Shushan Wushen

Chapter 811 Chivalry is still alive

Chapter 811 Chivalry is still alive


Tang Batian is her father-in-law!The hunting god dominates the Dragon King!Ye Mengrou hastily bowed to pay homage, saying: "Ye Mengrou sees Father!"

"Free from courtesy! Go see your Tang Chen!" Tang Batian's majesty remained undiminished, and his eyes turned to Tang Chen!
At this moment, being reminded by the Dragon King, Ye Mengrou was so embarrassed that she crossed the endless star field to find her husband, but she didn't know her face, and almost killed her!

An unbelievably glamorous face, with an uncontrollable blush, pear blossoms with rain!Affectionate money, Yingying bows!At this time, Ye Mengrou, Princess of Shushan, couldn't stop crying.Pat clap clack!Falling on the ground, the voice trembled with excitement: "My lord! Your Rou'er crossed the endless star field and searched for you for so many lifetimes! You know, I have already been exhausted physically and mentally! I finally got to see the lord today. How many times have I been born and died! Even if I die now, I will have no regrets!..."

Before she finished speaking, Ye Mengrou was already sobbing, she took two quick steps and spread her arms on Tang Chen's body, crying loudly!Waving his pink fist, he beat Tang Chen's shoulders constantly.Crying and blaming, "It's been so long! It's been so long! Don't you want our Ye Meng family? Don't you want your Rouer? Don't you like Rouer's beauty? My lord, I miss you so much, lord You are so heartless..."

For a moment, Tang Chen felt a huge wave in his heart!What to do!Let Ye Mengrou cry wantonly with an expressionless face!Quickly calculate, measure, analyze and judge in your mind!Try to find a flaw in it!On the one hand is Tang Batian who loves father and son for three generations!On the one hand, it is the leader of the Space Bureau who has experienced three calamities together! ……all of these!incredible!Difficult to choose!Who should I choose to trust?What kind of trick is this?
Tang Chen narrowed his eyes suddenly, released his consciousness, and observed Liu Jinduo.

And Liu Jinduo opened his mouth indifferently, with a dark and awe-inspiring expression, and plausibly told Tang Batian: "Tang Chen is no longer your King Ye Meng! He is a native of Yanhuang Star, recognized by the will of the universe in our Yanhuang Star Region! Don't waste your time!" You are scheming! Please Ye Meng family and Orion royal family leave the Yanhuang star field immediately! Otherwise, don’t blame us for being rude!”

"What? Not anymore? Not anymore? So once...? Does it mean that I really have a relationship with the devil?" Tang Chen was startled, confused.From this point of view, what is discussed now is not false, but... very strange!
Tang Batian snorted lightly, and said indifferently: "The cosmic will of the eighth-level planetary cultivation in the Yanhuang Star Region! It's just an ant! If there is no Chaos God Crystal, in the vast galaxy universe, I wouldn't even bother to pay attention to it! As the overlord of the Milky Way , come here to experience Emperor Zhun, that is to think highly of you! Ignorant natives! To speak wildly, are you not afraid that I will destroy you who have not completed the structure of the universe with a wave of my hand..."

Liu Jinduo smiled contemptuously, and teased: "Destroy the structure of the universe? You have done it before to crush Yanhuangxing! Do you still think I don't know? Reel!... You still can't get the Chaos God Crystal!"

Tang Batian blushed, pointed at Liu Jinduo, and stammered: "You! You, you, you! How do you know?"

Liu Jinduo showed a sarcasm in his eyes, and said bluntly: "I also know that you made a disgraceful face, and the spirit of the Chaos God Crystal blew up and wiped out your cultivation base! How many percent has it recovered now?"

"...Hmph!" Tang Batian rolled his eyes, snorted coldly, and shut up.

"Don't brag! If you want to have the ability to get the Chaos Crystal, you've already done it! How about secretly absorbing luck, pretending to be a native of Yanhuang Star, and sneaking into the Earth River? Just now you sneaked to fool the God Crystal Spirit, don't think..." Liu Jinduo confronted Tang Batian unceremoniously!Rebuke Tang Batian!Condemn Tang Batian's actions!

Tang Batian became angry with embarrassment, and furious: "So it's you again! Time and time again! Repeatedly sabotage my good deeds! It's unreasonable! I won't let you go! I'm so mad!" Luck doesn't come easily!Through reincarnation, Tang Batian stole the official luck of the Dragon Blood Immortal God of War family!I have also absorbed wealth through business!This life even attracts good luck in the casino!

It's a pity that every time, Liu Jinduo secretly obstructed Tang Batian and returned without success!

"With Chaos God Crystal, my Yanhuang Star is the center of the universe! The vastness is immortal, and my Yanhuang Star Field will last forever! Even if it is a star field, I have to respect my Yanhuang Star Field! Hahaha! Tang Batian! You send Orion Emperor Zhun Yemeng Wang Tangchen, stealing reincarnation back to my Yanhuang Starfield, has already been controlled by us! You still think you can do it? You laughed me to death! Hahaha!" Liu Jinduo ruthlessly taunted Tang Batian.The angry Tang Batian's face was ashen, he is useless!

conspiracy!This is a conspiracy!There was a flash of inspiration in Tang Chen's mind, and he suddenly realized!As an extraterrestrial soul, there is no record of reincarnation!Inquire about Pluto, you will know instantly!If there is no record of the soul imprint, it must be a black household!That must be an extraterrestrial demon!
Tang Chen got the token of Pluto to control Pluto, and Tang Chen's understanding of reincarnation in the Yanhuang star field is even higher than that of Liu Jinduo!After all, Liu Jinduo is just a pony authorized by the consciousness of the universe!And Tang Chen is the absolute ruler of Pluto.The status is different, and the secrets to know are also different!

The reincarnation of Yanhuang Star Field is exactly Pluto!Out of good fortune, into reincarnation, reincarnation... must be truthfully registered, recorded in detail, and registered in the book!The moment Tang Chen became the master of Pluto Order, the master of Pluto, he had mastered everything!

At this moment, Tang Chen's spiritual consciousness communicated with the Pluto reincarnation management system, and checked it quickly, sure enough!There is no soul imprint of this person in the system!And the imprint of Tang Chen's own soul was also automatically added by the newcomers!It belongs to the highest authority, and only Tang Chen himself has the inquiry authority! "Damn! I've been around for so many lives, so it turns out that I'm a senior gangster!"

"That's it! It seems that we have gone through many calamities, but we still haven't been recognized! Forget it! Forget it! Ye Meng! Ye Mengrou! The opportunity in this Yanhuang Star Realm does not belong to the Hunting God! The trial is cancelled! Follow me back to the Hunting God Star Realm Let's go!" Tang Batian waved his hand and tore open a void passage, and stepped in.

Ye Mengrou commanded the children of Ye Meng's family to step into the passage one by one. Seeing that Tang Chen was motionless, he had no intention of leaving.Tan held Tang Chen's arm and shook it gently, "The prince seems to be nostalgic! He can come with all the people in the future! At this moment, Rou'er respectfully invites the prince to drive!"

Tang Chen gently pulled Ye Mengrou's hand away.Looking up at Tang batian.He said loudly: "I'm sorry! Although you and my father and son love each other, I really don't have any memory of the Godhunting Starfield! Forgive me, I can't accept the Hunting God Starfield! Sorry! I can't leave the Yanhuang Starfield!"

Tang Batian narrowed his eyes suddenly, shot out a ray of light, looked at Tang Chen in disbelief, and said without doubt: "At the beginning, I was afraid that you would show your feet, so I personally erased your memory with my own hands! As a royal family, the hunting god Above the star field is the Ye Meng family that you founded by yourself! This matter is too big for you to decide on your own! The entire hunting god star field will soon be under the control of you, King Ye Meng! Don't say too much, follow me back to accept the rule ! I want to abdicate, and travel through the endless chaos to find the great opportunity! Don't mistake me!"

Ye Mengrou climbed onto Tang Chen's arm again, shook it lightly, and persuaded: "My lord! Follow father's will, go back! Okay? Don't you like Rou'er anymore?" Tang Chen glanced at Ye Mengroumei Gorgeous face, not greedy!Throwing away Ye Mengrou's soft catkins, she showed firm eyes, and said righteously: "Since I was born and raised here, I will protect the Yanhuang Star Region! The Yanhuang Star Region is surrounded by powerful enemies at this moment, I can't ignore it! Sorry! !"

Liu Jinduo's facial expression betrayed his inner tension and apprehension.At this moment, I heard Tang Chen's clear statement.A huge stone in my heart fell to the ground, and finally heaved a sigh of relief, with a relaxed expression, stepped forward, laughed loudly, put his arms around Tang Chen's neck, and said affectionately: "Good job Tang Chen! I saw you right! I will take you through Third generation, you have gone through trials and tribulations! You have increased your knowledge and experience, I hope you can write better works, and you will be conferred Platinum as soon as possible, and you will be ranked supreme!"

(End of this chapter)

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