Shushan Wushen

Chapter 809 One point is not gentle

Chapter 809 Not gentle at all


Ye Mengrou's face turned red. Fortunately, this is not in the Hunting God Starfield. The Yanhuang Starfield is just a low-level trial starfield.In the world of true martial arts, the weak will prey on the strong!Respect strength!Naturally, it should not cause any psychological burden!After finding his psychological balance, he glared at Tang Chen: "This is my plan! The one who attacks the enemy must be saved! At the beginning of your true martial arts, no one taught you the theory of martial arts? Bump!"

"You! You! You! Utter words!" When did Tang Chen get robbed like this?But for some reason, Tang Chen just couldn't bear the real killing intent towards Ye Mengrou!This is to make the combat power greatly discounted!Tang Chen even vaguely had a thought in his heart: "If you want to achieve supernatural powers, it makes sense to swing a knife from the palace!..."

Don't allow Tang Chen to think wildly, Ye Mengrou's soldiers have already exerted coercion, shaking out a martial skill, it is a big green net!Hit in the opposite direction overwhelmingly!

Tang Chen didn't have time to think about it, "Pang, bang, pang, bang~~" The mech brought out a series of sonic booms!Without hesitation, without hesitation, he got into the green spiritual power net!This is a restraint martial skill!Tang Chen has no way to crack it except throwing himself into the trap!

The green net is like a fashionable cloak, putting a fishnet outfit on the mecha! "You defeated me! I've been caught by you! I can't move anymore! Your 'scheme of the palace! Attack the enemy must be saved!' succeeded! It worked! Don't hurt mortals anymore!"

"Hmph! Do you want me to care? I won't listen to you!" Ye Mengrou waved the soldiers, and the green willow branches rushed in all directions in an instant...

Yang Zhenting just rushed to the scene, and saw that it was a real fighter and a mech fighting!Then look at the officers, soldiers, gendarmes and special arresters who surrounded the scene... I was shocked!Order quickly!
"Form a self-protection battle formation! Withdraw from the battle scene! Speed ​​up!!"

Today there is no weapon that can effectively restrain real warriors.Yang Zhenting understood; all the mortals who rushed up were sent to death in vain!In vain!
Seeing the green willow branches exuding the soul-devouring restraining power, they are about to approach the surrounding troops!The ones in the front are the reinforcement division and the sharp knife Huangle Pavilion!This is Tang Chen's hard work!Seeds of Star Wars!Tang Chen shouted hoarsely: "Kongtong Yin~ leave me alone! Hurry up and protect the surrounding officers and soldiers!"

"The humble job takes orders!" Kongtong Yin, as the god of weapons, is duty-bound to protect Tang Chen desperately!At the same time, Tang Chen, the owner of the Pluto Token, is also absolutely obedient!With Tang Chen's order, Kongtong Yin took the order and showed his supernatural powers!
Kongtong Yin's body instantly became bigger and thinner!Like a giant paratha!Suddenly!The tossing cake formed by Kongtong seal blocked all the soul-eating willow branches of Ye Mengrou!

Ye Mengrou snorted coldly, waved her hand and performed the same martial skill again!Soul Eater Willow!

The green willow branches are still swaying all over the sky!Exudes a green light!Energetic and full of greenery!But it's not the intention of spring, but the intention of killing!Ye Mengrou was a little angry, her spiritual power output was obviously increased by half a step!Regardless of the number of willow branches, the speed of willow branches has improved dramatically!
"Humble job!" Kongtong Yin couldn't extend his body to such a large area!The strong man broke his wrist, and the cake thrown in the sky was shattered!Pieces of black body turned into the appearance of Kongtong Yin Yasha!A small Kongtong seal hugs a willow branch!It actually dispelled Ye Mengrou's deadly martial skill again!

"Huh!" Kongtong Yin gathered the remnant body back, and found sadly that he had become a one-foot-tall dwarf again!Without waiting to complain, Ye Mengrou blatantly issued another level-up... Soul Eater Willow!

"Kongtong seal retreat! I'll do it!" Seeing that Kongtong seal had turned back into a dwarf, Tang Chen knew that this martial skill would do too much harm to Kongtong seal!At this moment, seeing Kongtong Yin splitting his body again without hesitation, that is death!Tang Chen stopped talking in time!At this moment, the spiritual power that was imprisoned on Tang Chen's body was almost exhausted. "Boom!" Tang Chen struggled and finally broke free!

"Extraterritorial demon! I will die with you!" Tang Chen jumped out of the cockpit of the mecha, holding the main [source], deputy [source] and spare [source] of the mecha in his hand!With a wave of his hand, the three magic cars that Tang Zhiyun left for Tang Chen in the storage ring, "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" Suddenly appeared!
Swallow palm!
The three magic cars disintegrated together![Source] inlaid on the chassis, whoosh!Caught by Tang Chen!Tang Chen looked up at Ye Mengrou in the air, his eyes were bloodshot, and his voice was hoarse: "You extraterrestrial demon, you are too deceitful! I, Tang Chen, will die with you!"

Ye Mengrou revealed an even more contemptuous look, and said sarcastically: "This palace has suffered two destructions in the Yanhuang Star Field! Witnessed two catastrophes! So far, this palace and my disciples of Ye Meng's family are safe and sound! A few [source] of yours are still alive." Want to hurt me? A joke!"

Tang Chen jumped out from the cockpit of the mecha, causing riots among the officers and soldiers who were leaving the war zone!

"Tang Chen! It's actually Tang Chen!"

"It really is the captain! Our nine-member team, don't abandon it! Don't guard against abandonment..."

"Tang Chen! My idol Tang Chen!"

"It's our Pavilion Master! Our tyrant! We can't go!"

"Yes! We entrust our backs to you, we live and die together! You can't leave the pavilion master behind!"

Strengthening the division, especially the special training teams of the Sword Emperor Le Pavilion, Tang Chen devoted his heart and soul to the special training!Every one of them is familiar with Tang Chen!At this moment, instead of leaving the battlefield, he ran forward to protect Tang Chen layer by layer!
"Devil head! You dare to hurt our pavilion master! I will fight you hard!" Li Jiaojiao raised her fist!Viciously arrest the head and sue! "And me! I'm amazing!" Wen Ruyu bent her slender arms, showing strength!

"Puchi!" Ye Mengrou was amused!Ye Mengrou completely crushed Tang Chen with her strength!Take control of the whole situation!They didn't pay attention to the people on the ground at all.

"Okay! Alright! Humble natives! Tell your pavilion master to hand over my people! Let it go! I won't embarrass you! You don't have to be killed!"

Tang Chen thought secretly; Ye Mengrou survived the catastrophe of annihilation, and she is safe and sound!After several fights, he was completely crushed!The fighting consciousness is not as rich as Ye Mengrou!The way of fighting is not as brilliant as Ye Mengrou!Magic weapon, realm, cultivation base, martial skill...

A deep sense of frustration rose in Tang Chen's heart!shame!shame!Still a shame!The palm of Tang Chen's clenched hands, because of the force, caused the slightly sharp nails to penetrate deeply into the palm, bringing waves of heart-piercing pain...

"What are you dawdling about? Let go of my clansmen quickly! Do you want to arrest your subordinates if you force me! Do you want to exchange hostages?" Ye Mengrou showed dissatisfaction!Threats!

Tang Chen came back to his senses, showed a sour and wry smile, and said coldly and disheartened: "Don't arrest my subordinates! I'll just return your clansmen to you! But, you have to do what you say! Leave the Yanhuang Starfield immediately!" After Tang Chen finished speaking, he chanted the Dragon Clan incantation, and Tang Chen released a large number of black beetles in Longyin Space one by one...

(End of this chapter)

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