Shushan Wushen

Chapter 820: Don't Forget the National Humiliation!Anger more chapters! 【Shushan Martial God·Zi

Chapter 820: Don't Forget the National Humiliation!Ten more chapters of anger! 【Shushan Martial God·Zijin Xingchen Works】


"Plant life?" Tang Chen said to himself.Ye Mengrou sent a sound transmission with her spiritual sense, "The rank of Moss is not low, and in the future, I will attack the city and conquer the territory, and work as a secret agent for Ye Meng's army..."

"What are you thinking? A robber!" Tang Chen didn't know whether to laugh or cry.Ye Mengrou's beautiful eyes discharge angrily, rolling her eyes!

"Rou'er is a bandit in the first place! Let it go!" Ye Meng, Rou Xing's background was stolen, and with the eyes of Dharma, she tried to take it for herself.occupational disease!

"Thank you Aoki, Tang Chen is summoned..." Liu Jinduo respectfully bowed to the city wall, before finishing his sentence.The moss rises to form a mist, which condenses into the appearance of a female official.Liu Jinduo was interrupted. "The spirit of Chaos God Crystal, just now in order to maintain the stability of the earth and river, he exhausted his boundless mana and went to Chaos God Crystal to restore his cultivation! Farewell message, Tang Chen, Liu Jinduo, you go to the Mantle Palace!"

"Thank you Aoki! Aoki is more handsome than before!" Liu Jinduo obviously knew Aoki well, so he complimented him cautiously.Turn around and leave with Tang Chen.There was a smile on the corner of Aoki's mouth behind him: "Liu Jindobi can talk now! Tell the truth! Giggle~~~ But——"

"You three, stop!" Aoki stopped suddenly, and the three turned their heads in unison.Liu Jinduo still bowed respectfully with strange fire on his face: "What advice does Aoki have?"

"You and Tang Chen can go to the mantle palace! This girl, I want it!" Aoki waved his hand casually, as if to drive Liu Jinduo and Tang Chen away.Staring at Ye Mengrou with burning eyes!
"What?" The three of them were shocked, and went in without knowing.Tang Chen clasped his fists together, and said neither humble nor overbearing: "Going to the mantle, the danger is unknown! The three of us rely on each other, and the previous encounter was thanks to my girlfriend! Please be accommodating!"

"Accommodating? Do you still have to? Keep this girl! I want her to have such a beautiful face!" Aoki frowned unquestionably, and became impatient with confidence!
Tang Chen and Ye Mengrou looked at each other, their hearts suddenly awakened, and Liu Jinduo was furious! "What? Aoki! What are you talking about? I thought it was Ye Mengrou's identity, and it was inconvenient to see the spirit of Shenjing. It turns out that you want to steal the world and copy your appearance! This time is different from the past! The matter is important! Don't be willful!"

"Humble spirit envoy! How dare you speak to me in such a tone! I think you are tired of work!" Aoki Liu raised his brows upside down, and his body suddenly turned into a big one!Part of the moss on the city wall peeled off, and Aoki's breath of life became more intense!
The overwhelming green mist vaguely reveals a big mouth, opening it to devour it!

Liu Jinduo obviously attached great importance to General Ye Meng!Ye Mengjia instantly spread all over her body!It's as dark as ink!Shouting loudly: "I can't let you do whatever you want! I want to sue the spirit of Shenjing!" Ye Mengrou quickly moved closer to Tang Chen, and wrapped her arms around Tang Chen's waist.Wielding the Armguard Divine Halberd with one hand, the wind and rain are impenetrable, defeating the green mist!


Liu Jinduo was the first to bear the brunt, and Ye Mengjia was instantly covered with countless moss!Like a green tree!
"Come in!" Tang Chen waved, and Liu Jinduo turned into a green tree, whoosh!Timely income Wang Mian small world.The moss swallowed the vitality, and lost contact with Aoki after entering Ye Meng's Cave.The greenness gradually dissipated, becoming pale and dry!Lost life.Liu Jinduo was still in shock and narrowly escaped death!

"Ah~~~~You guys are weird!" Losing a sliver of divine consciousness, Aoki was injured, and the green mist formed quickly disintegrated!
"What about me? You treat human life like nothing! Kill Liu Jinduo too! Could it be that the spirit of Shenjing ordered you to do this?" Tang Chen spoke uprightly and shouted loudly!

Seeing that Tang Chen also brought out the spirit of the crystal, Aoki couldn't help but panic, and then he returned to normal, and reprimanded politely: "Tang Chen, you are a little first-rank and first-rank Martial Emperor, and you dare to be arrogant to me? You have a stubborn nature, you must beat me! Acting for the spirit of the god crystal is to give you a great opportunity..."

Tang Chen scoffed at Aoki's remarks! "Beating? Trial? Chance? Bullshit! Fudge! Just fudge! I don't know, is it because you have a problem with IQ? Or is your brain broken! What do you mean by targeting my girlfriend? She..."

Aoki sternly said: "She is your girlfriend! I can be regarded as Aiwujiwu! Ye Mengrou is so beautiful! Too good-looking, it is not good for you! Moreover, all beautiful women are proud! It is not easy to correct your mentality, self-reliant And proud! I destroyed her glamorous face, and let her return to normal! So that you will no longer indulge in beauty! Could it be? Don’t you appreciate my generosity? Where’s your understanding?”

Tang Chen laughed back angrily: "Hahaha! You want my girlfriend to become an ugly monster? Are you sick? You are enlightened! You are a big-headed ghost! Others are prettier than you, so you are not comfortable! ... Perverted !"

Aoki's face was gloomy, and the moss on the city wall behind him peeled off one after another, and Aoki's figure became more and more solid, "My seat is unpredictable! You, a humble ant, can't guess it! Dare to question this seat in person, arrogant and domineering! It is clearly the secular world. Scum..."

Before he finished speaking, he blatantly launched a sneak attack!
The overwhelming green mist condensed into a giant hand!Take it hard!

Whoosh!Ye Mengrou's divine halberd was shot flying!

Tang Chen ran the "Fate of Good Fortune", and his body stuck to the palm of the big green hand!Green mist is everywhere!Only the center of the palm is the safest!Aoki turned into a single hand, naturally there is nothing to do with the position of the opponent's palm!Switch between the palm and the fist several times, the fingers can't hurt Tang Chen half a point!Furious and furious!

"Cunning ants! Teasing me! How bold!" Raised his hand and slapped towards the ancient crystal city!

At the four corners of the ancient city, towering archery towers have withstood the force of the palm!The ancient crystal city wall trembled slightly, but Tang Chen was safe and sound!She waved her hand and made a cool palm, hugged Ye Mengrou, and stuck tightly to the lines of her palm.

Aoki was ordered to guard the Crystal Palace, but at this time Tang Chen restrained him strangely, and was furious!He actually turned off the protective formation, and waved his palm to take a picture!The Crystal Palace Formation protects the Crystal City Wall. Even if it is smashed into powder, the self-healing function will automatically start!Aoki intends to rely on the ground formation and the strength of his palms to attack Tang Chen completely!

Ye Mengrou's cultivation is not weak, but compared with Aoki, the difference is too far!Seeing that Tang Chen had the means to save his life, he didn't try to be brave.At this moment, seeing the formation of the ancient crystal city withdrawn, I am overjoyed! "Take the city into Ye Meng's Cave!"

Without hesitation, Tang Chen moved his consciousness!Whoosh!The huge crystal ancient city disappeared! "Crack!" The big green hand slapped the ground!The ground defense formation shakes for a while!The formation temporarily failed! "Receive the foundation!" Although Ye Mengrou and Tang Chen were both shocked.But Ye Mengrou's professionalism is still there!The real character of Interstellar Thieves!Don't change your original intention!

(End of this chapter)

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