, and Kongtong Yin's body shrank at a speed visible to the naked eye...

"Then how can I save you? I have a pill!"

"The humble job is the body of good fortune, and the power of non-medicine stones can be used! Pluto, there is a good fortune pool in the hall of Pluto! The humble job can only regain vitality by bathing in good fortune and attracting the power of good fortune into the body! Yanhuang is 50 billion kilometers away from Pluto! In the middle There is endless void! Yanhuangxing's current technological means..."

Tang Chen calculated slightly, and asked: "Can you hold on for three days! It will take three days at the fastest for me to reach Pluto in a mecha! I must save you, you have to be clear! I'm just beating you! And It’s not murdering you! I beat you only when I treated you as a partner! You have to understand this point!”

(End of this chapter)

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